Speed Is King

Chapter 352 Mindless Chatter

Reconciling the grievance that was seared within the hearts of Elliot and his sisters was not going to be an easy task. It might be easier for his sisters, because they merely went through a month of apocalypse.

And if everything could be returned to the way they were, then they could, with difficulty, eventually accept that one month as a necessary price to pay for their super powers.

For Elliot though, it was much more difficult.

He had gone through thirteen painful months before that point, and the first twelve months had been complete hell.

Although his single mindedness towards gaining strength had allowed him to temporarily set aside his anger against the aliens who caused him and planet earth so much grievance, it was a temporary thing.

The roiling wrath in his heart had returned full force as soon as Jennifer had raised the topic.

Even after hearing the news that Chairman El’Taras was willing to bear the cost of executing a planet wide reverse time walk once more, he still felt extremely indignant over what had happened to Earth.

He needed more than a casual apology, more than promises of treasure as compensation.

Could his deep seated grievances be so easily set aside with just a bunch of shiny trinkets? Absolutely not!

Even though Chairman El’Taras had went through similar pain and hellish experiences, it did not justify his actions. Not at all.

“In fact, he should have known better! Instead of jumping the gun and committing genocide on a planetary scale, he should be thinking of ways to help instead!” Elliot’s righteous soul declared loudly.

“Bullshit. Life isn’t roses and wine. Why should he spend his strength saving a bunch of aliens he knew nothing about? What he did was realistic, and understandable.” Elliot’s realist soul retorted back.

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At that moment, however, before he could engage in more internal arguments, space around him began to crackle loudly for a moment.


Harold Sands stepped out of a portal with a frowning Jessica Sands in tow.

The entire room full of Primals was silent when that happened.

Harold Sands bowed before Saint Dul’Akharat and presented Jessica Sands.

“This is my granddaughter, Jessica Sands of the Sands of Time Void Walker clan, Saint Dul’Akharat.” Harold Sands said courteously.

“Old man, are you the one who- ouchie! Gramps! Stop pinching me!” Jessica Sands scowled at Harold Sands fiercely.

“Ahahaha! Forgive her impudence, Saint Dul’Akharat! As you know, foolishness is bound in the hearts of youth! Apparently it is bound a little bit more tightly in my granddaughter’s heart than usual! Hahaha!” Harold Sands laughed loudly at his own not so funny joke.

And even if he didn’t sense her strange power, he would still treat her extremely well, like the princess that she was for the simple reason that her string of fate was extremely intertwined with Elliot’s, and that it was the brightest, and most glorious string of fate he had ever seen in his entire life, more glorious and powerful than even his own.

She was like a Royal Queen among a bunch of strong but common blooded warriors, and he, the mere captain of that bunch.

If nothing happened to her, she was fated to dominate galaxies, or even entire Realms.

“As I said, are you the one who forced me out of my seclusion? I was on the verge of making a breakthrough in my design of the most delicious Chilly Pancake ever, and your untimely interruption caused me to lose my train of thought! If I can’t find my train of thought once more, how do you think you can compensate me, huh?” Jessica Sands said loudly with a very annoyed tone.

All the Primals almost choked on their salivas.

Did a little King level girl just scold a Saint for interrupting her out of her cooking experiment?? And an experiment making a disgusting sounding Chilly Pancake, no less?

Who in the entire universe would mourn if a Chilly Pancake recipe failed to form??

Pancakes taste better with ice cream! Or honey! Not chilli!!

However, Saint Dul’Akharat merely smiled at her.

“I apologize for the untimely interruption. But I do have an important request for you that would impact the safety of the universe. I am sure you know this young man here, Elliot Musk?” He said gently.

Jessica Sands turned to look Elliot in surprise.

“Elliot! What are you doing here?” Jessica asked as she immediately made her way to him.

“He brought me here to participate in a tournament of some sort. But I am guessing that the tournament is scrapped now that so much had happened?” Elliot chuckled and pointed at Primal Alexander, who merely shrugged in a nonchalant way.

“Big bro, who is the cute little girl? She isn’t your girlfriend isn’t she? She looks younger than us!” Jennifer whispered loudly to Elliot.

“Oh! I forgot to introduce you girls. Err Jess, Jen, meet Jessica Sands, uncle Harold’s granddaughter. She has been really helpful in helping me get stronger. Jessica, meet my twin sisters, Jessica and Jennifer.” Elliot said.

“Hi girls! Great to finally meet you!” Jessica Sands smiled widely at the two girls and immediately went over to shake their hands.

“Hi! Errrr… are you older than us?” Jessica asked carefully as she shook Jessica Sands’ hand.

“Age is relative. But in Void Walker terms, I should be at the stage right before maturity. I am guessing you two are at that stage as well?” Jessica Sands asked brightly.

“Ah yes! So we’re in the same age group? Awesome!” Jennifer said happily. “Thanks for helping out our bro!”

“Don’t worry about that. Your bro is really awesome! In fact, I think he might just be a genius! Do you know he actually helped me solve a problem that I was having in deciphering an old Chilly Pancake design?” Jessica Sands said excitedly as she began to chat with the twins and promptly forgot that she was in the middle of a conversation with Saint Dul’Akharat!

Primals: … …

Saint Dul’Akharat: … …

When had they, as leaders and overlords of their own respective Star Sectors, had ever been made to wait as three girls chatted and got to know each other?


“Damn you little girl! We are not here to listen to your mindless chatter!” A powerfully built Red Dragon Primal roared angrily!

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