Spy Mage System

Chapter 81

81 Running with Pieces

“I think that’s a good place to start,” Tisiah said, as he began to walk down the corridor. We quickly followed him after a few seconds. The place seemed dark and abandoned. But as we walked further down, we began to see signs of life.

We could hear voices coming from some of the rooms. It was very noisy as if it was a very important discussion-or a heated argument. But as we walked by, we tried our best to look inconspicuous.

Then as we walked, we found another elevator. But as we got closer, we could see that the doors were slightly ajar. Tisiah then gestured for us to stop, as he looked keenly at the door. “I’ll check this room,” he said, as he pulled out his weapon.

We all nodded, as we waited for him to give us the all-clear. But after a few seconds, he said for us to come in. We walked in and he turned on the light, revealing a bunch of boxes that were inside a gray room.

“This must be it,” Tisiah said, as he began to look through the boxes. “The Cybertron must be in here!”

“It better be,” I muttered, as I began to help him look.

We all then started to search through the boxes, but we couldn’t find anything much. Boxes after boxes, but no sign of the Cybertron. But then as I was about to give up, I heard a noise coming from one of the boxes to my right.

I stopped cold in my tracks, as I stared at the box. Did I really just hear that? Or was it just my imagination?

I then slowly approached it and I could hear the noise again. It sounded like...a faint heartbeat.


I then quickly opened the box and inside, I found something that made me smile from ear to ear. A bunch of pieces, with the chip located in a little section on the leg.

I found it.

“I found it!” I shouted, as I held up the chip.

Everyone then crowded around me, as they all looked at the Cybertron in amazement. “So this is how it looks like?” Tisiah asked in disappointment. “It’s just a bunch of pieces.”

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“Well, it’s not like we can put it together here,” Nikki said. “We don’t even know how to.”

“Well, I sort of do, but what we should do is take the whole thing. Nikki, can you make a bag for us to put this in?” September asked.

Nikki nodded, as she got out her wand and started to make a big bag. Once she was done, we all put the pieces inside.

“Alright, now let’s get out of here before-”

Suddenly, TSA guards barged into the room, with their guns pointed at us. “Freeze!” one of them shouted. “And it starts again,” Malachi sighed. Everyone took out their wands, while I charged my Perk.

“Get them!” one of the agents shouted, as they began to speed toward us.

But before they could reach us, we all started to fight back. Tisiah and Malachi were taking down guards left and right with their wands.

They were even using their powers.

Suddenly, one of the agents came up, swinging their wand at me. But I quickly ducked and hit them with an uppercut, sending them flying backward.

I then turned my attention to the one to my left, who was charging fast toward me. I quickly side-stepped him and tripped him with my leg. He then flew forward and hit his head on the edge of the table.


I looked back and found the bag. I needed to get out of here with it so that they could be ready when the time came. But as I was about to make my move, I felt someone hit me from behind.

I then quickly got up and turned around to face my attacker. It was one of the agents and he was pointing his wand at me.

“I wouldn’t move if I were you,” he said.

“Oh, I think I will,” I said, as I quickly dashed to the side.

He then fired a bolt at me, but I quickly dodged it and escaped out the door. The agent began to chase after me out the door as well.

Once I was out in the hallway, I started to run as fast as I could. The agent was right on my tail and he fired another bolt at me. But I quickly dodged it and turned the corner.

I came across some stairs and I quickly ran down them. But as I was about to reach the bottom, I felt someone grab my leg, causing me to trip.

I then fell down the stairs and hit my head on the railing.

I tried to get up, but I couldn’t. I could hear the agent coming down the stairs after me. I needed to get up now.

I quickly got up and continued running. The agent was still right behind me and he fired another bolt at me. But I quickly sidestepped it and turned the corner. I came across a hall, as the screeches of my foot cried as I slid through the marble floor. I then quickly got up and started running again.

The agent was still right behind me, but I was getting tired. I needed to do something. Wait I have an idea. So here’s what I’m gonna do okay:

I’m going to run towards that door over there, and as soon as I get close enough, I’m gonna Perk up and use it. Then, knock him out into oblivion.

I quickly shifted into high gear and made a beeline for the door. The agent was still right behind me, but I was getting closer and closer to the door, as he was getting closer and closer to me.

But as I was about to reach the door, I felt him hit me from behind, causing me to trip and fall into the door.

The door then opened and I found myself in a dark room. It looked like some kind of laboratory.

As I got up, the agent smirked and he pointed the wand at me. “Well, well, well. Looks like I got you now,” he said.

“We’ll see about that,” I said, as I began to charge up my Perk.

But before I could use it, he fired a bolt at me. I tried to dodge it, but it hit me in the shoulder. I ended up flying into the wall, as I felt the pain course through my body.

I then tried to get up, but I couldn’t. I was too weak. But then, the agent froze. He was just standing there like he was in a trance.

Suddenly, his body began to convulse and he fell to the ground. September and the rest was behind him. Tisiah then walked up to me and helped me up. “Are you okay?” he asked. “Yeah,” I responded.

Then, they all turned their attention to the agent on the ground. September then knelt and checked his pulse.

“Okay the guy’s fine, let’s go,” she said, as she and the others then quickly left the room.

As for me, I was just happy that it was all over. And that I didn’t die at least. But we need to return to the ship fast.

But all of a sudden, the alarm sounded. We needed to get out of here now.

September and the others then quickly ran towards the exit, as I followed close behind them. “I think they’ve found us,” Malachi said, as he ran alongside me.

“No kidding,” I said, as we then made our way out of the hall. We found an elevator on the far left, quickly rushing in.

September then hit the button for the top floor and we started to go up. “I’m not gonna lie, that was a close one,” she said.

“Yeah no kidding,” I responded, as I leaned against the wall.

The elevator then came to a stop and the doors opened. We then quickly made it out of the elevator, arriving on the rooftop somehow. “I don’t think we’re supposed to be here,” Malachi said, as he looked around.

“Doesn’t matter, we need to find a way off this roof,” September said, as she then ran towards the edge.

We all then followed her and looked down. It was a long way down. “Great, just great,” I said, as I began to feel lightheaded. “Uh, maybe Nikki can make a parachute,” Tisiah then said.

“Good idea,” I said, as I turned to Nikki. “Can you make a parachute?”

“Yeah,” she nodded as she got out her wand. She made five parachutes in a matter of a second-somehow, I don’t think she was using traditional methods.


“Okay, let’s put them on,” September said, as she and the others then strapped it around their backs.

As for me, Nikki put it on me and helped me with the straps. “You sure you’re gonna be okay?” she asked. “It’s a parachute,” I chuckled, as I tried to act tough. But the truth was, I was scared.

But I knew I had to do this. So, with that, we all jumped off.

The wind splashed against my face, as I freefell towards the ground. But then, the parachute opened and I was slowly drifting down.

As I looked up, I saw Nikki and the others following close behind me. And as we landed on the ground, I let out a sigh of relief.

We made it. But now, we need to find a way off this island. If we were even on an island anymore, that is.

“Okay, can we get a GPS up in here?” Malachi asked as he looked around. “I think we’re a little bit lost.”

“Good idea,” September said, as she pulled out her phone. She then started to type something in. “All right, I’m gonna see if I can get a signal,” she said, as she held up the phone.

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