Spy Mage System

Chapter 197

197 Saving Dr. Whitehead

“Alright, they are just probably about two thousand feet away from you right now,” Agent Max answered, as September began to pressure the pedal, pressing it all the way down. She was doing over a hundred miles per hour as she sped through traffic. “What are you doing September?” Agent Max asked her back. “There are cops up ahead,” she replied back to him as she glanced up from her phone and held her eyes on the road ahead of her. “I can’t afford to lose them.”

“Just drive up there slowly,” he said back as she glanced back at him for a quick second. “And do not lose them!”

“And try not to get a ticket,” Tisiah added, and I chuckled at his comment, while September looked at him and smirked.

“I have never gotten a ticket before.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked her back with a smile.

“I’ve never gotten a ticket before,” she repeated back with a wink, “And it’s not gonna be now.”

As she drove, I began to see a bundle of cars that were ahead on the highway. There were these white vans that were circling around a G-Wagon. Dr. Whitehead must be rich or something, I thought as I looked at September’s rear view mirror.

“Uh...yeah,” September responded back to me with a smile. “He’s got a nice car.”

She pressed her earphone again. “We got a sight on them, we’re moving in,” she said, pushing the pedal to where she was trailing behind a white van, as we took a turn into another lane to avoid hitting a cop who was waving at us to stop. “Stay on them!”


We quickly made our way through the city, as September continued to cut people off and keep pace with the white vans that were following Dr. Whitehead’s vehicle.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The white van slowly began to advance on Dr. Whitehead’s side, as if it was getting ready to ram into the back of the G-Wagon and try to force him off the road. But suddenly Tisiah let out an exclamation as he sat up in his seat and pointed at something ahead of us. “What’s that?”

“What is that?” Nikki asked back with a confused look on his face, but we all looked ahead as well. There was a big yellow sign that read ‘Warning: Traction Control off’ with a picture of an old car above it that had a huge tire hanging out of it like a parachute, which meant that the tire was flat and it could cause the car to go off the road if you didn’t know what you were doing.

September looked ahead of us at Tisiah as we saw that Dr. Whitehead was in danger of being pushed off the road and possibly into another lane or possibly even going off the side of the highway altogether. We were less than fifty yards away from the van as we sped towards the white van that had its front bumper over the top of Dr. Whitehead’s car.

“Tisiah, take out your wand and start shooting at them. It’s getting too dangerous,” she said. Tisiah nodded immediately, before he reached his hand into his pocket and pulled out his wand. He took out the black stone and flipped it around his palm before he held it tight in his hand. He gripped it with his fingers, as if he was gripping onto a tennis ball, and he squeezed it tight and focused on the van.

We continued to cut through lanes, shifting behind cars, as Tisiah began to focus on the white van. He began to squeeze his fist tightly as he began to shoot a bolt.

It flew in high speeds towards the white van that was dangerously close to the G-Wagon and Tisiah’s attack managed to hit one of the tires before it exploded and the whole tire exploded as it blew out, sending shrapnel flying out from inside. The van swerved and veered into another lane as it swerved wildly around other cars before it came to an abrupt stop.

“Yes, got him!” Tisiah shouted.

“Nice,” Nikki said with a supporting smile. But then, the doors of the other white vans opened up-and they were holding wands at us. “Oh, it’s the BMO again,” I muttered frantically, and our faces widened in shock and fear, as we were being attacked again by some sort of magical group of mages who wanted us dead.

“Max,” September said with her eyes locked on the van behind her, “They’re getting ready to fire.”

“Who is?”

“Those guards from the apartment building,” September responded, holding firmly on the steering wheel. “We gotta get out of here!”

“They’re ready,” Agent Max said back.

“Good,” September responded back and pressed on the gas as we sped forward through the streets of Las Vegas at over a hundred miles per hour. Soon enough, bolts began to quicken towards us, but before they could get to us, Tisiah let out an ‘Ah!’ and suddenly there were three big fire balls in front of us, as if we were sitting on three boulders.

“Oh shoot!” September proclaimed, as she quickly dodged the firebolts, by turning her car to the left and then making another right turn.

Tisiah looked at her with wide eyes, as he let out an ‘ah!’ of his own and held his wand tight in his hand before he squeezed it and shot a fire bolt towards a white van that was in the right lane. He missed, but it was enough to make the van lose its footing, swerve, and slam into the wall on the side of the road as it spun around and then it swerved back into another lane to avoid hitting the guard rail, but it lost control of its wheels and began to veer out of control as it swerved back and forth and crashed into the wall once again. The van swerved one final time before it slammed into the side of a building and finally stopped.

“Dang!” Nikki said after the final blow of the van, while we drove down a side road and turned to avoid a bunch of cars that were parked on the side of the road. “You did it!”

“I did,” Tisiah said proudly with wide eyes. September continued to make her way behind the white vans, but their bolts were rapidly birthing from their wands, before they finally managed to hit us as we dodged them one after another.

“Can you shoot?” September asked Tisiah, but she knew what Tisiah was capable of and nodded quickly back. Tisiah’s eyes were wide with shock and fear as he continued to shoot fireballs towards us that came at us one after another before they were all blocked by a ball of fire that suddenly appeared in front of us, like we were playing some sort of soccer game with magical fireballs.

“Oh shoot!” September screamed, as we dodged one after another before we were suddenly forced to swerve around a truck that had stopped suddenly and was blocking our way. We went past the truck with only inches between us as I held my breath, knowing we might crash into it. I watched with fear as we passed the truck with only inches between us, until we were back into the open lanes again.

The roads were punctured with fireballs, and the white vans were constantly moving left and right to block our way, but September swerved left and right as well as she continued to move down the side street that led to the white van behind us.

“Shoot!” September asserted as she saw another white van appear on her right side, with its tires squealing as it swerved around a bunch of cars that were parked on the side of the road. We were now side by side with one another, while still trying to protect the G-Wagon.

The van regularly continued to merge towards us, making us cut away from the lane into another, while it moved closer to us in another lane, but Tisiah fired another fireball that flew straight towards it. The ball of fire exploded and caused shrapnel to fly out in every direction before it slammed into the windshield of the white van, which caused a crack and sent shards of glass everywhere, as we heard screeches all around.

“This is bad-bad-bad!” Tisiah shouted.

September pressed the brakes and drifted around the swaying white van, as I looked behind us to see that there was only one white van left now.

“Whoa, how did they all escape?” I asked with wide eyes as I looked back behind me to see that there were still only two white vans following us. We needed to get to the G-Wagon and quickly, so we could get out of there before we had anymore problems.

“I think... I think... that last van is damaged,” Tisiah said back with a look of relief as he took out his wand. “I think it’s gonna break.”

“Well let’s give it the final blow,” September said with a smirk widening on her face, while she made a quick right turn and pressed on the gas again. “We can get away now.”

“We’re in danger,” Tisiah warned back with wide eyes, “There’s still one van behind us.”

“I’m sorry what?” she said, turning around. I did the same, seeing a white van speeding towards us at a great speed, their wands pointed towards our car. “Oh, no-no-no!” September shouted.

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