Spy Mage System

Chapter 118

118 The Tennis Game

Malachi strolled over to the man, and he let him assume control over this game for himself while September and I began strolling once again to another area where there were more individuals playing tennis, and afterward I heard somebody shout out. I went to see somebody shouting while at the same time playing tennis, as though they were heaving and puffing with each swing, but as I strolled over to where this individual was remaining in their tennis gear, I understood it was none other than my companion Nikki.

How could she arrive so quick?

How could she be wearing such a way for tennis?

I could scarcely hold back myself from snickering when I saw her swinging at the ball and heaving and puffing like a man would accomplish for his work. She didn’t appear to notice me nor September, but of course I was undetectable to her as of now as well. It appeared to be that she was playing alone at first until I saw another young lady leave behind the nets to remain next to her and hit a ball next to her to make her run starting with one side of the court then onto the next side to try not to be smacked in that frame of mind by this ball.

It was entertaining to watch it might be said that they seemed like two unique individuals accomplishing something as various as they were. One young lady was wearing tennis garments and one wasn’t. One had a long twisted earthy colored hair style while one had a long dark one trim in her hair.

“Would it be advisable for us we go along with them?” I chuckled to September.

September just shook her head no as she watched Nikki fit and puff like a man attempting to hit this ball towards the opposite side of the net. The other young lady was more centered around the game as she cooperated with Nikki, hitting this ball towards the opposite side of the court in an exceptionally high speed to where it was beyond difficult for Nikki to respond rapidly enough to hit it back at her.

To and fro, ever changing it kept on going. It went so quick that my eyes were having inconvenience in any event, attempting to follow the ball. I’m almost certain my eyes are prepared to simply drop out of the attachments and rest from all the moving that was going on. I’m shocked Nikki is still even ready to clutch her tennis racket in this express she’s in the present moment.

Nikki was gasping like a creature in the wake of running as far as possible from one side to the next of this court, which wasn’t extremely solid or expert without a doubt. It seemed more like a parody show than a genuine rivalry, but why should I scrutinize? I can scarcely stay aware of this game right now by the same token. I was perspiring vigorously this time too, so it appeared as though everybody was perspiring vigorously right now in this round of tennis. But Nikki was moving like a cheetah on the two sides, while I’m getting depleted from remaining here for how long this game has been continuing up until this point.


But I might in any case see that Nikki was gaining some headway too as she made all the more a move towards her rival as opposed to going around like she had been doing since she begun.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Out of nowhere, Nikki hit the ball, moving it to the side up until this point, the other young lady couldn’t reach. Before long enough, the tennis ball hit against the mass of this court and afterward skipped off the ground and fell on the ground with a crash as the other young lady gazed at it for some time prior to acknowledging she had missed it.

Nikki bounced up in a yell of energy after she hit that ball in the court. Her face was red as though she was extremely amped up for playing this game and she fired bouncing all over in fervor when she understood she had cleared her path through this game.

“Extraordinary work,” I expressed energetically as I moved toward Nikki, who surged in happily to give me a major embrace. It was abnormal watching her play like that.

Nikki couldn’t accept it either as she clutched me in this embrace and roared with laughter as she clutched September too. The other young lady grinned, as she moved toward Nikki. “Pleasant game,” she said. “All in all, would you say you are folks new here?”

I shrugged, uncertain whether to say OK or no to this inquiry.

“Indeed,” I said.

“Indeed?” she said.

“We’re not new,” Nikki told me. “We don’t actually work here, but we’re to some degree making a difference. But we are new to this spot assuming that is the thing you’re inquiring.”

“Goodness,” the woman laughed. Then September strolled nearer to her and asked something that never at any point ran over my psyche. “How does Fulton treat you all at C.A.M?” September inquired. The woman scrunched her lips in thought, before she replied.

She shrugged her shoulders prior to talking once more. “He’s a genuine darling to work for,” she said. “I coexist perfect with him.” My eyes broadened. I didn’t know what’s in store, but clearly it wasn’t so much that. “He generally comes around and asks how I’m doing.”

September and I remained there paying attention to this discussion, while Nikki clutched my hand and grinned at me as though she had quite recently dominated the match of life or something like that. “I figure he does that as a result of his dad however,” she said, her grin collapsing into itself like she was looking at something different.

Her words made my eyebrows raise and my mouth to open in dismay since I didn’t know she realize that much about Fulton’s father and what sort of individual he was. Rocke is in a real sense my most noteworthy foe and I don’t have the foggiest idea what he’s like. Truth be told I didn’t know he had a child in the first spot!

“He said that his dad was like...a hero?” the woman said, chuckling and checking out at us cheerfully. We as a whole shook our heads now as Nikki’s face dropped into dissatisfaction. “Goodness, yeah...” I said, with a sluggish nod of my head.

We let them be then, at that point, and made a beeline for another area where there were more individuals playing some sort of volleyball match-up along with a few nets that encompassed an area of lush land, where the game was going.

What’s more, there was heat between those players.

There were these three young men on one side that were playing their round of volleyball, and it was clear they were exceptionally energetic about this game they were playing a result of how serious they were at every snapshot of this game.

They were hitting these balls into the opposite side’s net hard to such an extent that it made me keep thinking about whether they were hitting them so hard on the grounds that they were attempting to obliterate this net or perhaps they were attempting to obliterate their adversaries thusly.

Somehow, I’m very certain any harder would make that ball be ablaze.

“Look how they’re playing,” Nikki said in amazement, competing for my focus, as I could hear the ball bobbing on their side of the court as they hit it towards the opposite side of the net so hard that I contemplated whether they were hitting it so hard in light of the fact that they needed to annihilate it or something like that.

But out of nowhere, I heard in my earpiece Fulton saying, “Hello, I want you all in the weapons room.”

We showed up rapidly, as considerations squeezed into my head, thinking about what he needed us for the present, and my contemplations were interfered with by him letting us know over the speaker to meet him in the weapons room right away. As we entered the entryway, I could see him, not certain in the event that he was energized or annoyed. He wasn’t uttering a word, but his demeanor appeared to be saying something.

Furthermore, that something was plainly that he had some kind of plan going on.


“Alright children,” he said with a frowning look on his face as we all came inside the weapons room, which was fairly empty except for this table that had a lot of different kinds of weapons on it. There were guns, knives, guns, swords and other things that I couldn’t recognize.

He never took this out before, but it seemed quite important or something.

“Now, as you guys were having your fun, which I hope you guys did, I talked to the FMA to see if they could find anything on George Greyson. Figures tomorrow morning, he’s gonna be meeting with someone important I assume, and he’s going to have a convoy with him. I tried to reach the YMPA, it seemed as if their communications were fried, but the FMA will be on their trail, and we will see how he is doing.”

“Have you questioned Quesada yet?” Vicki asked, gearing herself up to take on this mission that seemed rather dangerous in my mind.

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