Spy Mage System

Chapter 238 - 238 A Battlefield At Sea

238 A Battlefield At Sea

“Alright, which boat would they possibly be in,” Tisiah muttered as he examined each boat that was lined up in the row, before he spoke. “The first one is our best bet, and that’s where we need to be.” He started to walk towards the first boat, but I stopped him.

“I want to make sure this is the right one,” I said.

“What?” Tisiah asked. “What are you talking about?”

“Look at the structure, it’s wide, meant for more strength, but not really speed,” I explained. “How about the last one?” I asked.

“It’s a good idea, let’s check that one out too,” he said, and we walked towards the last one in line. “Hopefully no one’s on that boat,” September said as we made our way towards the last boat. It had this certain structure that was destined for speed: it was narrow and long.

“Let’s hurry, we have little time,” Tisiah said, as he placed his hand on the edge of the ship. “Everyone, get in.” We rushed into the boat, and I immediately found myself overwhelmed by the towering walls of the ship. “Someone needs to steer this,” I said, looking at September for the job.

“Alright, I’ll take the wheel,” September said, as she stepped out of the cabin and onto the deck. “Everyone, stay low, and keep quiet,” she whispered.

I could feel the wind blowing, and I could hear the water splashing against the sides of the boat. I could smell the seaweed and salt in the air.

“Here goes nothing,” I muttered. Nikki nodded, before she turned to look at Malachi. “Here goes nothing,” she repeated with a close.


The boat began to make ground–or water in this case, I guess. I’m not sure how the term exactly works when you’re on a ship.

We sped through the waters and the waves testified to that. Slowly, we approached the convoy of boats–although–I’m not sure they saw us yet.

“We need someone to shoot at them, are there any weapons available in this ship?” Malachi asked. “I’m hungry for some bullets or something.”

“I’ll go check,” Tisiah said, with an eager nod before he turned quickly to me. “Keep an eye on them, and tell us if anything’s happening.”

“Got that,” I gestured, before Tisiah shot off the floor and entered the door before slamming it shut. I looked ahead and nothing was much different, of course, only the fact that we were just slowly catching up to the convoy.

“Remember, don’t blow up the ship Lock is in, we need him,” September said through the earpiece.

“How are we supposed to know which one he’s in?”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“He wouldn’t be on the outside, because what’s the point of having a convoy if you’re at the front of the entire battle,” September said. “He would be super enclosed, and possibly in the middle.”

“Understood,” I muttered before I glanced back, not seeing much of a change occurring. “Understood.”

The repetition was necessary for an unknown reason, but it felt right to do. “You see anything, Malachi?” I asked, taking a peer at him.

“Nah, nothing,” he said, shaking his head to add to his point. “Hopefully those pursuer boats get here on time,” he mumbled, but loud enough for me to process.

“We all do.”

But all of a sudden, a loud wail in the air produced, and it caught our attention to the sky.

It was a big ball of flames, and it was heading straight down for us.

“Oh, no, September!” I shouted, fear pulsating through my veins. “Weave!”

The boat suddenly had a hard jerk to the right, and I could feel the ground being swept from under me, before I rocked back onto the ground.

The fireball crashed into the sea, leaving its message with a big eruption of water. “That was close,” I uttered stiffly, feeling a bit of shock spasm through my bones.

“But that means they noticed us,” Malachi said, and a hull of terror thudded on my body. “We’re going to die.”

“No, we’re not!” Nikki snapped, as she jumped to her feet. “We’re not going to die! We’ll just have to make our own weapons.”

“What do you mean by that?” Malachi asked, as we both stared at her in confusion. But then, she caught her wand from her belt, and instantly put it to use. A cannon dropped from her use of power, and comprehension really began to sink into my mind.

“I forgot she had that power,” I said.

“She’s been using it the entire time,” Malachi replied, and I could see the curiosity in his eyes.

“Yeah, I forgot about that too.”

