Spy Mage System

Chapter 132

132 Computers with Answers

“We can explain,” I started to speak, but the guard raised their wand, ordering us to freeze. We froze, afraid of getting shot in the face. “Any tricks under your belt?” I asked Greg, and he smiled. All of a sudden, his eyes went blank as one of the guards suddenly smacked the other and fired a bolt at another.

Both guards flew, hitting the ground hard, knocking themselves unconscious. One fell flat on the floor, while the other rolled over the edge, falling down the stairs and disappearing somewhere far below.

Then the guard fell to the ground, as Greg returned to his normal state. Body transference, what a handy tool, I thought, standing up slowly and grabbing the Cybermade from the table.

“Let’s go,” I said, walking out of the room while Greg followed closely behind. We ran out of the doors, but soon enough more guards began to show up in front of us. “Wait, back back!” Greg shouted, running backwards as bolts hit the walls around us.

“Run faster!” Greg yelled, and I did just that, dashing forward, heading straight for the staircase, hoping that we wouldn’t run into any more trouble. But the guards were close behind, their footsteps dashing towards us, and I knew that we needed to escape fast.

We burst through the doors and into the corridor, finding ourselves surrounded by a group of guards. They all had weapons drawn, aiming at us from afar. I used my Perk and punched the ground, sending a shockwave that knocked everyone on the ground except for me.

“You got lucky,” Greg growled, picking himself up and firing two bolts at the nearest guard. I chuckled, as we continued running, passing the guards as we headed deeper into the ship.

Eventually we passed through the last few corridors until we came across another set of double-doors, which seemed to lead further inside the ship.

“Here we go,” Greg muttered, opening both doors and entering the room, stepping aside so I could follow suit. “We need to find September and the rest of them so we can destroy this thing,” I said, looking at Greg.


“So how will you do that?” he questioned, pointing at the door.

“Well...” I said, unsure of what to say next, as I remembered the map I received from Greg’s computer.

It was the same map I’d seen earlier, but now I could actually read what it said:

“Look familiar?” I asked, showing him the picture.

“Yes,” he said, nodding and then looking back at me. “Do you have a plan?”

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“Yes, destroy the Cybermade then find September and them, how about that,” I said, and Greg sighed. “Okay, but we need to be careful though,” Greg said, as he placed the Cybermade on his lap.

“Why?” I asked, curious about what could possibly happen to us if we tried to do this mission. “We’re only going to be sitting here and doing it.”

“You are, I’m gonna go find September and the rest of them. Work harder, not smarter.”

“Uh, I think it’s the other way around,” I said, rolling my eyes.

Greg laughed, shaking his head. Then he opened a drawer, pulling out some wires and handing them to me. “Plug it in,” he said, looking at me, as I plugged the ends into the socket. A small green light appeared on top of the box, indicating that it had successfully connected to the console.

“Alright, I wish you luck,” Greg said, turning and leaving the room. I closed the doors after him and stood still for a moment, wondering what this meant for me. I was now alone, with no one to turn to for help, and with nothing else to use apart from the Cybermade.

But I was gonna be fine, as long as I could use my Perk to my advantage.

I reached into my pockets and pulled out two pieces of candy before chewing on them for a moment before swallowing them whole.

Okay, first thing to do.

I looked around the Cybermade, seeing nothing else useful within this room that could help me with anything. It seemed to be some sort of control room with blue lights and computers scattered everywhere.

Maybe I can find something on these computers, maybe they’ll have some kind of secret information in them?

I turned back and stared at the control panel, seeing the red light flashing in the corner of my eye, as a blue light blinked on, which caused me to look at it immediately.

I heard a crackle through my radio and then Fulton’s voice came through loud and clear. “Hey, you alright?” he asked. “Somewhat, but I’m trying to see how I can destroy the Cybertron on this router-looking thing,” I said. “There’s just buttons galore.”

“Oooh, maybe...” Fulton trailed, causing me to think about it for a moment until finally he spoke up again.

