Spy Mage System

Chapter 107

107 A Big Airport Problem

“The FBI,” he said, as I saw that FBI person, Agent Nelson and a group walking over the corner. “Oh shoot,” Malachi said as he stood up from his seat. “They found us!”

As soon as he stood up, everyone got up from their seats and began to rush towards the other side of the airport in fear of being caught, or shot at or something else like that. However, there were already so many people in the way that no one could move fast enough and people were getting hurt, pushed or shoved over by other people in their panic to get away from the FBI.

“FBI!” Agent Nelson shouted, as she looked around.

“Go, go go!” September shouted, as we moved with the crowd of people. However, it seemed that there were so many people that it wasn’t easy for us to get through the crowd, but it was even worse because we had to make sure not to get caught by Agent Nelson or her team.

But I’m afraid she did.

Because as we ran, I heard her footsteps at full pace, and she was shouting, “FBI! Don’t move!” “Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no,” Malachi worried as we booked it as fast as we could to try and get away from her.

I looked behind me, seeing her and her team rushing at us at full speed, which was terrifying because I didn’t know how long it would be until we got away from them. But luckily for us, they weren’t that good of a runner after all, and we soon gained some space from them and were able to stop running while they had yet to catch up to us yet.

As we all stood still, we could hear them yelling at us and swearing at us for stop.

Then all of a sudden, bullets came out of nowhere and pierced through the air as they shot through the crowd of people that were running around. Or at least that’s how it seemed, because when I looked down at Tisiah who was running next to me, his shirt was torn and covered in holes as if he were shot by one of those bullets.


“You okay?!” I shouted.

Tisiah nodded. “These people are crazy!”

Soon enough, I saw Agent Nelson piercing through the crowd. “Connor Drails!” she shouted. That’s when I knew, she was coming for me. “Meet us at the plane!” September shouted. “But run!”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I did, speeding my way through the scared crowd, as Agent Nelson kept coming towards me, and I heard more bullets firing behind me from where she was shooting at me. But I didn’t care because I just wanted to escape from here before she could catch up to me.

But I needed to get her off my tail somehow.

Maybe I could dodge her by ebbing myself to the left side and making a turn.

I did so and was surprised that Agent Nelson followed me through the crowd of people, even though they were running so fast that you couldn’t even see their faces anymore. They were more of whizzes, blurs, something like that.

But when I turned around to see where Agent Nelson was, I was shocked. She was still following me and even closer now as I felt my heart beating in my chest as I ran as fast as I could. I quickly dashed to the side, going from left to right so I could try to lose her before she caught up to me again.

But then I stopped, frowning as I looked back and saw Agent Nelson almost getting on top of me.

What was she doing?

She stopped too, looking down at her feet before looking up at me with a glare on her face and then pulling her gun up at me. “Don’t move,” she said in a rasping voice.

I shook my head slowly in disbelief as I put my hands up in front of me while shaking my head slowly and slowly. There was nothing I could do, because she was too close and I didn’t know how I could get away from her if she were to shoot me with one of those bullets.

But all of a sudden, someone with a black suit with a red tie leaped on top of her, wrenching her arm back so hard that she was sent flying into the air and landing in a pile of trash bags on the ground in pain. I looked at him in shock, breathing heavily. “Where’s your friends?” he asked.

“They might’ve went back or forward to find Gate E4,” I said with a frowning face as he nodded his head. He then turned around towards me and began to run in the same direction that I was before Agent Nelson stood back up again with her gun ready. But all of a sudden, the man kicked her in the leg and she fell back down on the ground in pain again before rolling onto her back as she held her leg up with her hands, wincing in pain.

“Lead me to them, I have a plane that can get you guys to Russia,” he said.

“Wait, who are you?” I asked.

“You know Demetrius Rocke,” he said, and I nodded. Then he said something that struck me, completely shocked me in fact because it was something that made my heart race in my chest because of how much he had just said it all in one go.

“I’m his son.”

“I’m sorry what?” I muttered, looking back up at him with my eyes wide open.

He smiled a little bit, holding back his laughter as he stood up from Agent Nelson and walked towards me with a hand outstretched. “It’s a long story, but trust me alright?”

I nodded, because we needed to get out of here as soon as possible if we wanted to stay alive. “Okay.” I said softly as he reached out to me and grabbed my wrist gently and pulled me with him. Here’s the problem: I don’t know where they are, because they could’ve went anywhere and we could be heading to the wrong direction.

But it didn’t matter right now because we were safe from Agent Nelson, and that was what mattered most. But it mattered second, so we needed to find them, quickly.

I walked next to him while he walked next to me and looked down at his phone as he pulled up an app and held it in front of him, turning it around as he swiped his finger across the screen. All of a sudden it led into an thermal camera, and confusion hit me as I looked at it with a confused face. It showed different images of people walking through different parts of the airport as I looked at it.

“We may find your friends with this camera. Come on,” he said. We ran forward through the still-rushing crowd, trying to stay hidden while we watched on our screens to see where they could be.

But then suddenly we heard footsteps rushing at us from behind as I turned my head towards it, seeing Agent Nelson charging towards us while shooting at us.

She still wasn’t done?!!!!!!! How, did she not run out of bullets already?!!!

We ran faster and faster as we heard more shots fired and I turned my head away from Agent Nelson as she was getting closer and closer to us. “Oh, no no no no no no,” the man muttered, putting his finger on his phone screen and swiping it quickly back and forth until it was showing me another screen. It showed an airport map of some sort and showed Gate E4 with a green dot on it, and he nodded.

“Just ahead of here,” he said as we continued to run towards it as fast as we could until we got there.

We then stopped dead still when we saw a large crowd of people in front of Gate E4 waiting for their flights. And in that line I saw the rest of our teammates, as they looked me with confusion.

“Follow me!” he shouted, as they all reluctantly followed him to where he was leading us to and through the crowd, pushing through them to make our way out of there.

But as soon as we made our way out, the man stopped and looked behind him to see if that crazy agent was still following us. And she was, and now her team managed to catch up. “We’re gonna have to take a short-cut,” he muttered, looking at the window.


Don’t tell me, he’s going to throw himself out of the window and make a crazy plan to get us out of this mess?!!

I turned my head back to him just in time for him to pull his gun out from his jacket and shoot the window, breaking it completely before he jumped out of it with us following him through it, falling through the air until we hit the ground below and rolled over with dust everywhere around us.

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