“But I haven’t!” September chimed in.

“Well, we should start making weapons now. We don’t have much time left,” Nikki said. “I’ll make another one, and you guys can use it to hold them off for a moment. I have to play hide and seek with Tisiah right now.”

“We’ll take care of it, we’ll help you,” Malachi said with a determined tone.

“Alright, let’s get to it,” Nikki said. Instantly a machine gun spawned into existence, before she shot away and through the door. “Alright, it’s just us,” I said, looking at him. A sneer came across his face as he looked at each weapon. “Connor, you take the cannon. I’ll take this beautiful machinery,” he muttered with excitement, coming forth to the gun.

“Alright,” I said, walking over to the cannon. “This is gonna be fun.”

“It won’t be fun, it will be death,” Malachi said, as he grabbed the handle. “You better be ready for this, it’s gonna be rough.” I lifted up the cannon to rest on the brim of the ship. “I’m soon about to fire!” I shouted enough for Malachi to hear. “Don’t worry, I’ve got this!” he shouted back. “Alright, here goes nothing!”

I could feel the weight in my arms as I took aim at the enemy convoy. The ball struck through the air, with no speed untold, dashing through the sky before coming down and accelerating towards one of the TSA boats. I could see the ball of fire burst into a mess of black smoke, and the boat exploded.

“That was amazing,” I said, as I took a glance at Malachi. A high-five was exchanged between us, before the celebration was rudely interrupted. Now two balls of fire were coming at us, and this was going to be hard to dodge. “Uh, September!” I shouted in the earpiece. “Two are coming at your nine clock!”

“I’m on it!” she screamed.

“And I’m not sure how long I can last with this cannon,” I added.

“Just hold on, they’ll be here in a second,” September said.

“Alright, I’m ready to go,” I said, as the balls of fire came closer and closer. I aimed towards the projectiles, and I shot—feeling the weight push against me—before they shot up towards the incoming fireballs.

Both of the balls of fire shattered, and I breathed out. “Alright, that was a lot easier than I thought.”

“Good job!” Malachi shouted, with a smile.

“You too!” I returned, before I saw the look of horror in his eyes. “What?”

“They’re still coming!” he said, as I turned my attention back to the sky.

“Shoot,” I muttered, before I threw the cannon back to the floor. “September, you’re gonna need to dodge them. One’s coming at your eight and eleven!” I shouted, before I ran towards the front of the ship. I could see the balls of fire were getting closer, and the sounds of the boats were louder. Suddenly the boat swerved hard to the right, hoping the fireballs would clear us. But it was not getting better, in fact, it was worse.

“They’re coming straight for us!” I shouted.

“I know, just keep going, keep going,” September cried.

The ball of fire came into view, and it seemed to be heading straight for us. I closed my eyes and braced myself.

“Now!” I shouted, opening my eyes to see the ball of fire come directly in front of us. But all of a sudden, it exploded, creating a force that pushed us back. I felt myself fly through the air, before landing on the back of the ship. The ball of fire had been so hot that it burned part of my clothes, and the sound of the explosion was so loud that I was sure it was going to blow the entire boat apart.

But it didn’t.

Instead, it was just a large boom. We weren’t affected…as much. But suddenly, I heard Nikki speak inside of the earpiece as some savior of such. “You’re welcome.”

“Huh?” I muttered, looking at my tattered shirt that was chopped to pieces. “We found a weapon that shoots these big bolts or something, and now, at least we know it works.” I nodded, feeling my heart basically pumping out of my chest.

“You’re right. It does work,” I said, looking over the other side. The TSA boat was a burning wreckage, with fire shooting from the top of the boat. “But where are the other YMPA boats?” And just like that, the horns bellowed into the orange sky, as I looked back, seeing an entire fleet, school, community of YMPA boats as you’d call it.

