Spy Mage System

Chapter 204

204 Backstory

I turned around, seeing the elevator open with the rest of our team walking out. “Well, they said that they should be done refilling by two hours,” September said as she encountered us. “But if you want to grab something now, we have time for that.”

“Well, we need to get moving quick once it’s time to go,” Fulton said, walking past us and leading the way. Being that we didn’t get the memo, Fulton stopped.

“Y’all coming?” he asked.

“Oh, yeah!” Nikki said with realization, following him quickly as Tisiah and September followed behind them.

I sighed at the group and walked behind them until I got to the front of the elevators. The door closed as I heard a voice speaking on the other side of the glass. “Lunch time is now, so please make your way towards the cafeteria.”

“They have a cafeteria?” September asked, scratching her head.

“Somehow,” Tisiah said as the elevator made my stomach queasy a bit. He looked up, seeing me looking at him. “What’s wrong?”

“This elevator is making my stomach feel bad,” I responded and then took a deep breath as I continued to look at the others. “But I’m fine though.” Tisiah nodded concernedly before the door finally opened and I stepped out, finding a large room with tables and chairs surrounding me.

“Wow!” Nikki exclaimed. “This is amazing!” She was staring at one of the tables that was in the center of the room where food was spread around. “I’m ready to get myself a little something,” Malachi said, rubbing his hands so much that I could feel the heat from his hands, which were getting quite warm.


“I can’t believe they have this stuff here,” Nikki said, holding some plates full of sandwiches, fruits, and drinks. “Do you think they serve any meat?” I shrugged, actually taking notice to what she was saying, even though I didn’t know why she was asking about meat.

“You like meat, right?” I asked her as we all made our way to a table and sat down. Tisiah looked at his sandwich and his face turned red. “I don’t think it has meat in it,” he said, inspecting it very closely, almost to the point where he was making me uncomfortable.

“It does have meat in it,” September told him before she took a big bite out of her sandwich, eating it as fast as she possibly could. She turned it back towards Tisiah, showing him the bitten-off meat that kind of relieved me a bit, since it was probably just a bit of ham and I could tell from the look on his face that he didn’t really want any. He took the bite, eating it and nodding in response to what she told him.

“How is it?” Nikki asked. But Tisiah responded with a slight shrug, as if he didn’t want it. I didn’t eat mine yet, but his reaction was less than stellar to actually convince me to eat it. “Anyway, so based on what Dr. Mord said, he added a fact that he wanted revenge on you guys for some unknown reason. Why?”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“Oh, his sister,” Nikki said with a nervous chuckle. “Well, that’s quite a story, to be honest with you.”

I nodded with her response, and Fulton sighed. “What did you guys do? I just want to know what I’m dealing with?” Soon enough I sighed, and everyone else sighed afterwards. “Well, his sister-Betty Mord was an agent that was under the apparently fake name Maddie Cone. She attacked the warehouse that the CSMO owned, Charlie. The BMO were working on a weapon called the Xeno, and that was the place they wanted to use it to test it out apparently,” September said, with Fulton’s eyes piercing with interest.

“So then...” Fulton asked.

“We found out there was possibly a mole that leaked information about Charlie. Now, although it wasn’t much of a mole, someone worked for Maddie Cone to get the information,” September said. “But to run it back a bit, we found she needed someone with a strong enough Perk to actually charge up the Xeno, therefore, completing its construction.”

“Mm,” he said in understanding.

“The sheep was going to be a kid named Masaru Kin,” September explained. Fulton’s eyes lit up instantly. “The son of the JSA C.E.O?”

“Yeah, and we had to spend a week trying to prepare him for the convoy attack that was happening. To fast forward, it didn’t work,” I said. “But then, I became the sheep for the BMO because I was apparently a better fit. But then things happened and fast forward, it ended up with us chasing her down. We then cornered her, and she seemed super overwhelmed. She ended up just blowing herself up.”

“So, how was it your fault?” Fulton asked.

