Spy Mage System

Chapter 147

147 A Nice Visit to Japan

Soon enough, school arrived, but I was still divided on whether to find a new friend, or to stick with Greg for a little bit longer. Don’t get me wrong, I was trying to get other friends-but I’d rather let them come to me than me actively trying to run away from Greg.

That’d make him feel worse.

As I walked to my locker, I didn’t see Greg come to me, and I was instantly worried. Maybe he wasn’t here today or something, I don’t know. But all of a sudden, I heard cheering come from all the way in the back of the hall. It was like they were chanting like they were in a concert or something-what was going on?

I stepped out from my bubble, and looked through the hall. And I wouldn’t believe what I saw. A whole hall as if this was the red carpet, as Greg walked through the hall and people were chanting his name. The girls were, but some of the guys too. I couldn’t even believe it, because Greg is just a guy like every other guy, and not even a special person-so why would they cheer?

Even the ladies were beginning to eye him, their cheeks blushing red as if they smashed ketchup on them.

“You are so beautiful!” one of them shouted as she tried to get up on her tiptoes to get closer to him. “I love you so much!” The girls began leaning forward like licorice, and they started screaming at the top of their lungs while pushing each other out of the way to get a better view of him.

“Why is he here?” a girl said, looking at me like I was crazy for not knowing why he was there-as if it was obvious why he was here. “He’s supposed to be my boyfriend!” The girls all went into hysterical laughter as I turned towards her. “No!” one of them shouted.

I was horrified, because it seemed like these girls had gone nuts over him-even more than I had. As he walked up closer to us, his eyes were set on me and he stopped walking for a second. “Hey...Greg,” I said, with a smile. But then, he looked at me with a disgusted face and all of a sudden, men began to stand in front of him like guards, pushing me away from him.

He’s my friend!


He’s my friend, isn’t he?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I began running up to him, but as I did so, another foolish guy came up and blocked my path as if he had some sort of wall built up from his hands. “Make way for Greg!” the man shouted, as guys began to trail behind him like a conga line, which made me even more angry.

I turned to the guy in front of me. “Hey...hey...let me by...” I said with an annoyed face.

The guy didn’t listen. I looked in front of me, seeing an opening that led the pathway for me to slip through. I did so, but before I could reach Greg, another guy shoved me back from behind. “Hey, no!” he shouted. “You can’t get to Greg yet.”

Soon enough, girls went to the point of touching Greg’s arms as if they were gold, and their screams destroyed my eardrums, making me feel like I was in the middle of a warzone. “He’s mine!” they yelled. “No one can touch him but me!”

But I didn’t care about any of them; I cared about my friend.

I looked at him, as he walked through to his next class, smirking as if he was the king of the world or some celebrity, as the girls clung to him like leeches and tried to get a piece of his body as he walked away. I walked over to him, and as I reached out my hand towards his shoulder, he just stared at me like a deer in headlights and gave me a disgusted look.

Tears now built up in my eyes, as I wiped them away.

Why is he doing this? What did I do? Is he mad at me? What is he doing?

He turned around as if nothing ever happened. I felt like melting to the floor, as I saw him walk into his next classroom with all the girls following after him like he was their prince charming.

“Why does he treat you like this?” I said angrily to myself.

Soon enough, the hall cleared as the bell for the one-minute bell rang, but I felt angry. I was angry but too broke to do anything, so I just kept on walking into the hallway like it was an illusion. “What’s wrong with him?” I said in frustration. “What’s going on? Why is he so upset? Does he hate...”

I stopped, and I stood there-almost having a heart attack from what just occurred.

School ended, but my despair was just beginning, as I arrived at the YMPA due to Mr. Drails’s portal. Immediately I made it into that room, which I don’t know what he calls it, and the rest of them were there. “Alright, you know what happens today alright?” he asked. “We get to Japan, and we get there, and find Masaru. This is for the sake of not only his life, but many others alright?!” he shouted.

