Spy Mage System

Chapter 56

56 Final Showdown

As soon as sunset had passed and night had begun, we all headed to the trees that Rin pointed out for us before we had gone into the cave. Based on Rin’s info, they usually passed here at nighttime, but only a couple of them had actually entered the forest and come to the clearing where we were waiting for them. But now that we were in these trees, we were going to try to surprise them when they came to the clearing. We were going to attack them and hopefully win the WAC contest.

It seemed as if it was only a gathering of maybe five and not much were there but it was only a matter of time before we could. The night came and the crickets added to the suspense. I took many deep breaths, trying to calm down and relax so that my body would react faster if there were any sudden attacks or anything else like that.

It was a very long time that went by as we were waiting there in the trees, watching as the stars began to shine through the forest’s canopy above us. Soon enough, we heard the footsteps coming much closer as I began to sweat and feel nervous inside as they came closer to us in the clearing. But before we could attack, I heard someone say something that sounded like they were giving the order to attack and it made me freeze.

“Alright everyone,” Nikki said, “We’re going to attack them now.”

As she said that, Malachi’s voice vibrated through the forest and we all froze cold as we waited for them to come into the clearing where we were standing in wait for them. The sound of their feet were so close now that it seemed like they were almost near us right then. We stood there for what seemed like ages as we listened closely for Malachi’s footsteps, but they never came closer.

Then all of a sudden, we say a head peek through the trees by the side of us.

“Hey, look we found another cave,” Malachi’s voice echoed throughout the forest, “This could be good.”

I saw Malachi’s face peeking through the trees as he looked around, but I didn’t see any other faces. They walked through the cave, making silent footsteps, but Malachi’s voice still echoed around us.

“I don’t see any wands here, but that doesn’t mean they’re not here,” Malachi said.


I could tell they were talking amongst themselves by the sounds they made as they walked deeper into the cave, but I didn’t hear anyone say anything that sounded like they found anything else inside the cave.

“Should we attack them now?” I asked, not wanting to wait around much longer since they didn’t seem like they found anything in the cave yet.

Nikki nodded her head at me as she looked over at Tisiah who was standing next to me, “Yeah, let’s do it,” she said.

The three of us jumped down from the trees, and started walking towards the clearing where we saw Malachi’s group pass through it. They must’ve gotten through the cave pretty deep inside since it was already dark out there. It was kind of hard to see because there wasn’t any light on their faces yet.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The three of us walked out into the clearing where we saw Malachi’s team of five standing there looking around with their torches lit up in front of them.

Fear raced through my heart, as I saw their faces clearly illuminated by the light of their torches now that it was darker outside the forest. We all knew that we were probably going to lose our lives right now, but it didn’t matter to me anymore because I was feeling more like I wanted to die than actually win the WAC contest.

I just wanted to be done with this whole thing and just go back to just what it was before this contest had started. But unfortunately, I knew that was not going to happen anymore. I couldn’t just give up or go back home and forget about this whole contest that was taking place right now. But at the same time, I still felt like I wanted to give up and just die now because I knew this was all pointless, but I couldn’t let go of the disappointment Mr. Drails would give me.

Suddenly, we saw them turn around and anger immediately struck on their faces. “Well, if it isn’t Tisiah and his puny teammates and some other kid,” he said, “We have all of this because of you three. What do you have to say for yourselves? Did you think you’d be able to take on five of us at once?”

Tisiah stepped forward to the center of the clearing and looked up towards where Malachi was standing on a rock above him, “Well, we’ve been practicing our spells for days now and I think we are. Try us.”

“With pleasure,” Malachi said. “After all, our whole group is behind you.”

We turned around and we saw what we never expected to find at this time. The sixty teammates of Malachi’s.

“Let’s end this puny group,” Malachi said, with a laugh that seemed to echo all over the clearing, “You have nothing but a few wands between you guys and death.”

