Spy Mage System

Chapter 151

151 Escaping to the Help

Suddenly, as September swung-Maddie swept under her arm, and before September turned around, a bolt struck her in the chest, knocking her into the air and causing her to tumble backwards. But quickly she recovered and then stood up quickly. “What was that?” she asked as if she had been attacked by a swarm of bees.

She struggled to get up, as Maddie Cone walked slowly towards her with a chuckle, looking at her like a predator looking at its prey. And then suddenly Maddie Cone fired off another shot that hit September right in the stomach. September grunted in pain and fell onto the ground.

“Now you see why you don’t mess with me, don’t you?” she asked with a chuckle. “You’re clearly not as smart as me.” She pointed her wand close to September’s face, “Now stay there while I call your friends out.” She walked away from September before she began to wave her wand around in the air.

Suddenly she stopped and held it high in the air; as sirens began to wail in the distance. “Move out!” she shouted to the agents, who froze and immediately followed after her. The knocked out guards were carried onto conscious guards’ backs, as they exited our room.

Our room was a mess-completely, absolutely destroyed by what had happened. But I wasn’t paying attention to that right now; I was still in awe of what had just happened.

“Are you alright?” I asked September. She winced as she looked at me, coughing out a bit of blood before she wiped her lips, and nodded to me before she looked over to the other side of the room. “Let me help you up,” I said, reaching out my hand. But as soon as I reached for her she grabbed me by my shirt and pulled me towards herself and kissed me on the mouth.

I could only gasp for air before she broke off from the kiss.

“Thank you,” she wheezed, as I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down from the adrenaline rush.

“What was that for?” I asked, trying to keep myself together. “A sort of gift I guess,” she said, getting up. “We need to get out of here, contact that JSA.”


“Yeah,” I said. “Hopefully those drivers are still there or something.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Perhaps,” Malachi said breathlessly, still lying in bed as he coughed and wheezed. “But we can’t afford to wait.”

“We’ll get out of here,” Nikki said, picking up one of our fallen guns and putting it in her holster. “We will.”

“Let’s move before the police show up,” September said, looking around, but quickly she held up a hand. “Wait a second,” she said, looking over to the window where the guards were just leaving with a few agents following behind them.

“We can jump out this window,” September said with a chuckle.

No, no we can’t!

“Are you insane?” I shouted at her in panic.

“What?” she asked, turning to me with a look of surprise on her face. “Unless you want to take ten minutes just to get outside.” All of a sudden, she hopped out of the window, gracefully landing on the ground with ease. “Come on, I’ll help you out.”

I looked over at Nikki and Malachi who nodded back to me nervously before I stepped outside the window myself, jumping down on the ground and landing on my feet with ease. Then I helped Nikki and Malachi out as we looked around and saw that no one had followed us yet. Tisiah soon followed, but he was a bit more harder to deal with, as he kept falling into bushes and stuff like that.

“What are you doing?” I asked Tisiah, but he didn’t respond-he was just walking around like a chicken who had been thrown into a bucket full of water. “Tisiah, get a hold of yourself!” I shouted at him.

“Yeah, yeah,” he said, his eyes half-closed as he looked around with a lost expression on his face.

I sighed loudly, as I grabbed him by his collar and pulled him back towards me. “Are the drivers here?” I asked, and low and behold, the limo was still there. Quickly we rushed towards the car, as I opened the door, sitting inside.

“Come on,” I said as we all got in and sat down in the car.

I looked over at Nikki and Malachi who both looked at me with wide eyes. “Okay, take us to the JSA,” September said. The driver looked back with confusion. “I know you guys are CSMO, no need to hide it, let’s go.”

The driver shrugged, “Okay,” he said before he pressed on the gas and started to drive down the street. The police siren still blared in the background, but hopefully that wouldn’t be too much of a problem. One of the inhabitants probably complained about the noise, which was probably the reason why they called it in.

I glanced at September out of the corner of my eye and saw that she was sitting beside me with her arms crossed and a smile on her face. “Alright, we need to tell the JSA and maybe they could warn Zekeshi Kin, and then he might see we’re not playing,” September said, with a smile on her face.

I turned my gaze back to Tisiah, who was now lying down on one of the seats. He didn’t even bother to say anything as he slept soundly on the seat. He must’ve been super tired. Soon enough we started driving to where there was absolutely no sort of sign of buildings.

All mountains, trees, and snow were all that could be seen from the windows. There were also no signs of life except for the occasional bird that flew past our windows, as we drove down the mountain and up onto the other side of it, which was a bit more flat than usual.

Then as I looked ahead I saw this big base, it looked like a castle of some sort, and it was huge, with walls as tall as a few buildings I’d seen. “This is definitely one of those bases,” I said with a nervous chuckle. The driver responded, “This is the JSA base.”

“Oh, looks like a dark castle,” Nikki said with a concerned expression, as we drove towards it. “A bit eerie.”

“Yeah,” I said with a nod. “You’re right.” It seemed like there was nobody home except for the occasional guard walking around in front of the place. The driver pulled into this sort of driveway to a gate, but this one was made of metal-not wood-and it was closed tightly shut. “How do we get in?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” September said with a shrug. But then, a big camera popped out of the gate, as a green line scanned us, before it began to open slowly and we entered in slowly as well. As soon as we passed through the gates the camera slowly closed back up and returned to its original position on the gate.

“Well, that’s new,” I muttered, as we drove down the ramp into this big courtyard, which had these tall white towers rising up into the sky.

“I’ve never seen this place,” Malachi said quietly, as he looked around himself in awe. The driver parked, but he didn’t get out.

“Let’s go,” September said with a chuckle as we got out of the car and headed over towards the main door. We knocked, but immediately the door opened, but no one was behind it. I looked ahead, seeing a guy use his hand to open the door as surprise popped on my face.

“You guys must be from the YMPA, yes?” the man said. The man looked Japanese, as usual, but he was wearing a black suit with a red bowtie, along with an odd pair of sunglasses on top of his head. His eyes were a sort of grey color. “I am Boliwa Bola, but you can just call me B.” He held out his hand to shake our hands-or rather, to shake Malachi’s hand.

“Oh-yeah,” September said with a confused look. “We need your help.”

“Why?” he asked.

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