Spy Mage System

Chapter 188

188 Meet and Greet

The next day came and with no time to waste. Right after school I joined the inside of the room-which I still don’t know what it’s called. Mr. Drails looked up at us once he saw us, and he smiled as he said, “Alright everyone! Now it’s time to go over our plans for this mission.”

We sat in a line on top of a few tables and chairs, while Mr. Drails took a seat on top of his chair as well as his desk, so we all had a view of him as he continued. “Now we’ve got two missions.” He gestured at September as he continued.

“The first mission is going to be stealing the folders that contain the information we need to find Dr. Mord’s lab.”

“What’s the second one?” I asked and Mr. Drails chuckled, which made me blush.

“Well, that’s classified for now.”

“Oh, yeah?” I asked, and he nodded before he continued, “Alright, now let me tell you what you’re going to do.” He pulled up a map on the computer as he said this, which made us all look at the screen at him and Mr. Drails continued to speak. “As we discussed yesterday, you’ll be traveling by yourself towards Las Vegas.”

“I thought that’s where they were last seen,” Tisiah said.

“Well, the FBI has just told me that they are still settling in Las Vegas right now. Figures out their base that we just saw on the screen yesterday-was in Las Vegas. But as I said, you’re going to be meeting with the FBI. They have a little base in this location in Las Vegas: 1380 East Washington Boulevard,” Mr. Drails said and showed us a map of Las Vegas as he said this. “Their base will be in that location in this area,” he continued as we all looked at the map, then turned our heads towards each other to get a better look.

“Well, doesn’t look too small, I guess,” Nikki said.


“So this is where Agent Nelson is going to be at?” Malachi asked. “She’s probably hates our guts.”

Then he turned towards me. “Especially you.”

I gave him a nasty look-because I already knew that, and there was no point in grinding it in. I get it, but that was in the past now. Who knows, this may turn out to be a good thing.

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“Alright, make sure you have all your weapons. Also, the person who gave us this information should also be at that base right now.”

“Like the one who told us about the whole Dr. Mord thing?” Malachi asked and Mr. Drails nodded. “Yes, so make sure you got all your weapons before I get to portal you guys out of here.”

We nodded.

I quickly got my vest and checked each pocket. Guns: Check. Stun gun: Check. Baton for some reason: Check. Then I checked my utility belt. Sword: Check. More guns, for some reason: check. Wand: Fully charged and-Check.


The next thing I knew, I was standing up again, only now I was inside of a building that looked like a warehouse or a garage. I wasn’t sure what it was, but Malachi had his arm over me as we entered inside of a room.

The place looked pack.

There were computers that were on the far left side, and a few that were facing against the screen. There were two levels, and the top seemed to be the captain’s office. We came out of what seemed to be a yellow elevator. The floor wasn’t tile, but it definitely wasn’t carpet. It was like this blackish-gray stone that seemed to spread all throughout the ground with these white streaks that looked like lightning.

I took a deep breath as I finally returned to Earth, then I shook my head as I rubbed my eyes. “What happened?” I asked as I shook my head.

“You passed out.”

I turned towards him and grabbed his arm as I felt my eyes close and my head fall forward. “Oh,” I groaned out, then my vision returned as I saw him rubbing the side of my face with his hand as he asked me, “What happened?”

I looked into his eyes and saw that he was scared-not just of me passing out; but he was also scared of something else, so I gently placed my hands on his cheeks and I turned his head towards me.

He smiled at me as I said, “I don’t know what happened.”

“We just entered inside of the FBI base,” he said. “You passed out for like two minutes.”

But as he was talking, I heard the loud boom of a woman’s voice. A woman with straight black hair with a gray streak in it; she was wearing a navy blue suit, with an earpiece in her right ear and a gun in her holster on her left side. She looked a lot different than the last time I saw her. She came into the room and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw us standing there with Malachi, still holding me up with his arm around my shoulders.

“Oh yes, I definitely remember you guys,” she said with a haste in her voice, then she pointed at me and said, “Especially you. You know what you’ve done. I will put you to justice someday.” Then she pointed at herself and said, “I’m Agent Nelson.”

“Um,” Malachi said as he pointed at me. “We kind of know that.”

Agent Nelson shook her head. “Let’s just pretend it’s a new start, and we just met each other. So let’s try again, shall we? My name is Agent Nelson.”

“Nellie?” I asked.

“No,” she replied, and then she nodded towards me and said, “My name is Agent Nelson.”

“Oh,” I chuckled. “My bad. I’m Connor Drails, this is Malachi, this is September, Nikki, and Tisiah.” I pointed to all of them as I said the conga line of names. “Ahh,” she said. “So let me guess, Dr. Mord?”

“Yes, we’re here so we can get ready to steal the files,” September said, which made me turn my head towards her.

“That’s right!” Agent Nelson said with an excited tone in her voice as she said this and her eyes grew wide. “I can’t believe you’re here for that. But I’m so sorry I didn’t get the message to you guys sooner.”

“Well,” I said with a shrug as I gestured at myself as I said this, “I guess you could say it was a kind of sudden.”

“Yeah, so who’s like the leader between you guys?” Agent Nelson asked. September rose her hand, but Malachi pushed it down as he said, “I am.”

She nodded in agreement as she said, “Okay, good, but that means you’ll need to stay back and guard the other students while we steal the files.” Malachi chuckled, “We don’t really have a leader, actually.”

Agent Nelson seemed confused for ten seconds, but then she returned as she leaned back towards an agent. “Could you please get their disguises for me?” she asked him, and he nodded and left the room. “So why don’t you tell me a little about yourself and why you want to steal those files? Do you have a plan or something?”

“Well,” Malachi said. “We think we can find some information on where it could be located, or who’s involved in it.” Agent Nelson nodded. “Hmm, that makes sense,” she muttered. “Well, I’m pretty sure you guys know how much guards are in the front and back and all the fun stuff. Now, I’m here to tell you how you guys are going to get the files. You’ll follow my exact orders.”

“Yes, sir-ma’am,” Malachi muttered. Nikki looked at him, almost grinning.

“Well, first we need to get into this building-” She started saying as she held up her hands as she looked around the room and said, “This is not exactly a warehouse or a garage-so let’s just pretend it is.” She looked back at us all and continued talking. “So we have to get into this building using whatever means necessary and then once we’re in there, you’ll see the lobby. There’s the left and then the right. Go to the right, because the left leads to the bathroom and then refreshments.”

“Alright,” I mumbled sensibly, but she glared at me as she said this and then she continued speaking. “Now, after that, you’ll see a set of stairs. Take those stairs up until you see the second floor. You’ll see two doors-one on each side of the hallway. Now there are three guards, and they will ask for your ID. Now I hear someone already took care of that, but if they ever find out you don’t work for them, neutralize them in the most silent way you can.”

“After that?” September asked, which made everyone except me chuckle.

“You’ll see a door,” Agent Nelson said as she pointed at it. “You’ll be able to see that there’s a keypad beside that door, and that’s where you’ll enter the code: 3-2-1-2.”

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