Spy Mage System

Chapter 176

176 The Attack

We were inside this weapon room, or some sort of locker room, where a bunch of agents got their utility belts, vests, and even guns as they walked out of the room. Some of the agents looked like they had guns strapped to their hips, but most of them had utility belts around their waist and vests on their backs as they walked into another room.

“I hope this works,” Malachi muttered as he watched everyone else prepare for the mission. He held a gun in his hand, and it was covered in what appeared to be gold and silver paint as he looked at it with fear in his eyes. “I hope this works, because if it doesn’t-we’re all dead.”

“Let’s try to be more positive about it. How about that?” September suggested, but none of us-or me was feeling that optimistic, as we stood there with our weapons strapped to our bodies.

“Are you guys ready?” B asked as we looked at him, and he nodded. “Then let’s move.”

“Yes, sir,” Nikki said as she stepped forward, and I could see that she was nervous as well. “I’m ready.”

“Good,” B said as he looked at us, “let’s go.”

“On three,” Nikki said, “three, two, one, go.”

Everyone moved out of the locker room, heading towards the outside of the JSA building, into the pack of SUVs in the driveway. “Which one you wanna get in?” Malachi asked me, as he pointed at one of them. I looked at all of them and then back at him with a frown on my face.

“How many are there?” I asked.


“Five,” Malachi answered as he shrugged his shoulders. “Let’s take the third one,” I said to him, as our team began to pile inside of the SUV. We all climbed in and waited for everyone else to get in before we closed the door and got in as well. Once everyone got in, B pulled off his glasses and placed them in a compartment on his utility belt before he turned to look at us.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Alright, once we see the convoy, we don’t fire until they reach the airport. Once they do, fire at will,” B said as he pulled out a gun and loaded it with a bullet before he put it back into the compartment and took out another gun and loaded it. He handed the other gun to Malachi, who did the same with his own gun. “Make sure you keep your targets in sight as much as possible so that no one gets shot by accident.”

“Yes, sir,” we all responded, as our group of vehicles began to move.

“I’m pretty sure Masaru right now is crazy scared right now,” Malachi said, and I nodded, but then I turned to look out the window as I wondered if I was going to make it through this mission alive.

“I don’t think anyone has ever seen anything like this,” Nikki whispered as she looked at me from the corner of her eye, and I nodded back at her. “Yeah,” Malachi said. “Imagine those people in the airport seeing these big line of cars. I would think it’s the president.” I nodded. “They would think that the president is here.”

“But then we’d be in trouble,” I whispered back as Nikki leaned her head towards me slightly.

“That’s why they’re gonna try to get into the airport first,” she said, and I nodded as I looked out the window as we drove along. “They probably have a plane already there,” Malachi said, looking outside, too. “Yeah,” Nikki agreed.

“That would explain why they were so quick to leave,” B expressed as he looked out the window as well. “I mean, they were probably told to get to the airport before anyone else.” We continued to drive for a bit, but then we heard on B’s radio: “We got eyes on the convoy!”

Suddenly, the feeling in the room changed a lot more, and I felt like I couldn’t breathe as B reached for the radio, and his voice filled the car. “I see it!”

“Get ready!” B said over the radio as we drove down the road. B turned towards us with a smile on his face as he said, “Remember, fire at will!” We went inside of this alleyway, and soon enough I saw it. The entire convoy. Trucks, vans, cars, vehicles with automatics on top of them, every single thing you can imagine, and they were all going to the airport.

“Follow the convoy,” B ordered. “Do not fire yet.”

The driver pulled the car into a lane by the convoy, and so did other JSA cars, and everyone followed it as we got closer to the airport. “Fire!” B yelled out over the radio once we were close enough, and suddenly everyone opened fire on the convoy. The air filled with bullets as everyone took aim at the convoy and fired at each of them as they shot back, but luckily for us, they were all driving.

“Keep firing!” B ordered. “Keep firing!”

“You’re a good leader,” I said to B as I looked at him. “We’re gonna get through this.”

“You can say that again,” Nikki muttered as she looked out the window. Our SUVs weaved through the streets as bullets sprayed through the area, hitting a car that was in front of us and then spraying through the air to hit another car next to it. Then someone shot one of our agents through the window, but luckily it was the windshield that got hit and not his face.

“Get down!” B shouted, as the driver began to stray towards the other lane, hurrying through the road, but then we came to a sudden stop when a semi-truck almost crashed into our car. We swerved away from it as the convoy kept ongoing. “Stay in your lane!” B yelled as he leaned forward to get a better view outside of the car window.

One of the shooters from the cars with guns on top began to shoot towards the SUV on our left, but luckily they weren’t able to hit us or hit any of our cars around us as we continued to shoot at them. I didn’t know if they had a plan or not, but I didn’t want to wait until we were closer to them to get out of their way.

“Malachi, use your bolts!” September said.

“On it!” he responded. I saw him look at B before he reached for his back and pulled out a wand, with lightning shooting out of it. He aimed them and threw them out of his hands as the bullets from the convoy continued to spray towards us. The shots went through our car and shattered a window.

I needed to help.

I got out my pistol-ready to fire. First I needed to get out the guy on that gun up top because he was doing some damage. I pulled out my gun and began to fire at the man on top of the car while I ducked down below my window. As I did, I could see people begin to shoot at us again, and I began to worry about Nikki and Malachi and B inside of our vehicle.

Bullets, shouts, screams and bangs were coming from all around me as I fired my gun at the man on top of the car while I kept moving back from it, trying to avoid being shot by anyone in the convoy.

“Gain up more on the first vehicle!” B said to the driver, who weaved into another roadway, riding up towards the white SUV upfront, which was completely covered in bullet holes as I looked at it.

“Nikki!” I screamed as I could see her getting shot at through the window, but she didn’t seem to notice anything as she fired back with her gun from her window. She turned over to me, and that’s when I saw it. A helicopter that was in the sky.

“There’s a helicopter in the sky!” I shouted, and B glanced in my direction.

He took out his binoculars immediately, viewing the helicopter that was hovering over us. “Oh, no,” he muttered. Then he took out his radio, everyone-move away from the left lane, everyone-move away from the left lane!!”

“What?” I asked.

“RPG,” B responded, as fear pumped in my heart. RPG stood for a rocket-propelled grenade, which was a type of ammunition used in a rocket launcher that could blow up a huge section of a car. It could blow up half of our car.

“It’s coming towards us!” Nikki shouted.

“Go right!” Tisiah screeched. He swerved, but our other teammates weren’t so lucky.

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