Spy Mage System

Chapter 130

130 The Dock Mission

Soon enough, I saw in the distance a sign that could possibly mean the docks, sighing in relief as we drove further down the road, where we were finally able to see the ship we were looking for. I could still remember it, the big structure of the ship that seemed to be out of a science fiction movie.

Ahead of us, we could see the ship had several trucks outside of it, moving around like a pack of wolves circling around it. Clearly I did not have any good memories, not by any chance at all. Fulton stopped the vehicle, looking at me with an expression of hope.

I turned my head around to look at September as he looked out of the windshield as if trying to figure out how to approach this. “Gina, try to find a camera inside of the ship in front of us,” Fulton said, still looking at me. I looked at him for a moment, before nodding and turning towards the side door. I pulled on it, opening it as I walked outside of it, looking at the door for a moment, before I closed it and soon enough the others began to get out of their seats to follow me outside of the vehicle.

I turned around to look at Fulton as he stared at me with a determined face.

“You sure you don’t want to join me?” he asked, staring at me with a cold and unreadable look in his eyes as his hand rested on the butt of his gun.

I nodded, although a sad feeling came over me as I saw a sad expression on his face.

He nodded, looking at me with a fake smile before he closed the door, as the camera showed up. “Alright, ready?” September asked, walking beside me as she turned towards the others that were all getting ready to go towards the dock.

We nodded and proceeded towards the dock in a quick pace until we made it to the doors of the ship.

They were much, way bigger than I expected, but we could see several people in suits walking inside and out of it.


We slowly walked inside as I looked around me, noticing a few other people walking around and staring at us as if we were criminals or something.

Can’t blame them though, seeing that we’re dressed like this and we had weapons.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“This place is dark,” Malachi said, as I looked up, seeing the dark walls as the only light came from a couple of windows on one side of the room.

“Yeah,” Nikki responded, looking around her in a bit of shock before she pointed towards a man sitting on a chair in front of a table. “And there’s no one around here.”

We walked past the man towards another door which led into another room that was lit up more than the last one, which was more calming than before. Maybe it was the shade or something, but whatever it was, it made us feel more relaxed.

We could hear some noises from somewhere nearby that we could not seem to locate before we heard a voice speaking over an intercom. Not sure what it was about, but it was definitely about something important.

“All this time and I never asked, what exactly are we looking for?” Malachi asked.

“Something called the Cybermade or something like that,” I answered, still listening to the voice over the intercom.

I paused for a second before we continued towards another room. The hall was quite bright and welcoming, unlike the first one. It was also very clean, as it seemed to have been cleaned many times in the past couple of days, although it felt like there was still dust in the air around us.

“Alright, I’ll go left with Nikki, Greg with Connor, Malachi with Tisiah okay?” September said. We all nodded, as me and Greg moved to the right. “Hopefully we find this soon,” Greg said.

It’s just me and Greg now.

I nodded as well as we began to move inwards into the room again. The room was so clean that I didn’t even have to look up or down in order to see where I was going, nor did I really have to look around me for danger since there wasn’t much in this room except for a few computers and some tables with a couple of chairs placed in front of them.

“Why does every room have so many computers?” Greg asked, looking at the screens and tapping on one of them before walking into another room as I followed behind him.

I paused for a second as he stopped before opening a door to another room. “Ooh,” he muttered, rubbing his hands, before closing it behind him. I frowned at him and walked towards him while he pressed his fingers against his lips and tried to find something, although I couldn’t see anything in the room.

“It looks like some sort of office,” I whispered while moving closer towards him to hear what he was doing. “With a lot of boxes,” Greg added. “Let’s search.” Greg took the left of the room while I took the right of the room, feeling my heart racing as we walked towards different corners of this room, looking for something that seemed important that could lead us towards what we were looking for.

But there were a lot of empty boxes if I were to be honest with you, so we quickly began to move into each other’s direction so that we could talk without raising suspicion.

I nodded as we looked around for a while until we found what we were looking for...I think.

There were several stacks of boxes placed next to each other and on top of each other and above them was a large box that was similar to what was inside of some sort of, I don’t know, a vault?

We began to walk up to them and started to feel a little uneasy when we began to notice that there seemed to be some sort of locking mechanism on it that had several wires attached to it and that it was taped on. “What is this?” Greg asked, tapping on the box and looking at it as if he was trying to figure something out.

“Maybe nothing,” I said as we continued to try and open this box while trying not to let anyone see.

But something didn’t make any sense at all, as this box was sealed tightly and I don’t think we could have found another box like this in here. This had something for sure, and it seemed that there was something in here that was important.

“Maybe they left it there to keep anyone else away from it?” Greg said.

“Clearly,” I said, sighing in frustration as we continued to try and open this thing up. I felt a little relieved after seeing that there wasn’t any sort of code needed to open this box as we stared at it with a certain thought, unsure what to do or what to think, but Greg began to press his finger into the small gap between the two locks. He turned his head as he pressed his finger and then looked at me with an expression of relief.

The safe opened.

We looked in it, and there was this small sort of, well, I don’t know how to say it but...it looked like a map of something. We could see different coordinates that looked as if they were written there. “I think this is the map of the ship,” I said, looking at Greg, who nodded as he continued to look at the map and tapped on it with his fingers.

I sighed in frustration, moving towards a stack of boxes where there were several computers attached to it. We still hadn’t found the Cybermade, but it was a step in the right direction.

We pulled out our radios and began to call September and Fulton to tell them that we were onto something. “Hey, we have this map that could be of the ship,” I said. “Okay,” Fulton responded. “I could use the cameras to assist you.”

I nodded and turned off the radio, walking towards one of the computers that were connected to this stack of boxes.

“Alright, let me see if I could pull up something,” I said to Greg, who was still searching like a dog for a bone that it can’t seem to find.

“Close the door,” I told Greg, as he quickly got up, closing the door before I began to move my hands over this computer. It opened up the home screen, revealing several icons along with a few different folders. The folders were locked with several numbers that I couldn’t seem to figure out how they worked.

“Only if something would show up,” I muttered, thinking of a way out of this mess.

I turned on the computer and noticed a notification that there was an update waiting for me in my system, but what update, I didn’t know. I clicked on it, only to reveal an icon that looked like an eye that blinked several times and disappeared after a second before reappearing with a progress bar.

Then I saw the name: “Cybertron Info...”

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