Spy Mage System

Chapter 192

192 A Quick Tour

Fulton turned back to look at me as he took a deep breath. “I hope Fletcher gives us some answers,” he said as he rubbed his chin, which I was close to doing the same thing myself.

“So what are you doing for dinner tonight?” Nikki asked, breaking the awkward silence. She was standing behind Fulton with her hands on her hips as she spoke with her eyes narrowed. I saw Fulton glance over at her as he sighed and smiled.

“I was hoping to get out of this lab,” Fulton said as he shook his head. “I’ll just call up some of my friends from high school and meet them for dinner.”

“Back in Russia?” I asked, and Fulton shook his head. “No, they’re here in Las Vegas. Hey, come-I want to show you the secret dorm rooms they have in here.”

“Wait, they have dorms in here?” I asked, as we quickly followed him, as we walked up to another set of elevators in the base.

“Yeah,” Fulton said with a nod. “And the cool thing is, they’re disguised as offices.”

“Why?” Tisiah asked. “Is there something to hide?” Fulton shrugged as he looked at all four of us, then sighed.

“I’m not sure...but I think the higher-ups are worried about something happening to the dorms.” Fulton pushed the button to get into the elevator as the doors opened and we all stepped inside. “Maybe it could be used as a trick whenever this base gets raided or something,” he said with an expression, “I don’t really know.”

We stepped into the elevator as the doors closed behind us, and we all felt a shiver run down our backs when we saw two men standing there with machine guns pointed towards us. They wore black fatigues with a black bandana covering their face and wore black gloves with black boots on their feet. Black helmets that were shaped like a skull covered their faces, and it almost felt like I was in the movie Aliens with that design.


Fulton hit the elevator as we began to go down, and soon enough we stepped out onto the first floor of the base. “Hey,” Fulton said as we all got off of the elevator and looked around us. The hall was just as long as it was on the second floor, but this time I could tell that it was more... industrial-looking with lots of pipes on the ceiling and walls that were white. It almost felt like we were in an old factory instead of an office building.

“Well jeez, we’ve been walking for quite a while!” Tisiah spoke, as he looked at us with wide eyes.

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Fulton led us down the hall, and soon enough we came to another set of doors that were white and had a sign that said ‘Secret Dormitories’ on them in blue letters. They were like a large glass door that was made out of thick glass, but it didn’t have any windows or anything behind it.

Fulton turned around and sighed as he rubbed his chin. “You know what they say,” he started, “a place for everything and everything in its place.” Fulton chuckled to himself before he pushed open one of the doors and we walked inside. “This is what the rooms look like.”

The dorms looked nothing like rooms.

I’m telling you, they did not at all, but they were more like cubicles with no doors or windows that had been built into the wall. There was a computer console with a flat screen TV on top of it that sat on top of a desk that had a white keyboard on it. “They definitely do not look like actual rooms,” Nikki said with a chuckle, as she walked around one of the cubicles that had a desk with two computers sitting on it and a couch that looked like it had been ripped out of an apartment’s living room. “It looks like they put two rooms together to make one.”

“Yeah, you’re right about that one,” I said as I looked around, and my eyes widened when I saw what was next to the cubicles. It was a bathroom with no shower or tub in it but had a sink, toilet, and mirror that were made from thick glass.

“Where’s the shower?!” I asked Fulton, who just sighed and rolled his eyes. “And where are the beds?” I asked him, and Fulton just shrugged.


The next day came, and I didn’t really have the best sleep, so I was still tired when we started to get ready for work. “Let’s hurry up and get going so we can get started,” I heard Fulton say to me as I looked at him through my half-opened eyes. He was already ready and prepared, wearing his blue and black uniform with a white shirt underneath and black shoes on his feet. He had his fedora hat on his head and his black sunglasses on his face.

“What time is it?” I asked, my throat being hoarse and dry. “It’s still too early for this.”

“It’s 10:30,” he said as he took a quick glance at his watch. “we’re already late for the meeting.”

I groaned as I got up, feeling my legs twitch, but I made it up onto my feet with a groan. “Okay, let’s go.” I grabbed my bag off of my bed and slung it over my shoulder as we headed out of the door.

We made it towards the main room of a FBI base, as everyone looked at us arrive, including Agent Nelson. “Good morning, Agent Nelson,” Fulton spoke as he saluted her, and she just raised an eyebrow as she glanced over at him.

I looked at September as she waved at me. I didn’t have back, being that I was a little cross, and I gave her a weak smile as I waved back. She just rolled her eyes as she looked at me before she turned back around towards Agent Nelson.

“Alright you guys,” Agent Nelson said as she put her hands behind her back, “let’s go to the briefing room and talk about what we have so far.”

We made our way through the lab, and we soon arrived at the briefing room, which was a large room filled with all the FBI agents who worked on this case and who were wearing their blue and black uniforms just like Fulton and I did. “Everyone take your seat please,” Agent Nelson said as she motioned to the chairs in front of her desk.

Everyone nodded as they sat down, and I took a seat next to Nikki and Tisiah as I looked over at Fulton, who just smiled back at me.

“Now, we’ve found Dr. Fletcher to be inside of an underground area, consisting of a lot of protection. We’ll be sending an assault team to that area. But from Mr. Drails, some special agents might be there-which clearly I don’t know which agency they are.”

“The BMO,” Nikki muttered in disturbance, looking at me in horror. Revelation ran through my head, because Mr. Drails did warn us, and that was the agency that was helping Dr. Mord. I gulped nervously as I looked up at Agent Nelson to see her looking back at me with a stern expression.

“So, I think you kids know what to do when that time comes,” she said, and Fulton nodded along as he kept his eyes on her.

“Now we know where Dr. Fletcher is, but we also don’t know why he’s there,” Agent Nelson explained, as I nodded in agreement, “and I’m hoping that this leads us to finding him.”

“And that leads us to this,” Agent Max said from the other side of Agent Nelson as he pulled out some pictures and a map of Las Vegas from his briefcase. “What are we looking at?” one of the agents with a black but a silver line of hair asked, and Agent Max pointed at a spot on the map. “That’s where Fletcher is located.”

“That’s the strip,” Agent Nelson said, pointing at another part of the map. “This is where we have an apartment building in the area that has been rented out by Fletcher.”

“So we should get there now, shouldn’t we?” Fulton asked. Agent Nelson nodded as she got up. “Alright, guys get there-and find Fletcher. I want to know what he knows about the Cobra Virus.”

Agents hopped out of their seats and they began to speed outside the door. They rushed to their lockers, pulling out their vests, which had a patch with their name on it on them, and they grabbed their weapons as well before they headed out of the building.

I stood up as everyone else left, and Fulton grabbed my hand. “Please stay safe alright?” he asked.

I nodded. “Is Malachi okay?”

“Yeah, he should be joining you shortly-I hope,” Fulton said with a smile, as he squeezed my hand tightly. “Alright, go now.”

Fulton walked over to his briefcase that was sitting next to the table as he opened it and grabbed a pair of glasses from inside before he put them on. Everyone hopped inside of their trucks and SUVs.

I hopped inside of the one that was in the middle, following after September, Nikki and Tisiah. Once I closed the door, the driver asked, “You guys ready?”

“Yeah, I hope so,” September said breathlessly, as she sat beside me, looking around at all the men in the truck with us. “Is it always like this?”

The driver nodded his head as he looked around us at all the agents in the truck with us. “Always like this,” he said, and soon enough, the conga line of cars began to move out, making their way through the streets. From the apartment I saw, I’m not sure how long it was gonna take to get there, but I’m pretty sure things were soon to go down.

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