Spy Mage System

Chapter 165

165 Jealousy

“Alright, who’s gonna call Mr. Drails?” Malachi asked. Nikki got out her radio, and as she began to call the number that Mr. Drails gave her, she said “Calling Mr. Drails, calling Mr. Drails...” Then she continued to repeat that sentence over and over again until finally she got an answer.

“Yea,” Mr. Drails answered.

“We got Marcello, but some van crashed into them, causing the van to explode. I think your men died,” Nikki said, but only silence was on the phone, and then she said “Hello?” But there was no reply from Mr. Drails.

“I don’t know,” Mr. Drails said as soon as he picked up the radio again. “I don’t know...where’s your location?” Nikki pulled out her phone, and checked. “We’re in these coordinates: 43°1’42.33″N, 5°17’5.18″W.”

“Got it,” Mr. Drails said before hanging up the phone. “Okay, a portal should be coming soon. Just stop the car.” Nikki winced, “Yeah also, Marcello is not in good shape right now.” Mr. Drails sighed, and his lips smacked through the radio, “I don’t give a crap. Just hurry.”

Nikki slowly pulled the car over and stopped the car as we came to a red light. Soon enough a portal opened up, and we walked through to the front of the YMPA, where we saw Mr. Drails. “Here,” I said to him, as Nikki gave Marcello to Mr. Drails. “We’ll treat him, for now you guys need to get to Japan,” Mr. Drails said, looking at us, but then he noticed that Marcello was still breathing and then turned around to walk away, holding his hand over his mouth as he took deep breaths, as if he was trying to suppress a sneeze.

Men rushed towards us, looking at the wounded Marcello, trying to figure out what happened-as I knew what happened. They rushed towards Marcello as if he had fallen into a volcano-and that’s exactly what he had done. He had taken a lot of damage from us but more so from the smoke that made him cough so hard that he lost control of himself.

He coughed for a long time until his breathing became more relaxed but still shallow.

“Take him to the medical center,” Mr. Drails said, breathing out, looking exhausted after witnessing all of the events that happened today. “You guys did great.”


I nodded as I put my hands in my pocket and then turned around. “But you guys need to get to Japan, it would be for the best,” Mr. Drails said, creating a portal, and he looked back at me before I left with a stern expression on his face. “What do you mean ‘for the best’?” I turned around again, looking at Mr. Drails and then turning back around, walking towards the YMPA entrance.

I nodded as we walked through the portal, before it closed the seal back to the YMPA.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

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We were now in Zekeshi Kin’s mansion, which now felt way more calmer than Hawaii. I laid on the sofa while Nikki came over to me and sat by me, giving me a kiss on the cheek, which was a really nice feeling after everything that had just happened today.

“Hey Connor,” she said with a smile, rubbing my cheek gently. I smiled at her and then gave her a soft kiss back. I slowly turned my head towards her so I could look into her eyes. “Hey,” I said. “How are you doing so far?”

She bit her lip, “You know I’m not good at this stuff.” I nodded slowly.

I chuckled slightly, but suddenly I heard laughter echoing from the stairs. Then I saw Masaru and September walking down the stairs, laughing and chuckling like first graders, except they were two teenagers.

Confusion ran through my head as I saw them walking down the stairs towards us with their arms around each other’s shoulders. I tried to keep my cool as I kept a smile, as they walked into the kitchen, talking to each other, with Nikki smiling beside me as she watched them too.

“Connor,” Tisiah said. “You okay?”

I shook my head, returning back to reality, “Yeah...”

“You sure?” he asked again, looking at me carefully.

I nodded slowly, “Yeah.” He looked at me for another moment and then walked away, going back into the living room.

Nikki sat down on the other side of me as we both watched Masaru and September hug each other in the kitchen while talking to one another about some trivial matters that didn’t even matter to anyone else but them-like when they would have their next date night.

I laughed at myself as I realized that I didn’t care much for their relationship status and such, but it was nice to see them happy. Or at least I tried to, but just seeing September looking at him the same way she looks at me just-frightened me, in a way. She wasn’t acting like my girlfriend but it felt like she wanted to be more than friends-like maybe she wants him in her life for something more, but it doesn’t really matter anymore now since she has me, so I tried not to think about it.

“So I heard anything from Mr. Drails?” I asked Tisiah, who was sitting in front of me while Nikki was on my other side.

“Not yet,” Tisiah replied, looking at me with a curious look on his face. “Who knows if Marcello survived.”

“Yeah,” I agreed, thinking about the explosion, and how it felt like my heart stopped beating when the flames roared towards us. “I wonder what happened to the van though.”

“I don’t know,” Tisiah said with a sigh, looking down at his feet. “Pretty sure the fire department is on it though.”

“Probably,” I said with a chuckle, and then we both looked up to see September and Masaru walk out of the kitchen with two glasses full of some juice.

“Here,” Masaru said as he handed me mine, and I took it from him and smiled at him. It was hard not to give him a dirty face, since I felt like doing it every single day since we met each other.

I looked down into the glass of juice as Masaru held up his own glass, and then we both took a sip. “So, how are you guys doing?” he asked while looking at us, with September nodding in response.

I nodded back slowly as I sipped my juice and then looked over at Nikki who was looking at us with a curious look on her face. “Fine I guess,” Nikki answered as Masaru cleared his throat, taking another sip of his juice.

“I guess?” he replied before looking at her with an annoyed look on his face. “It’s weird being back here.”

“It is?” I asked in return, drinking my juice.

“Yeah.” He nodded as he took another sip of his juice. “Everyone looks off.” I chuckled and almost choked on that chuckle, because it sounded way more like a gag than a real laugh. But it was funny, and I couldn’t help but laugh out loud at that moment. Masaru joined in and September followed as well, while Nikki just gave me a confused look as she tilted her head slightly to one side.

“Yeah,” Nikki said with a small laugh. “I guess we’re all off.”

“Well what happened so bad today?” he said, as he started soothing September’s arms. Now he was getting way too far, and somehow September is accepting this, and that was weird too since it felt like he was touching her in a weird way or something.

“Well...” she said as she looked at me and the rest of the team. “A certain person we were looking for crashed and kind of exploded. He may not have a chance of making it perhaps.” Masaru’s eyes widened as if he didn’t want to know anymore.

He probably shouldn’t, since we had no idea if he was dead or alive after the van exploded. We didn’t know anything about that yet; but there were still possibilities that he might survive. It was just a possibility, though.

“Well that’s okay,” Masaru said calmly, still soothing her arms. “He’s probably already dead.”

“Oh,” September replied in an awkward tone of voice.

I mean I appreciate his honesty, but this could affect him as well, if he finds out the truth. It might be better if he doesn’t know anything right now, while we were trying to help him escape from his situation in Japan.

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