“Yes, sir!” we shouted.

“Make sure you have all your gear, and I’ll make a portal for you to get there.”

September immediately checked her utility belt, which she had a few things in: a knife and a sword which had a scabbard on her back that made her look like some sort of knight. Then she checked her boots, which had a pair of boots inside of them that made her legs look...like legs. They had metal on the outside of the boots, and she had a pistol on her thigh holster-like thing on the side. She checked her sword belt which held her knife and sword.

But most importantly, her wand, which she kept in her pocket which had a very small red stone in its end-which looked like it was glowing slightly with magic.

“Alright, come on everyone!” Malachi said. “Let’s get this party started!”

Soon enough, the portal opened as the sight of a path of some sort between two buildings stared at us, and the moment we all stepped through, the moment we landed on the ground of Japan-a scene like from the old days flashed in front of us. We all looked around, seeing all the houses of the Japanese people.

“Oh, this is a neighborhood,” Tisiah realized, seeing the homes of people as they began walking towards us, like we were the plague that had been sent down to destroy their home and way of life. “These people live here!” September said.

All of a sudden, this old man came up to us, speaking a completely different language, as if we understood his language whatsoever-but it was a very old-looking man who seemed to be about eighty years old and dressed in clothes that looked like they were from the late eighteen hundreds or early nineteen hundreds-as if he was a ghost from old times.

“Uh, we English,” Malachi said, pointing at all of us.

The man nodded, and chuckled. “Are you guys new here?” he asked, his voice bold but croaky at the same time, as he looked at us with eyes that were both ancient and youthful at the same time-as if they were seeing through time itself.

“Uh...” Tisiah began to speak, but he paused for a moment as his face became pale as he took a look around. “Somewhat.”

“Where you trying to go?” he asked.

“Well, um-do you know someone by the name Masaru Kin?” I asked. His face looked disturbed, “Those rich people?” He shook his head. “Not nice people,” he said, his voice getting a bit louder and his face looking like he was going to spit on us for asking for them.

“Sorry...” I said with a weak smile.

“They live on that hill over there,” he said, pointing to a small hill on the horizion, “you can’t miss it.”

“Thanks,” I said. “We appreciate it.”

“What’s going on?” I heard Tisiah ask him with an annoyed tone of voice, as the man turned around and began to walk away as if he didn’t hear us. “Going on about what?” I asked.

“With the Kin’s? They seem to have a bad rep,” he said, with an annoyed look on his face as he walked off.

“Why is that?”

“Not my business,” he said with a grunt as if it wasn’t important at all. “Let’s get there before it’s night.”

“Let’s find a cab first,” he said, before we began walking through this small city square with little shops and other things that were used to keep the people busy and entertained.

The place was bright, with endless people walking about, and it was a very lively place, as we walked down the main street, looking at the stores and restaurants. There were lights for every different shop, almost lighting up the blue sky as if it were a stage for some sort of play.

“There’s got to be one here,” he said with a hand pointing at one of the storefronts. It would unlikely there would be, being that the place was so cramped, but all of a sudden, someone came walking towards us from that direction as if they had been watching us walk by.

The man had on a black suit jacket which was made from the finest wool, as it shined and almost made me feel like I was inferior to him-probably was. “Did anyone ask for a cab?” he asked, with an American accent-a very thick one.

“Yeah,” I said with a smile, looking at him. “We need one now.”

He nodded his head in agreement as he began walking away-as if he was taking his time on purpose to keep us waiting. “Who was he?” September asked, with a concerned look on her face. “He looked like he was in charge.”

I shrugged my shoulders, “I don’t know.”

“Did you see his face?” she asked. “What was he in charge of?”

I shrugged again, “I don’t know.”

Soon enough, the man came back to us and began walking towards us. He had a big smile on his face as if he was trying to give off some sort of air of confidence in himself as if he was rehearsing this or something. “Your cab should be coming soon,” he said.

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