Spy Mage System

Chapter 217

217 The Disc

I could hear the groans that came out of Nikki’s mouth, the pain that wrecked me inside.

“You...you did this to her?” I asked him with my heart breaking at the sight of my friend being tortured in front of me. “What is wrong with you?” Dr. Mord shrugged, “I’m not exactly sure. Maybe I just will do anything just to avenge my sister.”

My mind felt like it was being torn apart into pieces as I stared at Nikki. I never thought she would be put in such a horrible position-such a horrific position at all! “Let her go!” I shouted, my eyes widened with fury and hate. But Dr. Mord shook his head as he looked at me, his eyes burning with enjoyment and pleasure, as if it was something he enjoyed seeing me in pain and helplessness-which it wasn’t for me at all, I felt so powerless and broken inside.

It wasn’t only the fact he was hurting Nikki, it was the fact that I couldn’t do anything about it at all! I was stuck in this room, unable to help her out in any way. There was nothing I could do-nothing I could do at all!

My fists clenched as I glared at Dr. Mord who just looked at me with a smug expression. “Tell me everything of how she died, and I said everything!” he said before defaulting to a shout. “I told you everything!” I screamed loudly, my anger boiling inside as my heart ached more and more for the pain that Nikki was suffering right now!

“No! You tell me!” Dr. Mord yelled back at me, “You tell me everything or she’s dead! I promise you!”

My eyes widened with confusion as I stood still as a stone, unable to understand his words as I looked at him with complete turmoil. “Please... please let her go,” I said with my eyes directly at his, pleading with him, “You have to let her go!”

Dr. Mord grinned at me as he looked at Nikki while speaking back to me with an evil tone in his voice. “You still won’t budge even for your friends. I have to give you that much,” he said, before turning his face back to me. “Now tell me how she died!” he yelled again at me in a commanding tone.

My mind raced as I tried to think about something-anything that would help Nikki get out of this wicked situation.


But an idea-yes an idea! I got it!

“Wait! You have a footage of it right?” I asked. “You just aren’t clear about it because of the angle it’s in right?” Dr. Mord slowly nodded, breathing heavily as his chest expanded and contracted. “Ok, so you want me to tell you how she died, right? So what if I show you?”

Dr. Mord laughed as he stared at me, his eyes wide in disbelief that I would be willing to do that for Nikki. He took out his radio, and slowly walked away towards the glass separating the room we were in and Nikki, who was in chains behind that glass. “What do you think, Nikki?” Dr. Mord asked, as he looked at Nikki who had an annoyed expression on her face.

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“Please...” she muttered. Dr. Mord smiled in response. “I think we can do that.”

He clicked on his radio and said, “Bring in the disc and tablet. The one with Maddie Cone.”

“Yes, Sir,” a female voice replied over the radio, before another voice said over the radio, “We found it sir.”

I turned my attention to the television screen where the tablet and disc were brought into the room by two men, both of them wearing blue hats and these vests that circled around their body, hiding the majority of their body from view. They placed both devices down onto a table and unhooked the disc from its power source and the tablet from its charger cord before handing them to Dr. Mord.

“Thank you,” he said quietly before they left, “Let’s watch.”

The two men walked away and sat down on two chairs across the room while Dr. Mord sat on his chair while turning on both devices and pressing play on the tablet. The screen popped up in that same area, the hall we chased Maddie Cone through. She was running, and I could hear the panting from the clip, along with the heavy footsteps of everyone running after her as we chased her down the hall.

“Now watch as she reaches her hand out towards the wall...” Dr. Mord said as the clip played out like it was moving slow motion. The clip started with the first view of the wall, where we saw that there were small marks that appeared and disappeared with no sound effect to be heard in the clip.

It was as if it was happening again like deja vu-a terrible feeling in this case-that was showing upon me, the same thing that happened to me in the same way. I felt my blood run cold as I felt like my life was flashing before my eyes. It felt like it wasn’t just happening to me again; it felt like it was happening again all over again!

I felt my heart throb wildly inside my chest as my hands started to sweaty, and I felt my breathing quicken in response. It reached the part where the rest of the YMPA team came in, and then right there-is where I saw it. “Stop the video!” I shouted, as I saw Maddie Cone’s wand glow and his eyes turn red.

“That’s where she blows the building up!” I said, with a sliver line of hope rising inside of me. But then, something froze me cold. It then showed that I got my wand and stabbed her in the throat with blood spilling onto her hands as she fell dead, as she died a gruesome death right there in front of us all.

My head fell back in utter despair and horror as I gasped for breath while looking at Dr. Mord with the most pathetic look on my face!

“No-that never happened at all, what?!” I pleaded, as Dr. Mord laughed as well as his two colleagues. “No! It wasn’t like that! That’s not what happened!” I said, feeling my face blush with shame as I felt tears fall down my cheek as I felt like a complete and total failure for being unable to save my friend.

“It wasn’t like that,” Dr. Mord chuckled. “So here we go. Who knew after all these years, I now finally see it. Maybe the tablet screen was too blurry or something.”

“No, this has to be some changed disc or something,” I said. “Someone changed that, I assure you-this isn’t the same disc you had before.”

“Wow, I’ve never seen something more embarrassing my entire life, but here we are,” Dr. Mord said with a smile that recovered from intense laughter. “You exposed yourself!”

“That’s not funny! That’s not what happened! You can’t change what happened!” I yelled, my anger and rage getting the best of me. Dr. Mord shook his head before he sighed from his laugh.

My eyes were wide with horror as I saw that Nikki’s eyes were wide with terror as well, as her eyes shifted around in her head. “Nikki...” I blubbered as I looked at her-in pain and agony, “I’m sorry...I’m so sorry...”

I fell to my knees with tears pouring down my cheeks, as I tried to calm myself down in my mind because I could hear Maddie’s screaming as she died a gruesome death-her words coming back to haunt me!

“Please... Please don’t let her die...”

I looked at Nikki, and she looked at me with wide eyes of horror and sorrow. “This is what happens when you lie to me Connor, this is what happens,” he said, hovering over me as his breath burned my neck, “And now she’s gonna die!”


“She’s gonna die, Connor!!!!” he cackled as if he was a hyena, “This is what happens when you lie to me, and now she’s gonna die!” he said again before his lips touched my ear and I could feel him whispering into my ear, “And this time, you won’t be able to save her.”

But then, all of a sudden-someone busted into the room. I think another crewmate based on context clues. “Hey-a bunch of YMPA boats are behind us right now. I think they found us.” Dr. Mord’s smile changed dramatically, and I felt like spitting in his face to mock him. He started to look nervous as his eyes widened with worry for his life.

“You gotta hide this tablet and disc somewhere else!” one of his associates said in a panicked voice, “And fast!”

“It doesn’t matter, I know the truth now,” he said before he turned his face at me, “You have a lot of explaining to do my boy!”

I coughed loudly in response before standing up and getting into a fighting stance. “Not anymore!”

I lunged at Dr. Mord, but he was fast and ducked out of the way while grabbing my arm. “What do you mean by that?” he said. “You think you’re going to escape?”

“I’m going to take you down,” I promised to him as he smiled as if everything was alright, “You know what you did-and now it’s your turn to pay.”

“Ahahaha! What’s the fun in that? Now it’s my turn to take you down!” He shouted.

He took out his wand. I wish I knew how to use my wand now. This happens every time. But it would be cool if I did know how to use it like everyone else does. “Try me,” I muttered at him with a smile, and he gave a smirk in response before he said, “And how do you propose we do that?”

“I’ve been through all of these tricks now,” I told him before he lowered his head down. “I’m ready.”

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