Spy Mage System

Chapter 75

75 Cargo Rush (Part 4)

We continued to speed towards them, bolts speeding through the sky. September was doing her best to dodge them, but they were quickly catching up.

“What do we do?” I shouted as Mari began to look frantically. Then Malachi steered towards us and began to shoot red bolts at them. Except these seemed different, much different. Suddenly, when one of them landed on a boat, the boat erupted in an explosion, sending pieces of metal and wood everywhere.

“Whoa,” I muttered, as I saw the other boats following suit. “That’s different, what is that?” I asked.

“It’s a trick I use,” Malachi replied, as he continued to shoot at the boats. “I can charge up my bolts and make them explode on impact.”

“Nice,” I muttered, as we continued to speed away. But Rocke was still behind us, and he was furious. All of a sudden, he jumped onto our boat as the other agents followed. “Uh, oh,” I muttered.

Malachi quickly leaped from his boat and got onto ours, leaving only two boats in the sea. “So, I see you’re coming for the Cybertron?” he chuckled. “You fools. You couldn’t get the Armonk, now what makes you think you can obtain this?”

“Don’t even try,” Malachi hissed, as he walked towards him. “You have no idea what you’re dealing with.”

“I think I do,” Rocke smirked, as he gestured to his agents. “Now, let’s end this little game.”

The agents all charged at us, but we were ready. Mari was quickly shooting at them with little spits of water. Not sure how those are gonna do much, I thought, as I saw one of them get hit in the face. He yelped and clutched his face, as he dropped to the ground.


Matt was shooting ice spikes at them, which were quickly melting. But he was still hitting some of them, and they were slipping and falling all over the place. September was shooting bolts that were trailing towards the agents. But then they arrived at combat range.

One of them swung their wand at me, but I quickly knocked it out of the way with my arm. Then I kicked him in the stomach, and he flew backward, hitting one of his comrades. After that, another one tried to shoot me with a bolt, but I ducked and punched her in the face. She was knocked flying backward and struck her head on the boat’s edge.

“Someone, go for the Cybertron!” I shouted, as I fought off another agent. But no one moved, they were all too busy fighting. Then I noticed Malachi was standing in the middle of the boat, not moving. He seemed to be in a trance, and his eyes were glowing red.

Rocke chuckled, “I see you’ve finally realized what’s going on here. I’ve possessed power from my adapting abilities to control other people. Have fun going against your worst enemy.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Suddenly Malachi sped towards me at full speed, and I had to use all my strength to stop him. We were locked in a battle of wills, as we tried to push each other back.

“You’re not gonna win,” he growled, as he pushed me back.

“Yes, I am,” I muttered, as I put all my strength into it. Finally, I used my Perk and pushed him back. He hit the wall of the boat and collapsed, as he reverted to normal.

“What happened?” he muttered, as he got up.

“I used my Perk,” I replied. “Sorry.”

He sighed and chuckled. “We need to go for that Cybertron, and then take down Rocke,” he said. I nodded then looked at him, and he nodded. Me and Malachi sped towards the boat behind us that contained the structure, as the others continued to fight.

Rocke saw us coming and tried to stop us, but we were too fast. We quickly boarded the boat and went for the Cybertron. But as we got close, Rocke appeared in front of us, blocking our way.

“You’re not going to get this,” he hissed, swinging his wand and shooting a bolt at us. But we quickly dodged it and kept going.

He tried to stop us again, but we were too quick. We finally reached the Cybertron and started to detach it from the boat.

“No!” Rocke shouted, as he ran towards us. But we were already done, and the Cybertron was now in our hands. But I think I must’ve pressed something, because it’s eyes began to glow, and it began to blink.

Rocke froze in wonder and confusion, as the Cybertron slowly turned to look at me. “Master...” he muttered. “My name is-”

I quickly turned it off, as Rocke’s face began to mold into anger. “Young boy, you have no idea what you’ve just done,” he growled. “You will pay for this.”

