Spy Mage System

Chapter 154

154 JSA Meeting

“Are these...” he asked as Mr. Kin nodded, smiling at his grandson while handing him a glass of juice.

“They are your new bodyguards,” Zekeshi Kin said with a smile as his grandson smiled shyly at us. I waved slightly, feeling a rise of embarrassment over me, wondering if this was going to work out or if he would try to kill us like the BMOs had tried to do.

But I guess we weren’t that bad or maybe he didn’t want us dead because he waved back at me and walked over to me, shaking my hand. “I’m Masaru,” he said. “I know, weird names but you know-Japanese heritage.”

“I think it’s kind of nice to be honest,” I said, giving him another smile, trying not to show too much emotion about it as I looked over at his grandfather who just sat there and watched us interact with his grandson. “I just have a normal name, Connor. I have probably the most simplest name out of my whole group,” I said.

“Well Connor is a good name!” Masaru said as his grandfather nodded his head slowly in agreement. “So you guys are from Japan?” he asked curiously as if he had never talked to someone from there before.

“No,” I chuckled. “Our CEO has a perk to get us a portal to different places, so it’s a pretty quick trip. But no we’re not-I think,” I said, laughing to myself.

“You think?” Masaru asked, confused.

“Yeah,” I chuckled again, thinking about it.

All of a sudden, Mr. Kin’s phone rang as he picked up, escorting into the other room, leaving us alone in his living room for some reason. “So what’s going on, I heard about me being in danger.”


“Your grandfather told you?”

“No, I just heard it.”

“Oh,” September chuckled nervously, looking down at her feet as she walked over towards us as well as her eyes darting around. “Well it’s just that...” she said hesitantly, as if she didn’t want to tell him or something. “It’s not something you wanna worry about.”

He nodded-but suspiciously-before he sat down, watching us intently. Then we just stared at one another, awkwardly for a moment before September started talking again, like she was trying to get through to us on how to say this without sounding too scary.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Yeah...” September said. “So, got anything to show us?”

“Oh yeah, you should go to my backyard,” he said. “Your mind would be blown.”

“Say less,” Tisiah said, rubbing his hands. They walked through and out the living room, and as I got up-I felt him tug me a bit. I stopped. “Yeah?” I asked silently, looking over at him.

He nodded his head and put his finger over his lips. “That girl that just talked to me, the brown-hair one that looks like it used to be blond, she kinda looks...” He nodded and started grunting excessively, and I knew what he was talking about, but the presentation was very concerning.

“So, can you tell her that I would like to have some time with her perhaps?” he asked, making his voice sound like he was high on drugs.

“Yeah, no problem.”

“Thank you,” he said, before getting up, leading me to the backyard. Once he opened the door, I looked around, noticing that there was a fountain that was made of a crystal that was blue in color, as well as a waterfall that was running from the top of the house into a pond with lily pads on it. The grass was strong and alive, as if it was growing at a rapid speed and I saw a white boulder with a stone tree next to it with little plants sprouting out from the top of it too.

“This is beautiful,” Nikki said with a smile, walking over to the waterfall and leaning over it. Tisiah was looking at his surroundings as if he couldn’t believe where he was right now and just started smiling at everything around him while September just stood there looking at me with her eyebrows raised.

“Yeah, my grandfather is crazy rich,” he said with a chuckle, rubbing his hands together in front of him. “Sometimes the JSA meets with my grandfather a few times, just to see how I’m doing. Unintentionally, I’m very well guarded.”

“I can see,” I muttered. “You must be very popular.”

“Yeah,” he said, smirking at me as he put his hands behind his back before he turned towards me with a serious face. “I guess.”


Time passed after he showed us all that he had, and pretty much did, which was way too much even for three people. Masaru went back to his room, while the rest of us were in the living room. “He has way too much,” Tisiah said, shaking his head as I nodded my head in agreement with him.

“Yeah,” I muttered under my breath as September walked over towards us as we sat down on the couch. “Now, about Maddie Cone, we shouldn’t just wait until Masaru leaves again,” Malachi said. “Not now that they know we’re here.”

“We should take them down while we still can,” September said, nodding.

“But what help do we have?” Tisiah asked, looking at all of us with his hands laid out, looking like a sign that he was surrendering or something. “I don’t think we stand a chance against the BMOs,” he muttered under his breath.

“But we do!” I said. “The JSA.”

Their eyes widened, as realization came upon them, and then they just started looking at me with fear on their faces. “You can’t be serious,” September said, standing up as I stood up with her.

“But why not?” I asked.

“We’re not a part of them, we can’t just bust in there and start asking for some help,” she said. “This isn’t the YMPA.” I shrugged, “We kind of did it with the FMA.” She sighed and nodded, rubbing her head with her hand. “You tell Mr. Drails that so he can get us there.”

“Alright,” I said, taking out my radio, calling Mr. Drails.

“What’s up?” he answered as I looked at Malachi.

“You know the JSA?” I asked. “Being that they are here, it would be best if we could talk with them. They could give us support with dealing with Maddie Cone.”

“Okay, let me find their coordinates,” he said. There was a moment of silence, and then all of a sudden, a portal opened under us. I felt myself land on the ground hard, almost like I was shot out of a cannon. When I opened my eyes I saw that everyone else was lying on the ground too.

“Every time,” Malachi muttered, as we got up, standing up.

“I can’t believe you did that to us again!” September said with her arms folded as I rubbed the side of my face. “I mean it’s fine and all but really...it hurts!” I’m pretty sure Mr. Drails didn’t hear through the radio, but whatever, it wasn’t like it would change anything anyway.

I walked up to the gate of the base, as the camera popped out once more, eyeing us before retreating back to its position. The gate opened and we walked through, and I saw the red door. “Well, let’s hope B treats us like last time,” September said, as we approached, but instead of walking through the door this time, it just opened by itself and we walked through it, entering the room and seeing the same thing-the computer monitors, the door next to it and the only exit.

And of course-B.

“Hey, it’s you guys again,” he said with a chuckle.

“Hello,” I said with a chuckle, as he moved out the way to allow us in, sitting back in his chair as he leaned over his monitor, typing away with a grin on his face. “We need your help.” He didn’t answer for a moment and looked up at me before going back to typing.

“About what?” he asked.

“Well, you know about Maddie Cone right?” I asked. He chuckled before looking back at us, “Yes. After you left, we searched into why Masaru Kin was going to get kidnapped in the first place, and that’s when we found her.”

“We think we should take down her operation while we still can,” September said, as B sighed in realization, rubbing his chin. He looked at us for a moment before nodding his head. “That’s fine, but what do you need me to do?”

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