Spy Mage System

Chapter 126

126 In the Hands of Custody

I have no clue on how Petrov was at this point, or what he did, but he was looking at me as if he wanted me dead and was willing to do anything for it. He had his head covered in tattoos which looked like all sorts of horrible things and there was something about him.

But he must’ve done something to Mason or something, because there was blood on the ground beneath him and it looked like someone had beaten him up pretty badly.

I began to panic as I could hear Malachi gasp for air while September put her arm around him, as if he was about to cry. Greg put his hands over his face in shame while I just stood there frozen, watching this scene play out in front of me as I tried not to breathe too loudly.

Then I heard Mason ask, “Where is the Cybertron?”

I froze, completely, no movement as I just stood there in silence with my mouth wide open. My eyes were so wide that they looked like they were about to pop out of my skull from this intense shock. “You gonna tell me now?” Mason asked, his face so close to Petrov, I’m pretty sure he could smell his breath. But Petrov didn’t answer, in fact he didn’t even move from his position at all as he just stared ahead at the ground in front of him.

Mason scrunched up his lips, sighing deeply before he sighed again, almost whispering to himself.

“Where is it?!” he yelled, looking around the room as if Petrov would suddenly appear behind him. I felt as if I was gonna die right at this moment, based on how mad he seemed but I didn’t care. I could still feel that strange buzz in my ears as my heartbeat started to race at a rapid pace.

Mason turned back to Petrov, glancing down at his bloody hands before turning around and looking back at me. He had his eyes half lidded and his teeth were clenched together tightly while his fingers were balled up into fists by his side. Suddenly he threw a fast punch into his stomach, causing Petrov to cough and wheeze from the pain of it.

I could tell he had punched him really hard because Petrov was hunched over in pain and he was making grunts and moaning. We need to get Petrov now, and quickly before he dies from Mason’s raging fist, and we all couldn’t do this without getting caught because it was impossible to not get caught around here!


Mason grabbed Petrov by his neck and threw him into the wall so hard that I could hear it crack. The chair broke, leaving him hanging there helplessly. His legs kicked out desperately while blood poured from his face onto the floor below him as he struggled to breathe and he spat up some blood from his mouth.

But then, I heard something that kept me frozen in fear.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


“It’s the FBI again!” Greg rasped, looking up from his spot on the floor with tears in his eyes.

Mason just kept holding him up by his throat while he spoke calmly, “It doesn’t matter who it is.”

The sirens got louder as Mason turned around to look at us with his hands still wrapped around Petrov’s neck as his eyes glowed with rage. “We need to get Mason now,” Malachi whispered to September, who looked back at him with a determined face.

Then I heard her speak up, “I can’t let this happen.”

She pulled out her wand, firing a bolt that sped into the room, causing Mason’s body to go limp as he fell to the ground beside Petrov, who had stopped breathing as well as his eyes closed with deathly slowness as he lay there motionless.

Quickly, the guard beside me attacked, throwing me to the ground so hard that I felt my knee twist as I fell on my side while he pulled out a gun. I needed to do something, and quickly! I thrusted my leg at him, pushing him off before I stood back up and took a quick glance around me, noticing the window of the room was open.

Then the guard swung his fist towards me, as I quickly ducked under his swing and kneed him in the groin before taking a quick step back and putting my hand on my wand. Quickly I swung my wand at him, making him let out a scream and fall to the ground, writhing in pain as he grabbed his crotch as he curled up into a ball.

Now it was the next guard.

The next guard seemed more competent than the other one, actually thinking about which moves he should do, actually being a human being who made choices and knew how to fight rather than being a robot who just did whatever he was told. Quickly I ducked his punch, but then he threw another one that hit me in my stomach but didn’t hurt me too much as I gritted my teeth but smiled back at him.

I wasn’t going down like that, but that was smart I do have to say. Pretty smart, but not smart enough as I kicked him in the groin so hard that I heard a loud ‘thud’ that followed the hit. The guard grunted in pain, but he didn’t look done, nor was I, so I took another swing at him with my wand before taking a few steps back and swinging my arm towards him, causing him to drop the gun that he had gotten out of his holster and it flew across the room.

The guard looked back, being met with the bottom of my shoe, flying at him so quickly that I knew it would’ve hit him in the face had I not been able to move so quickly, making him flinch back and fall to the ground with a loud thud.

But there was one more guard that was still standing, looking at me with confusion as he drew back the gun while he began to slowly move back, looking down at his gun before pulling the trigger but nothing happened.

Then he began to look at me confusedly, until I pointed my wand at him and said “Zap,” making him drop his gun and begin to curl up into a ball as he screamed in agony. I felt so bad about that but there wasn’t time for sympathy right now as I ran towards the window, looking outside and seeing a row of FBI cars.

“We need to get Petrov and go now!” September said, glancing around for any more guards.

I nodded in agreement but then I looked down to see how he was doing. He was breathing, but not much, barely. I had to get him out of here. I had to get him out of here as fast as possible! I picked him up, as we ran out of the door, ready to escape.

But I don’t think anyone was going to be escaping.

SWAT officers with automatics faced their weapon at us, as Malachi, Greg and September quickly sped back from the door. But I could only stay. They were looking for me, and I was literally in their grasp. “Don’t move!” they shouted, moving towards me. I put my hands up, knowing I couldn’t run from these guys.

“Get on your knees now!”

I obeyed, turning around and kneeling down on my knees with my hands still above my head as they began to take me in handcuffs. “So finally the culprit is found,” I heard, knowing immediately who it was.

Agent Nelson.

I turned around, seeing her with her black coat and long brown hair, walking up to me as I heard her ask me, “Is this it?” She asked me in a voice that was low and very threatening. I didn’t want to say anything, as she continued, “We’ve been searching for you for months now.”

“I’m pretty sure you have,” I said, sighing heavily.

She stood up and walked around me so she could look at me from all angles, before she smirked, this time standing over me so she could look down at me. “You have over thousand counts of attempted murder, with that little power or bomb you have stored in your body.”

I was too scared to speak, feeling the coldness of the floor against my knees and elbows and my heart raced as I could feel it beat so hard in my chest. “Your friends sadly escaped from us, but we’ll find them eventually. Imagine what your mother would say if she saw you right now,” she said. “I feel so bad for her.”

“Why do you want me so bad?” I asked, looking up at her.

She scoffed loudly. “I don’t really want you.”

“Then why?” I asked.

“I was just ordered to spy on you, see what you’re doing. But a little friend, or enemy I’d say, of yours asked me to come after you. Now we have them on our side.”

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