Spy Mage System

Chapter 138

138 The Invitation

It’s been a few months since that whole-whatever happened two months ago. It’s surprising but not surprising at the same time how I didn’t even get another mission after that. I can still remember the death of Rocke, the blood splattering over my body. I still shake thinking of that to this day.

But now that’s all over, with nothing to worry about I hope. Now life is back to normal, with my family, my friends like Greg. Although Kirk Jexifan was still a big thorn in my life, it was a wound that I could manage.

I’m still worried about two people-September and Nikki-who both like me, or at least I like one of them at least. But the thing is September knows but does Nikki? Either way, I’m not gonna try and worry about it.

But one person I do still think about is Fulton, and what he said has never left my mind. I don’t think Mr. Drails, my supposed father-who acts like my uncle-would ever treat me that way. But Fulton always tried to help me, so I still consider him a friend. And to work under his roof?

That’d be awesome.

But yeah, I’ve been thinking about something lately. I know how to fight, I know how to dodge punches and attacks, in fact, I literally have fought Rocke and all his TSA goons for months by now. I could efficiently deal with Kirk Jexifan.

But the thing is that right now, he’s on a trip with his family, meaning I need to prepare once he comes back. If I beat him up, I would definitely become popular in school and now both sides of my life would be top-notch.

Right now it was time for lunch, so I had my backpack and my books ready to put inside one of the lockers.

I saw someone who wore a plain-solid purple shirt, with jeans and shoes, with a tan that still worries me to this day. “Hey Greg,” I said, doing my handshake with him, as we both entered the cafeteria.


“Hey,” he said back to me as he went to grab a tray from the food counter, which he put on top of his tray as he grabbed some food off the table before walking back up to me.

“How have things been?” he asked. I shrugged, unsure of what even to say at all since everything was going back to normal after two months of being abnormal.

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He pulled out some food and handed it over to me before I did the same and started eating. “I guess it’s been fine,” I responded. “How’s your time in the FMA?” Greg chuckled, “Same old, same old. What can I say?”

I nodded as I grabbed some more food as well.

“Oh hey, you’re going out tonight?” Greg asked. I looked at him in confusion, as he stared at me, a little shocked and nervous as well as trying not to look awkward about it.

I just nodded as I looked away from him a little. “Going out where?” I asked. Greg shook his head. “There’s this party that one of my good buddies here is holding. There’s gonna be all the girls there.”

“I care less about girls right now,” I said, sitting down on my chair, feeling uncomfortable for some reason.

I kept eating as Greg sat next to me with his food still on his tray as well. “You’re missing out,” Greg said. “Missing out!” I chuckled.

“Yeah, I’m sure you are,” I said.

Greg leaned in closer to me and whispered, “But you gotta try it once.”

“No, I don’t have to,” I said back.

He nodded in agreement. “But you gotta try it once.”

“I’ll pass,” I said.

Greg just shook his head as he put his tray back on the tray stand. “I’m urging you, it’s going to be with those crazy blinking lights, with hands wiggling around the entire place, I’m telling you, it’s going to be-”

I looked at him, giving him sight that I didn’t really care about this conversation, and he sighed, realizing he wasn’t getting anywhere with me at all. “Never mind,” he said, getting up and leaving.

“See ya later,” I said back to him, and then I just kept on eating. I’m the worst when it comes to parties, and I mean the worst ever in my life. All I ever do is sit alone with my friends, and just have a good time, without having to go around meeting girls and flirting with them, which is something I’m not really used to doing anyway.

Greg is probably the most outgoing guy you’ll ever meet, hands down,, so it’s not like he understands what I’m going through. But he tries his best to help me in any way he can.

I sighed as I finished my lunch off, still feeling extremely nervous about this party that was happening tonight. And now it’s just a little bit after one o’clock in the afternoon and I still feel really nervous about this party that Greg talked about, which means that there’s no way I can go out like this. Maybe this could be the way I could be popular, but I would be embarrassed though.

But hey, if Greg thinks this is something worth going to...well, who am I to argue with him? I still want to have fun and I’m not too sure what to expect at this party but...whatever happens, is bound to happen, and if Greg thinks it’s worth it...well...maybe...I don’t know.

Thoughts ravaged through my head for so long, my food was just freezing in the cafeteria when finally a voice came into my ears and startled me to attention as I turned around and saw it was Greg.

And his smile was so big it made his entire face glow with happiness. I shrieked in fear as I saw him; he just grinned at me, seeing me like that, as he took off running towards me before he tackled me into a hug.

“What was that for?” I asked. “To scare you of course,” he chuckled before sitting back down in his seat across from me.

I shook my head as I grabbed a fork and started eating some more food while Greg sat there with a smug grin on his face as well. “So have you decided yet?” he asked, and I sighed, looking down at my tray before shaking my head. “About going out?”

“Yes,” I said, sighing again. “But only if you come with me.”

“Yes!!” Greg celebrated, his hands slapping down on the table with such force that the whole table shook and almost tipped over. He laughed loudly while he continued slapping the table before turning around to look at me with a big grin on his face again. “It’s at nine o’clock at that park over there, with the...um...lights?”

I looked at Greg with an eyebrow raised, and he just continued on.

“It’s called the ‘Light Parade.’ You know what that means?” he asked, and I shook my head. He nodded back at me before taking another bite of food from his plate and continuing on.

“Well, it’s basically where they put all these lights in the trees and on the ground, and it makes it so bright that you can’t see anything except for, you know, the light.”

I’m in for something for sure. “Trust me, it’s going to be crazy!!” he shouted, but then he saw the look of doubt on my face and he sighed. “Look, you don’t have to go if you don’t want to. But if you do want to go, you should really do it.”

“You wanted me to, I might as well,” I said, looking away from him at nothing in particular, because there really isn’t anything to do here, so this conversation will end soon enough. And if it didn’t then he would just keep on trying until I did.

“Alright,” Greg nodded before he brought out his hand for a handshake, and I took it with a sigh and shook his hand before he gave it back to me. “I’ll be waiting for you outside.” He walked away from me and he left me standing there by myself, alone once again, while my thoughts just kept on running through my mind all by myself as well.

I nodded, now starting to regret what I might’ve done already, and how much I would have regretted it if I had turned him down.

I took out my phone and quickly looked at the time, it was now almost three o’clock in the afternoon. The school was soon to be over.

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