“The Cybermade isn’t going anywhere anytime soon so why don’t you take a break from all these buttons and just think,” he said. “Don’t worry about the buttons.”

I nodded, switching over to radio silence before walking over to a computer monitor that had a bunch of numbers on it that seemed to be blinking on and off at random intervals. What did that mean? I looked at it, but it didn’t seem to be telling me anything important so I switched over to another computer monitor and found something different.

It was the same folders from the other computer.

Excitement ran through my body, but I decided to put it aside for now so that I could continue trying to figure this out. If I just get to thinking too much and end up forgetting about what I’m doing then I might, in fact, forget about it altogether.

So instead I took a look around some more and saw that there were other things on these computers as well.

More info, more things, and a lot and a lot of words, all in alphabetical order. It seemed that there wasn’t anything here for me to find out yet but it was better than nothing at least. But nothing told me how to destroy the Cybermade. You’d think the TSA would have all the information on this, especially considering they’re looking into it themselves.

Maybe they have a secret access key? I thought while looking around for one before realizing that it might not even exist. It would be so classified that probably Rocke himself can’t see it, let alone us.

I sighed and sat back down in the chair, hearing a noise behind me. I turned around, but it was nothing.


Just silence.

Silence, silence...silence...silence...silence...

Then an idea blew up into my head, and I started to laugh as I stood up and moved over to the control panel. There it was, there was the secret access key, that was in some, some, some, some, some...there!

The access key was in the word ‘secrecy’, and with a little bit of effort, I managed to find out how to activate it. It began to load, and then a message appeared on the screen in front of me.

“The access key has been accepted.”


Okay, okay, okay, this was working. It’s working, it’s working!

I turned around and grabbed a computer chair and placed it against the side of the console as well as another one in front of the console for good measure. The loading screen continued, so I took a look around, finding a couple of computer monitors nearby that were still running through their loading process as well as the chairs, and began to wonder what could happen next.

I placed one of the chairs up against a computer monitor as well as another one beside it.

But all of a sudden, my radio crackled. I picked it up, but froze once I heard the voice.

“Hello young boy.”

I almost dropped my radio in shock, hearing Rocke’s voice through the radio. “So, I see you’ve found a very important thing that connects to the Cybertron. Figures we could call that robot with the Cybermade, but of course you have it too.”

“Yeah, too bad I guess,” I said, swallowing hard and feeling my heart pounding against my chest. I glanced at one of the monitors where a message was now appearing: “The access key has been accepted.”

“So from what I see, you’ve gotten the access key accepted. Now if you press continue, I’ll kill all your friends that are here with me,” he said, and my heart dropped, before picking back up again as soon as I heard his voice again.

“You wouldn’t dare,” I said confidently.

“Oh, I would,” he said. “Now if you press Cancel, then you can save your friends.”

Stress completely befell my entire body, making it feel like my muscles were on fire as sweat dripped down from my face. What do I do? Do I press Cancel? No...no...no...he won’t kill them...I know he won’t kill them... He wouldn’t kill them...

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down as I tried to think of what to do.

“You can’t,” I said.

“No, I can’t?” he asked. “I can’t kill them? Or is it that I can’t kill them unless you press cancel?”

“No,” I said, “you can’t kill them unless you press cancel.”

“Oh really?” he asked. “I don’t know about that.”

I wasn’t amused by any chance, but he did say that he wouldn’t kill them so that meant that he was going to let them go, right? I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself, as my heart started to beat at an accelerated rate again.

I needed to keep him talking.

I walked over to the other computer monitor that had a loading message on it. It was probably downloading some information or something, and it would give me time to think of something to say.

Rocke’s voice continued to fill my ears: “I don’t know about that,” he repeated. “They look ready to die.”

I stammered in worry, before looking around quickly at my surroundings before continuing on.

“They look ready to die,” he said again.

“Okay, how long do I have to decide?” I asked, trying to sound confident in my voice.

I heard a chuckle before his voice replied again: “Why are you so curious about that?”

“Okay, okay, what if I were to-”

“Choose to bring me the Cybermade. You have ten seconds.”

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