“Oh my Lord,” I muttered, seeing my rescue approach the battle. “This is going to be crazy!” I said, as I began to run towards the front of the ship. “Everyone, you’re gonna have to help!” I shouted. “We need to get ready for the battle!”

“Are you kidding me? I’m going to have to fight those things again?” Malachi asked, with a huge sigh.

“Yes, you’re gonna have to fight them again,” I said with a grin.

“No, I mean, it’s gonna be that kind of battle?” he said, as we both stood on the edge of the boat.

“Yeah, it’s gonna be that kind of battle.” I replied, holding my hand out. “We’re gonna be fine. Just ready your weapon. Nikki and Tisiah readied theirs, we’re gonna do fine,” I said with a smile that was probably the most hopeful ever since this situation started.

“Alright, you’re right. Let’s get ready,” he said, shaking his head.

“Hey, don’t worry. You can do this. Trust me,” I assured him, resting my hands on his shoulders. My eyes looked directly at his eyes and I could see, fear, worry, and a lot of nervousness. But then I felt that warmth spread through me like a wave, calming me down from my emotions. “You got this.” I said with a smile. “And trust me, we’ll be fine.” He looked into my eyes for a second and nodded in agreement. “Alright, let’s go.”

I touched my earpiece. “Ya’ll ready?” I asked Tisiah and Nikki through the earpiece, in which they responded quickly, “Ready!”

“Alright, here we go,” I said with a nod before I turned around and walked towards the front of the ship. As we began to move closer to our enemy, the TSA ships began to gain more speed. But the YMPA boats and us were catching up quickly, and contact was imminent. Very imminent.

I could see the YMPA boat with my own eyes, as I came to a stop. The ball of fire was about to hit the boat, and it was all up to us. “Shoot the fireball!” I shouted. “Don’t let it hit that ship!”

“Gotcha!” Tisiah shouted in response, before he shot the fireball with a lot of speed, sending it flying towards the enemy ship. I could hear the sound of the fireball slamming into the enemy ship. The big gas of fire exploded, and debris shot through the air like bullets.

“Wow, that was close,” I said, as I watched the TSA boat being completely destroyed. “I think we have them now. Everyone, hold your ground!” The convoy was beginning to close in, in which one boat had the nerve to start nearing towards us. “September, move right and avoid this boat!” I ordered through the earpiece, which she followed. “Nikki, take that boat!”

“Gotcha!” Nikki said, taking aim and firing. I watched as the boat was shot, and a huge plume of fire went into the air. But it wasn’t destroyed, but the structure was now punctured with holes.

“Perfect shot, Nikki!” I shouted, before I saw a few more of the enemy boats were approaching. “Alright, keep shooting!” I shouted, before I saw the TSA boat, which was in the middle of the convoy, begin to slow down. The YMPA fleet was beginning to approach, and now the sea was now a massive town of warring boats.

“Good job, guys!” I shouted, as I saw the enemy boats try to circle around us. “We need to stay together. We can’t let them surround us!” I said, watching the enemy boats slowly circle us. Suddenly, I saw an explosion near the front of the convoy, and I knew instantly that it had come from Nikki.

“Nice, Nikki!” I shouted, and my heart slightly dropped from its rapid rhythm to the rhythm of calmness. I continued to watch as the enemy boats began to slowly surround us. I knew I needed to decide soon, so I turned to September and spoke.

“September, I’m gonna need you to do something crazy, alright?” I said. “You ready?”

“Yeah,” she responded, her chest inhaling and exhaling excessively.

“Okay, just be ready to follow my lead,” I said, as I began to feel the heat from the surrounding flames. “Now, everyone, get ready! This is gonna be intense!” I said, as I began to look around the boat. I noticed that the enemy boats had stopped circling and were just sitting there, like they were waiting for the right time to strike.

Sorry that I missed today. Here’s an extra long chapter for you guys to enjoy. Vote, add to your library, and even share this with your friends you want. Love y’all!

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