He raised his wand and was about to shoot a bolt at me, but Malachi jumped in front of me and took the hit. He was momentarily frozen in place, as Rocke smirked. “I’ll deal with you without him.”

“Malachi!” I shouted, but Rocke was speeding towards me, as I was trying to think of what to do.

Then, I had an idea. I quickly put the Cybertron down and turned it on again. “Cybertron, protect me,” I said.

Its eyes began to glow, as it stood in front of me, shielding me from Rocke. He chuckled. “I can deal with you easily,” and he shot a bolt right at the button, turning it off.

“There’s a reason why we’re gonna modify you,” he muttered before turning to me. “Now as I was trying to do.”

He quickly swung at me, but I ducked and punched him in the stomach. He doubled over in pain, as I turned the Cybertron back on. It immediately went on, but Rocke kicked the button and turned it off.

Then he got up and dusted himself. “You’re already dependent on this weapon, it’s only a matter of time before I break you,” he said. “And then I’ll have full control over the US.”

He quickly swung his wand at mine, making a clashing sound that made my ears ring. Then he kicked me in the stomach and I fell back, as he sent a bolt of energy at the Cybertron, making it explode.

I was momentarily blinded by the light, as I felt a sharp pain in my chest. When the light faded, I saw him pick up a little chip, which must’ve been Cybertron’s power source.

“Time to finish this,” he muttered, as he walked toward me. “Bye-bye now.”

He laid his wand at my neck, with a smirk on his face that made my blood boil. I tried to move, but I couldn’t. I was paralyzed by his wand.

“Any last words?” he asked. Then all of a sudden, someone held him by a chokehold behind him. “Malachi!” I shouted in relief, as he dropped his wand.

“You’re not going to kill him,” Malachi said, as he tightened his grip on Rocke’s neck. But then Rocke threw Malachi over his body, and he hit the ground with a thud.

He picked up his wand and was about to shoot a bolt at Malachi, but I quickly got up and kicked him causing him to drop his wand. Then I punched him in the face, as he staggered back.

But he quickly recovered and punched me in the stomach, pushing me back.

Then he charged at Malachi, but Malachi quickly got up and punched him in the face. Rocke staggered back, as Malachi picked up his wand.

“Leave Connor alone!” Malachi shouted as he pointed the wand at Rocke.

“You wouldn’t dare,” Rocke said, as he took a step back.

“Trust me, I would,” Malachi smirked. “That’s the type of guy I am.”

“Well then, I’ll just have to kill you,” Rocke said, as he raised his wand.

“No!” I shouted as I leaped towards Rocke, but he ran forward at full speed.

I already lost Tisiah.

I’m not gonna lose Malachi now.

There’s no way I’m gonna let him die.

Rocke was about to shoot a bolt of energy at Malachi, but I quickly got in front of him and took the hit.

As I felt the energy coursing through my body, I knew this was the end.

But then, something happened.

The energy that was supposed to kill me, went into the Cybertron chip instead.

And then the chip began to glow, as the Cybertron pieces began to bubble. Rocke turned around in confusion, as the bodies began to find one another and reassemble.

In a matter of seconds, the Cybertron was back to normal.

Then it turned to Rocke and its eyes glowed saying, “Master?”

Oh, no.


“Yes, I am your master,” Rocke said with a villainous smile of opportunity. “Now, take these two.”

The Cybertron obeyed and turned to us. “Now, say your prayers,” Rocke said with an evil chuckle. Fear paralyzed me, as the Cybertron grabbed us with its metal hands.

Malachi tried to fight back, but it was no use. The Cybertron was too strong.

Then Rocke walked up to us and placed his hand on the Cybertron’s head. “Now, let’s see what this thing can really do,” he said.

Suddenly, the Cybertron brought back his fist and then propelled it forward with all its might.

I could feel the deck boat shaking as the fist made contact.

The impact sent us flying through the air and we hit the water with a loud splash. Then I blacked out.

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