Spy Mage System

Chapter 160

160 The Thought of One

“So what happened?” Masaru asked as his grandfather left the room. “You guys just swerved into a different direction.”

“There was some business that needed to be taken care of,” I responded shakily, as Masaru nodded slowly, but then he noticed I wasn’t finished and tilted his head curiously. “Uh, yeah... that was some serious business.”

“Yeah,” September nodded. “You have any video games?”

“Yeah, quite a lot of them to be honest,” Masaru said, as my eyes widened, knowing what he was talking about. “I know you have a game system in your room right?” He nodded back at me. I felt my hands tingle in excitement, my heart pump, my mind racing as it felt like Christmas had come early.

“Yeah, follow me,” Masaru said, leading us up the stairs to my room as we followed behind him, trying to contain ourselves until we got there. And when we got there...only a picture could describe it best. A flat screen TV was on the wall with a game system beside it. I looked around to see a large flat screen TV hanging on the wall and a big red sofa facing it with an arcade machine between it.

But then something reminded me, and I needed to tell September.

“Hey uh, September,” I whispered, as she looked at me. “Yeah?”

“Uh, Masaru wants to um-have some time with you,” I said, feeling weird as I said it because it felt like I was saying something wrong or something that wasn’t true.

But then her face broke into a smile and she nodded. “I know, but I don’t know if I should because me and-”


“No worries, it’s fine between us,” I said, trying to not sound awkward but failing miserably at it. She chuckled and laughed, her cheeks red as she took my hand in hers. She then placed a kiss on my hand softly, making me shiver as I blushed with happiness at this moment.

“Alright, let’s see what games you got,” Tisiah chuckled, but I knew what he was talking about. I’ve never played one of these before, but I’m sure they’re amazing games.

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Those were not amazing games at all.

Like the games were with low graphics, which was more like a black and white cartoonish type of look. You could say that it was like an early 80s cartoon or something like that, where the characters had simple facial expressions and only had simple colors like blue and green for clothing and other things in their world.

It felt like the games had just come out on the market and not been on there long enough for the games to really evolve yet, so they were still very primitive.

Either way, I was more worried about Masaru going out with September, I didn’t like it. But it’s not like I was really doing anything, that’s between Masaru and September anyway. I was just a spectator, but it didn’t feel right for me to do anything in particular to stop it.

I went into the kitchen, opening the fridge to get a glass of apple juice. I used to like orange juice but one experience ruined it for me, and I’d prefer not to focus on that memory, so apple juice was what I’d go with today. I took a sip of the juice before looking over at the countertop where a bowl of apples were sitting in it, with some raisins beside them as well as oranges.

But then I heard footsteps, as I moved my head back-seeing Nikki approach me.

“Hi, Connor,” she said as she leaned in and kissed my cheek. She then wrapped her arms around me tightly and hugged me before releasing me with a smile on her face. “Did you see what I just did?”


“I won a match, finally,” she said as I chuckled a bit, moving my hands over her shoulders and back to hug her tightly again.

“Yeah I did,” I chuckled back as she smiled at me, letting me pull her close to me again as we held each other tightly. “It was very...very cute.”

“It’s a little embarrassing to admit,” she laughed softly. “But I feel like you’re a bit off. You talked to September about something, and your face was really troubled.”

“I’m not,” I said, excessively shaking my head, but Nikki gave me a confused look and raised an eyebrow. “It’s not a big deal at all,” I said with a shake of my head again as she looked at me, as her eyes widened with realization and thought. “Oh,” she said, nodding very slowly, before her lips formed into a smile. “So that’s why you’re worried about her and Masaru.”

I nodded slowly as she smiled at me. “I don’t want to see her get hurt.”

“Well we’ll find out soon enough,” Nikki responded as she kissed my cheek again and then let me go. How did she know? How did she find out?

“I’m glad you’re worried about her,” she said softly as she took a step back from me slowly before smiling and walking away from me, leaving me to ponder about it all alone. I was going to say something, but I couldn’t, because I wanted to know what was going on between September and Masaru too. I wanted to know how she knew about that...and how she knew what was going on between them?

I decided not to think about it, because it’s not worth it, and it was just going to cause me trouble in my mind if I kept thinking about it. And since I already knew it was nothing, I figured that if anything would happen it would happen, but...what if it didn’t? What if she had feelings for him too?

Okay, I’m gonna stop.

I finished my glass, as I took a deep breath, as it felt like my thoughts were running around in circles in my head. The fact that I can’t stop thinking about September was not good...but maybe it would be good for me to stop thinking about her...at least for now.

I looked at the clock and saw it was twelve o’clock already. That means it was 8 pm back at my home, so we had a little bit until it was time, but it wouldn’t be long now before it was time for me to go back home and when I got there I would probably have to wait until the morning.

But then I heard my radio click, hearing B on the other side. “Yeah,” I said, picking it up. “So the BMO chased you guys during our transport?” I sighed. “Yes, precisely,” I responded, knowing exactly what she meant. “But they couldn’t get us before we got to the mansion.”

“How come they didn’t go to Masaru?” B asked.

“I don’t know, but they seemed to want us more,” I responded, making B sigh. “But they didn’t catch us.”

“They may not have been after you or Masaru specifically,” B replied. “They could’ve been trying to figure out who you were.”

“Well now they do,” I said, as B sighed again. “So we’re just going to have to keep an eye out for them.”

“That’s why I have men stationed throughout the area,” B said as he clicked off his radio. I sighed once again, hearing B’s voice in my head. It was like he had been waiting for this moment to have this conversation with me. He was right of course, they might not be after Masaru or me specifically, they could be searching for us.

Now they possibly know our location.

So I have to keep an eye out for them and make sure nothing bad happens to them while they search for us. But they only sent a few people after us, but weren’t we the biggest threat to their mission. I don’t think they were trying to distract us or anything, so I don’t really see them being after us for that reason either. Maybe they are after us for something else, but what?

Why would they send so little after us? What was the point, if they wanted us dead that much? Maybe we were more important than I thought?

I turned off the radio and shook my head as I looked down at the floor, still trying to understand, but it felt like it wasn’t any good. No matter how hard I thought about it, it still didn’t seem like they would be after us that much.

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