Speed Is King

Chapter 338 Give us one

No Primal in the history of the known universe had ever had Prehistoric Grade Bloodline.

If they had to point at the method with the highest chance of powering up, then it would be first absorbing Prehistoric Grade Bloodline, then Primal Lilian’s.

Being a life form with a Spiritual Grade bloodline herself, she too was kept beyond the mysteries of Prehistoric Grade. Whatever unique power her Spiritual Grade blood could do, its effectiveness in helping them trigger their bloodline to upgrade into Prehistoric Grade was very low.

But as low as it was, it was incredibly precious to the Primals, as it represented hope and a possibility of success.

They were willing to part with huge swathes of their wealth for that very low chance.

After all, what is the value of wealth if they were looking at confirmed death in ten thousand years?

However at that very moment, another much more viable way of upgrading their bloodline to Prehistoric Grade had appeared.

Jessica and Jennifer.

Their Prehistoric Grade Bloodline would be the key in unlocking the mysteries of upgrading their own bloodline!

Slowly, every single Primal stood up and gazed coldly at the small cluster of Primals standing around Primal Alexander’s dome.

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“There are two of them. We won’t be greedy. Give us one.” Primal Baltang said to Primal Dul’Akharay even as his eyes glinted with undisguised greed.

“My Golden Dragon Empire will assure her safety. You know we have advanced research in achieving Primal Level at an accelerated pace. A Prehistoric Grade Bloodline being would do wonders to improve that research, and possibly even unlock a path towards Saint Level as well!

If you let us have her, I promise to make the method to achieve Saint Level public for all Primals.” Primal Golden Dragon Soul said magnanimously.

She was extremely shrewd indeed.

She had proposed a very “reasonable” method to give all Primals present the one thing they were all yearning with all their hearts! In doing so, she had effectively grouped every single Primal together and placed them on the opposite side of Primal Lilian and her coalition.

With one move, she had drawn the battle line, and divided all the Primals neatly into two groups.

“The two girls are Primal Lilian’s disciples. They are not items to be distributed.” Primal Dul’Akharat said mildly.

However, he released his immense aura and smothered the entire room with a deep sense of gloom.




Every single Primal standing against them unleashed their own auras as well.

Although they were not as strong as Primal Dul’Akharat individually, collectively they were multiple times stronger than him!



The Primals in Primal Dul’Akharat’s and Primal Lilian’s and Primal Alexander’s faction unleashed their own auras to resist the crushing pressure that was assaulting them.

But they were barely able to do so.

In total, they had twenty four Primals, including Primal Alexander and Primal Lilian who were within the dome.

So they were twenty two Primals standing against seventy five!

Although the twenty two Primals were a notch stronger than the remaining seventy five, it was a difference that would be noticeable only in one on one fights.

Against Primals more than three times their number, it would be a one-on-three fight. Their slightly higher individual strength would be absolutely negligible.

Should Primal Golden Dragon Soul decide to attack, it would be a tragedy for the known universe!

They would lose the strongest Primals of the known universe who would definitely go down fighting.

The ninety nine Primals would probably be left with less than forty after the battle was over.

But if the survivors could become Saints…

Primal Golden Dragon Soul smiled grimly.

It would be expensive, but worth it.

She gestured to the other Primals and they immediately got into position.

They had known each other for a long time, and they knew which Primals they were able to work with and which of the defending Primals were vulnerable to their attacks.

They gathered around the dome and got into groups of three to quickly take down their targets.

“After so many years, you all still underestimate my strength.” Primal Dul’Akharat said softly.

There was no trace of fear in his eyes, only a calm confidence in his own great strength, a reflection of his indomitable spirit that would never bow in face of any danger.

“Oh, I think I am done underestimating you. In fact, I am so wary of you that I did not hesitate to form a coalition of my own, whose main objective is to discover your secret to strength, and if the opportunity presents itself… to kill you!” Primal Golden Dragon Soul’s eyes widened in excitement as seven Primals from Primal Dul’Akharat’s faction suddenly launched ferocious attacks at him!

At the same time, fifteen other Primals from Primal Golden Dragon Soul’s faction also launched their space-related attacks which reached Primal Dul’Akharat instantly!

In total, twenty two Primals launched their full-strength attack on Primal Dul’Akharat!

And all of it without a Fateless Zone!

Powerful ripples of fate instantly appeared along the attack of the 22 Primals and caused the spacetime fabric of the area to destabilize.

To achieve a completely surprise attack on Primal Dul’Akharat, Primal Dragon Golden Soul would even risk breaking the strings of fate and causing a spacetime meltdown!

Thankfully she was still sane, and limited the sneak attack to 22 Primals. If she had made the entire coalition to attack Primal Dul’Akaharat, only God knows what would happen to them when all the strings of Fate in their location were cut.



Twenty two attacks landed on Primal Dul’Akharat, and space even cracked open in many places around him. Wild space energy streamed in from those spatial cracks and wreaked absolute havoc!



The wild space energy criss-crossed Primal Dul’Akarat’s location before fading away. But the remnant energy of the twenty two attacks weren’t fading away at all. They were mixing with each other, and unleashing even more small but highly intense explosions!

The explosions rang out nonstop as the remaining fourteen Primals in the coalition looked at Primal Dul’Akharat’s location in horror.

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