Spy Mage System

Chapter 158

158 Spying on Greg

Soon enough we arrived home, and I wasn’t actually too late, in fact-I’d say I came right on time. But that meant another day of school tomorrow, and now I wasn’t sad or heartbroken. I care less now when I think about everything that’s going on at school; I mean it doesn’t really matter anymore.

I arrived at school the next morning, seeing every second of people passing by, talking to Greg and doing handshakes with him. He was definitely the new man in town in this school, but even then I was still not sure what was going to happen between him and me.

I didn’t want to give up on him, but I didn’t want to see my friend turn into an enemy of mine, either; that would just hurt too much. Maybe I should try talking to him again... But what was I thinking? I shouldn’t, not at all, because that would make him look weak to others. But maybe there was some middle ground here that could be explored. Maybe he had already done some things that might have shown that he had changed.

Yeah, maybe I should just watch him around, see him do certain things. If I talk to him, he’s gonna snap, I know it. It’s just that he has been so good to me ever since we first met in this place; I don’t want him to feel like he has been wrong all this time for doing so.

He came to me to be my friend, so maybe he’ll come through, even if I’m not sure how to approach him now that I know the truth about him. I know it’s my fault he’s in this mess-well no one else’s but my own-but I don’t know what else to do besides wait for him to come back to normal.

Besides, maybe since he’s popular, I might become popular with him as well. Everyone has a choice to be a good person or a bad person; I can’t stop him from doing evil things to me in this situation-even if it is his own fault-but I can choose not to let that ruin my life any longer.

I followed behind him, watching him babble with those random guys I’ve never seen before in my life. Some of them were probably from the basketball team, and they all just stared at him as if he was the coolest person ever in this school-and he did seem cool, not gonna lie.

He then went towards his locker, as I went to mine-still watching him though-as he grabbed something and put it in his backpack. That’s when he noticed me staring at him; he turned to look at me, with a frown on his face as he held the backpack by his side. I didn’t say a single thing, nothing at all, I just continued watching him as I walked towards my locker.

Once we were both at our lockers, he turned his head back towards his own locker and looked down at it with his eyebrows furrowed slightly.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“So, which girl do you like,” one of the guys asked at Greg, as disgust stung my face a bit. He was talking about girls!? What was he even thinking? Greg chuckled as the man joined him. “You can basically pick and choose, because they are all over you,” the man said, laughing like a monkey. “They love you.”

“Not true,” Greg said. “It’s like you’re telling them that they’re ugly or something.” The guy laughed harder than before, although I could tell that he wasn’t actually trying to be funny in any way whatsoever. “No, because you’re a strong person and beat up the biggest bully in the school, they wanna get protected themselves-you know what I’m saying?” the man said, getting more excited as he talked about this dumb stuff.

“You know what you are?” Greg asked suddenly, and I jumped a bit at the question. “A friend,” the man answered. Greg shook his head. “You’re a very loud extrovert,” Greg said, which disappointed me because I expected something much more... better.

The man shrugged, “It’s just my thing.” Greg chuckled. “I’m not going to change who I am just because a bunch of girls want me.” I raised an eyebrow at that remark.

“No,” Greg said, shaking his head. “I’m not.”

“What about that new girl?” the man asked as Greg shook his head again. “You’re just friends?” the man asked, but you’ve been talking to her for the past what-um-week?” Greg shrugged, “She’s a good friend, that’s all.” The man shook his head, as he put his hands on Greg’s shoulders. “I thought she was into you!”

“Nope,” Greg replied with a shrug. “It’s not like that.”

“Then why?”

“I just don’t really like her,” he said, shrugging his shoulders again. The guy looked confused. “She’s nice, and she’s cool to be around... She’s just not my type.” I gave him a glare as I walked past them, while the guy just turned to stare at me as the bell rang.

So here’s what we learned: Greg has a friend who is quite annoying to be honest, Greg also has been talking to some girl for a week and has finally made his judgment, and three-he doesn’t seem to very interested in talking to that guy.

I wouldn’t either be honest, but that’s just me, and Greg is completely fine with his lack of interest in talking to someone who is only there because of who they know. He also doesn’t care about that girl that much either. But that doesn’t worry me much to be honest, not really.

But I just need to keep watching and just keep my eyes on them, especially Greg. It’s just a matter of time until I get the answers I need. And there’s still the whole Maddie thing too... that’s probably gonna be the hardest part of all this.


I arrived at the YMPA, as I entered the room, where the rest of the team were. “Hey,” I said as September came into a hug.

“How’s everyone feeling?” Tisiah asked with a worried look on his face. I shrugged and sat down on my chair. “Tired,” Malachi said. “I’m not ready to die in my sleep by some BMO agents.”

“We’re better than them, trust me,” I said, trying to raise the spirits up, but I knew it wouldn’t work. “But it’ll be okay,” I said reassuringly as they looked at me with disbelief on their faces. “I’m just being optimistic here.”

“I know, and that’s my job,” Tisiah joked, getting up from his seat, “but it would be nice to hear a positive word once in a while.” He laughed slightly, as we all looked at him. “It doesn’t get you anywhere,” Nikki said.

Mr. Drails shook his head, “Just get ready.”

I checked all my things: my utility belt, gun, knives and swords, and my radio. All that I needed, and all that I had, was now prepared to go. I hoped this wouldn’t be my last time, though.

“Alright guys,” Mr. Drails said. “Here we go.” He got out his wand, making a portal into Japan as I walked through it. Finally he didn’t open the portal under us this time, because that was really annoying, not to mention dangerous if anything happened.

I opened my eyes as I heard the hum of the engine of the helicopter around me. September had told me that when they arrived here, they would see the helicopter, so I wasn’t surprised by this at all. Probably the JSA anyways to be honest, but what do I know, really?

I watched as the helicopter flew through the clouds above us, and then it landed in a field below us. We then exited the helicopter, and we all saw B and Masaru standing beside each other on the other side of the helicopter.

“Oh dang,” I muttered. Masaru looked at us as the grass swayed from the air, but B was simply watching us with his hands in his pockets. It seemed that he wasn’t going to approach us after all, so I just assumed he wanted to watch us instead of talk to us.

“Hey it’s you guys again,” Masaru said, as I slightly smiled, knowing we would be talking soon enough. B stepped forward slowly, walking towards us with his hands still in his pockets as if he didn’t want to touch us at all. “Alright, I’ll see you guys later, but call me if you need any help,” B said, his suit flying in the wind, “cause I’m pretty sure that if you need any help then you’ll call me.” He laughed slightly as he said this last bit.

“I’m positive about that,” Tisiah chuckled as well, and then walked up to Masaru with a hug. “How’s your dad doing?” he asked, and Masaru sighed deeply.

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