Spy Mage System

Chapter 215

215 Begging

Slowly he turned around, seeing Dr. Mord with five guards right behind him. “How do you like my trap?” he asked with a dark chuckle, as if this was all a game. I could tell from his voice that he knew we were here and that he had planned for it.

“How..how did you...” Fulton muttered as Dr. Mord laughed with a cackle in his voice, “how did you know? You have to be cheating!”

“Cheating? How so?” Dr. Mord asked as he stood in front of the table, “I am the one that is telling you that I made a trap that has obviously worked. Remember when you captured Jameson? We made a plan to lead you guys here, and although we did try to kill you guys in between that time. Clearly you dodged those and fell right into this next trap. Great job.”

I looked at him, anger boiling and circulating inside of me. “You sick little-” Fulton hissed but Dr. Mord rose up his hands with a certain calmness. “Save your anger for later, clearly I don’t have time for it,” he said, as he shook his head, “because there’s a much more pressing issue.”

“And what would that be?” Fulton asked as he tried to step back, but the guards stopped him. I looked at them, and they all looked like soldiers but none of them had a uniform on, and they were all wearing a blue band on their arm which I saw were filled with blue flames.

“Well, I’m not sure,” Dr. Mord said with a smile. “Maybe exacting my revenge which reminds me, where’s the others uh-Charlie Company? You might wanna call them.”

“What sick plan do you have?” Fulton hissed at him, as Dr. Mord continued to laugh while he walked around behind the table. He seemed almost like a showman or a ringmaster in the circus. “Now that’s just rude,” he said while shaking his head as got close to Fulton, “I thought you were going to try and play nice.”

“What is your sick plan?!” Fulton yelled out, his eyes turning red, “I demand to know what it is!”

“Well based on how the tables are, in a figurative way, I think you have no power here,” Dr. Mord said, as he stood with his arms crossed. “It seems like you guys have already been dealt with.”


I was about to run over and get to Fulton, but he shook me off.

“Don’t you dare,” Fulton hissed, looking back at me as I stood there with my mouth open. “He’s just trying to provoke you.” Dr. Mord shrugged, “I sort of am. But dear Fulton Rocke, you don’t concern me. In fact, I’m quite impressed with you and your organization. From many years in the ground you rose it up to be one of the top organizations in all of the world. But I’m more concerned about that of those two kids. Connor and Malachi. They’re the ones I want.”

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“Is this about your sister? Maddie Cone? How she killed herself?” I asked him and his face froze. “She did not kill herself-you killed her,” Dr. Mord hissed at us, as he sat back down behind the table, “and I will make it my life’s work to see you both dead.”

“What proof do you have?” Malachi asked, as his hands started to sweat.

“I have a video,” Dr. Mord said as he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out an iPad.

I gasped and leaned forward as I held out my hand for it, but he slapped it away.

“You don’t need to touch it,” He smiled as he looked over at me. “I saw what happened already. And you deserve to pay, no matter what. But I’m not going to kill you with my gun-no, something much worse.” I gulped as fear took over my entire body like a rushing wind, “I’m going to do something much more horrible, and that is to make you watch as your friends die.”

“What?” I asked, trying not to let my voice shake as I thought of what could possibly be done. “What do you mean?”

“You’ll see,” he muttered as he looked at me, his eyes keen with revenge, “and I promise it will be painful.”

“You’re sick!” I yelled as I looked around the room for help and saw the other agents.

“You don’t understand what it’s like to have a sister you love and then to lose her. She was the best person I ever knew and I loved her more than anything,” he said. “She was like a mother to me, and you took her away. I respected her, I loved her. She was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

I could hear his voice breaking, the sorrow that captivated him, the loss that consumed him, the hate that he felt for me, “She was perfect, and you took that from me. I hate you dearly.”

“Dearly?” Malachi hissed. “Don’t give me that sob story and expect me to care.”

Malachi should’ve not said that.

Malachi should’ve not said that!

“You don’t know what pain is,” Dr. Mord said, “or you’d never do what you did to us. And you have the nerve to say that to me.” He immediately walked over and all of a sudden, threw a hard punch at Malachi’s face. The sound of what could’ve been bones cracking almost made me puke, as Malachi stumbled back, but didn’t fall.

“You’re not going to stop me.” Dr. Mord was clearly enraged. “No one can stop me from what I want to do!”

“We will,” Malachi coughed, blood splattering on the floor from his mouth as he started to stand up. “You are going to pay for what you’ve done, even if it’s not in this life.” But then Dr. Mord threw another punch, this time harder as the blood spurt from Malachi’s mouth, and he collapsed again.

“It’s too late,” he whispered as he started to pass out. “I don’t care what you do, I won’t stop.”

“Stop!” I shouted at Dr. Mord as he looked at me, chuckling as Jones and Hanover looked in fear, knowing they weren’t in control of the situation any longer.

“You’re in no position to be ordering me about,” Dr. Mord hissed as he looked at me with contempt. “None any single bit,” he added with a hiss, “I know who you are, I know your name.” He took a step forward and I took one back.

“I have watched you,” he said, “and I promise you will suffer.”

He took a deep breath before turning over to Fulton. “So, here’s what I want you to do. Call Charlie Company on that radio of yours. Now.”

Fulton’s eyes widened and he immediately grabbed it and hit the button on it, and I could hear him call out, “Charlie, this is Fulton. We need reinforcements.” He shut it off before looking up at Dr. Mord who smiled, “Well, that wasn’t so hard was it?”

He started to laugh hysterically as he looked back at me with those dark eyes filled with insanity. “Now, September, Nikki and Tisiah can come and then I’ll be complete,” he said with a chuckle. “Power. It’s one thing better than money.” He looked over at them and laughed hysterically. “And they will have to pay for what they did, just like you.”

The anger I had was too much for me to bear, and I just felt like speeding towards him with my legs barely hitting the ground, and rip his neck apart, but that would just make him more angry. So I did the only thing I could think of to do and I yelled as loudly as I could, “Dr. Mord!”

He turned to me with a smile, as if I was his only friend in the world. “Yes?” he asked innocently.

“If you want me dead, then kill me,” I said with a shiver as I stood in front of him. “Kill me now, but let these others go. I was the main one there. While I don’t believe I killed her, I took her away from you. I’m sorry and I’ll pay for it, but don’t kill any of my friends please...”

Dr. Mord looked at me, but with no words exiting his mouth, he simply smiled. Then I heard Jones and Hanover gasp. “It’s too late,” he whispered as he started to pass out. “I don’t care what you do, I won’t stop. They deserve it as much as you do, so no-I won’t give mercy on them. I’m going to enjoy watching them die slowly.” He said as he looked back at me with those eyes full of madness, but it was a different kind of madness than before.

It was almost as if he had pleasure watching me beg, knowing he would have no mercy. And that was all I could do, beg. And while I was begging for my life, my mind started to wonder, if it wasn’t too late, maybe I could have tried something else. But what? I had to do something before it was too late.

I felt like my head was spinning as my mind thought of all the possible things I could do.

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