“Once the police investigated the scene, they said that someone caused the explosion, and it showed not to be her supposedly, so Dr. Mord may have seen that and blamed it on us who were right by her.”

“Wow,” Fulton said, his mouth wide open in shock. “Hmm-that’s very sad.” He took a drink of his water. “That must have been... devastating for him. That’s why he wants to use the virus. Not because of the world, but you guys.”

“Well, that’s very selective-I’d say more of all the EMO organizations, but it could cause a pandemic,” I said. “There is a colossal risk of that happening.” Fulton nodded as he took a sip of his water, “Very big risk, which is why we need to stop him.” But then, the PA system cackled back into life-as we heard these words: The building is now being in lockdown, intruders have made their way to the base.

Silence aroused between the six of us, before Nikki muttered in fear, “What...just happened?”

“I don’t know, but its not good,” I returned back.

“Come on,” Fulton said. “We need to get ready.”

“We can’t go out there!” Nikki said. “This place is going to be like a war zone!” Fulton sighed as he got up to his feet, not listening to a word that came out of her mouth. “Come on, let’s go!” he said. Nikki muttered before she went after him, muttering something about how she had no idea what was going on.

Fulton was running as fast as he could towards the entrance, but we were still five minutes away from the front door when we heard a loud crash followed by screaming. Fulton stopped immediately once he heard the crash. “What in the world?” he muttered, looking above and down. “We need to move,” Malachi warned, getting my agreement as I looked up. The glass of the skylight above was shattering, with some light peaking through, giving us enough light to see that a figure was flying at us. “What the-get down!” Tisiah shouted, as I dove onto the ground-hearing the machine gun-fire rain through the building.

We were all ducking down behind different objects until we heard a loud thump in front of us. “Everyone okay?” Fulton asked. We all nodded back, then moved to our feet slowly. “The helicopter should be ready,” Tisiah said, looking at us.

“It’s been only thirty minutes!” Nikki returned back frantically, fear pumping through my veins.

“Well, it should have enough time,” Tisiah said as I stared at him in disbelief. “Let’s go,” he said as he took off down the hall, hurrying as he ran towards the stairwell. I soon enough followed as he led us towards the outside, but right then and there, I knew that was a bad idea. I could see BMO agents with their guns and weapons, storming like a phalanx outside of the base.

“Oh no, back-back-back!” Tisiah screamed, and I instantly turned back in the opposite direction.

I wasn’t trying to die here, not today! Not now! Not with so much left undone! I stumbled over my words as Nikki looked back at me in surprise. “We can’t fight them,” I said, as Nikki shook her head in disbelief. “Then we need to run,” I responded to her, as we continued to speed through the halls, dodging through any potential battle areas. “It will give them something to do other than hunting us.”

We heard a loud crash, but didn’t pay attention as we ran faster.

But I heard a lot more footsteps than just us. I looked back and my heart dropped, and my eyes bulged in fear as I saw BMO agents hastening towards us. I felt like melting to the floor at that point, and my fear skyrocketed and my anxiety activated my sweat. “Oh, no!” Fulton worried, “They’re chasing us!”

“We need to hold them back,” September said. “I got you guys.” She suddenly stopped, as confusion struck my head, then she pulled out her wand and cast a spell. It was a wind spell. The wind began to blow from the stairs, and all the agents were pushed back and hit their heads on the wall, and then the wind blew again.

“No, I’m joining you,” Malachi said, stopping as well.

What was going on? “What is this?” I asked.

Nikki was looking back at me, but didn’t answer until the last agent was knocked out. It wasn’t fair they were protecting me, when I had-no to brag-the more effective power than them. I needed to help them as well, but-I don’t know... it was almost like... like I couldn’t-I could barely-no, I was going to help them.

They helped me, and its time to return the favor.

Soon enough, I stopped like them and began to speed towards the BMO agents like a rushing wind, with my hands raised in the air.

I could do this.

I was faster than them.

I would win.

I would not let them get me.

I was a champion.

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