Malachi raised his wand as he pointed it towards us and said a spell that I don’t remember ever seeing before. The moment he did, a bolt of lightning came flying towards me from his wand and hit the wall beside me, making me fall to the ground.

“You guys really thought!” he laughed.

But as he said that, suddenly more footsteps began to move towards the cave, and soon enough we saw them. But they were a different group.

“Rin, Rin!” they shouted, as they entered the cave. The group was led a by a girl who had brown looking hair. She had a green wand in her hand and it seemed as if she was leading the group inside the cave where Malachi was waiting for them.

“Meredith?” Rin muttered, as confusion spread through the cave.

“That’s your group?” I asked.

“You guys actually kept him,” she, Meredith, said. “Thank you, we were trying to find him. Who knew I could trust someone I haven’t even seen.”

“Doesn’t matter, because everyone is losing except me!” Malachi said. “Attack.”

Right at that moment, Malachi’s group of sixty men and us including Rin’s group charged at each other, as ice and fire rushed through the area around us. I came across one of Malachi’s men, who quickly swung his wand. I quickly evaded the swing, while using my own wand to attack the guy next to him. But he wasn’t able to block me as I knocked him out with a direct hit. I noticed Rin was also fighting off three people at the same time.

But soon enough, everyone began fighting each other in all directions. All of a sudden, I felt the wind of another wand speeding towards my head. I dodged it swiftly, as a group of four or five men were fighting towards me as well. I blocked one of them as he tried to hit me with his wand, but it didn’t work very well since he wasn’t really used to fighting. He hit himself instead.

I quickly went back and took out another man as Rin had already defeated the other two that were fighting him. Soon enough, one more man began to speed towards my direction.

I needed to trick him using his momentum.

Quickly I dashed under his swing, and jumped backwards as his wand flew over me. I ran forward as his body came forward as well and knocked him out with my fist. I went back and helped Rin with his fight against the last two men he was fighting and he knocked them both out with ease.

All of a sudden, Nikki was knocked out of the air and landed on her head on the floor, rolling in pain and groaning. “Nikki!” I shouted grivedly, as I quickly rushed over to her side.

“I’ll keep them occupied!” Rin said, rushing in with his wand.

I nodded and looked back over to Nikki, who seemed so much in pain with her arms covering her head and her legs bent awkwardly underneath her. I began to run through the cave where Malachi was in order to try and help her get her up. But suddenly I was blocked by a large man who came towards me.

“You can’t go in there now!” he said, blocking my way with his body, “We need you to hold our back while we fight Malachi!”

I sighed in frustration and stood still in front of him, while I tried to figure out what to do. “Look,” I said, “I know you guys are doing what you need to do, but I need to help Nikki right now!”

“It’s too dangerous,” he said. “Stay with her, let us do the job.”

I stood there for a while until I heard Nikki moaning again as she groaned in pain. So I decided to do as he had told me to do. I stood still with my wand pointed up towards the ceiling, but soon enough Malachi began to speed towards us, followed by the group of sixty men who came from the other end of the cave.

“Oh shoot,” I muttered. I sighed, as I prepared for the monstrosity that was going to fall on me. I got my wand out, ready to fight. No matter the cost, I knew I had to stop Malachi and his army before they attacked us again.


But then all of a sudden, the sound of an arrow firing in our direction made me freeze in my place. It was then I heard a loud thud as the arrow hit the ground next to me. An explosion of dirt splashed through the cave, as a huge man came falling through it right next to me with his eyes wide open as he fell onto the floor on top of me.

The sound of footsteps were coming closer and closer, so I quickly stood up as I saw more explosions of dirt fly towards me as I saw two men come into the cave from different sides. The dirt explosion continue to brew, until I saw something fly in my direction from out of the cave and hit the wall behind me.

I quickly turned around to see what it was as I saw the large man who had fallen on top of me being hit by three arrows right in his stomach and chest area. I quickly rolled out of the way, but suddenly a large explosion happened behind me and I rolled forward on my hands and knees as the ground began to shake under me.

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