Spy Mage System

Chapter 87

87 The Fight of the Century

The agent nodded, and suddenly they pushed a car towards one of the cruisers, creating a big explosion.

I looked around, as the place turned into a war zone. Police were shooting at the agents, as the agents were ducking behind the SUVs. Rocke chuckled, then looked at us. “Well, you guys want to act tough, might as well,” Rocke said with cackle, as four other guys came behind him. “Take down the others, I’ll deal with Connor.”

They nodded as they all charged at full speed. I then looked back at Nikki and the others, as they were holding their own.

Rocke then charged at me with a swing, which I quickly ducked. I then uppercut him in the stomach, as he hunched over in pain. He then tried to clothesline me, but I quickly dodged it.

“I see, you’re a fast one,” he said, throwing another punch, but I quickly dodged it. I then tried to punch him, but he quickly grabbed my arm. He then kneed me in the stomach, as I cried in pain.

Then he charged up his Perk, or mine I should probably say, and he punched me in the stomach.

I felt my body leap from the ground as I hit the asphalt hard. All the wind was knocked out of me, as I gasped for air.

Rocke then walked over to me with a chuckle. “Every single time, this happens. You’ll never win against me.”

“Who said I was over?” I said, slowly getting up. “I’m not even close to being finished.” I got up weakly but with a look of death in my eyes. Rocke then scoffed, as he got into his fighting stance.


As he was about to throw a punch, I quickly did something that I’d even say is smart myself. First, I kneed him in the groin as hard as I could. Second, I quickly did an uppercut to his chin, which caused him to push back. Then, as he was about to recover, I quickly did a roundhouse kick to his ribs.

He cried out in pain as he hit the ground. But he didn’t seem to fazed to be honest, in fact, it seemed like it did nothing.

“You think that was clever?” he said with clenched teeth. “I’ll show you clever.”

Then he threw a punch, quickly aiming for my face. But I quickly dodged it, then I grabbed his arm and did a quick elbow strike to his arm. But then he used that opportinity in a very impressive way, as he quickly used his leg to sweep mine.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

I then hit the ground hard, as he got my legs and suddenly as if he was some sort of wrestler, began to swing me in a circle. My vision blurred and I felt dizzy, as he then let go and I hit the ground hard again.

He then chuckled, as he walked over to me. “And we’re here once again,” he chuckled, looking down at me. “You’re just too weak.”

“No,” I muttered, trying to get up. “I’ll keep fighting, no matter how hard it is.” But then, he kicked me once again to the floor, as I groaned in pain.

“No,” he said, looking down at me with a frightening sight in his eyes. “You’re done.” But then as he said that, I felt my body suddenly heat up considerably. My face felt as if it was melting and my eyes felt as if they were about to boil.

But as I opened my eyes, I saw something that I never expected to see. Blue fire moving throughout my body, as if it was alive.

What is happening to me? Was this Rocke’s doing or something else?

Like I’m telling you, I’m burning – and I mean it quite literally. The blue fire is now all over my body, and it doesn’t feel good at all. It feels like I’m being baked to death.

First, my arms felt as if they were on fire. Then my chest, and then finally my entire body began to boil. I slowly got up, as Rocke looked at me with surprise and then smile. “Well, this is a new one I can copy,” he said with a chuckle as the blue fire began to surround his body as well.

“What is this?” I muttered, looking at my arms. The blue fire seemed to be wiggling in excitement, and I was turned around, I saw him charging at me at full speed. Suddenly, he tackled me and we both sped through the entire street, crashing through a bunch of cars and finally crashing into a building.

It must’ve been an abandoned one because the amount of dust and debris that was falling on me was unbelievable.

I then saw Rocke, as he was getting up slowly. The blue fire was still alive in both of us. I slowly got up. But I barely even got time to even process or even align myself, because Rocke suddenly came in with a thrust with his hand, shooting out a big blast of some sort of laser that barely missed me.

I rolled out the way, looking at him with anger. This was getting too dangerous, not just for me, but for everyone else as well. I had to put an end to this now.

I quickly charged at him, but he rolled backward and exited the building. Thank goodness a wall of destroyed cars blocked both sides of the street because as I exited the building, he was already there waiting for me.

He then smirked and said, “Trust me, your time is done.” One after one, he blasted as I moved, each one trailing behind me. I then saw my chance and quickly ran towards him, as he was about to blast me again. But I quickly leaped over him and dodged it, appearing behind him.

I kicked him in the back, but he quickly turned around and grabbed my leg. He then lifted me and threw me into the air, as I came crashing down to the ground.

Windows broke, glass flew, and the impact was so great that a part of the ceiling came crashing down as well.

I then got up, slowly but surely. But the screams of shock began to ring inside of my ear as if it was telling me to end this now. Rocke looked at me with a smirk and said, “I know what you’re thinking. You’re wondering how I can copy your moves.”

“No,” I said. “You told me before, I still remember.”

“Powers, not your moves,” Rocke said. “Seems like I still have some examples to perform.” He blasted more lasers at me at a closer range, and I quickly dodged them. But as I did, he quickly appeared in front of me and kicked me in the stomach.

I fell, but then rolled back up, releasing some bullets of my own. But he quickly dodged them and then tackled me again. We both flew through the street, as I saw familiar buildings and scenery pass by the last time this happened.

We crashed into the road, breaking and scrunching it together like paper. I quickly got up, but he did as well and we both faced each other. He then said, “You’re not the only one who knows your power.”

“But there’s usually the better,” I said with a groan. “And in this case, it’s me.”

“We’ll see about that,” Rocke said. He then created a giant blue fireball in his hands and propelled it at me. I spoke way too soon, didn’t I?

I then saw the giant fireball coming at me at full speed, and I quickly got out of the way. But as I did, the fireball crashed into one of the empty cars, causing it to explode.

The impact was so great that I was sent flying backward, but I quickly got up and looked at Rocke. He looked so bloodthirsty like some sort of animal that was ready to kill its prey.

He then came at me full force, as I barely had time to react.

When his fist struck, it was like a sledgehammer swung at my side. The impact was so powerful that it felt as if my body would collapse beneath me. But I couldn’t allow that to happen.

I got up with my bones feeling like jelly and my muscles aching. But I had to keep going, because if I didn’t, then everyone would be in danger.

The glass shattered and metal bent as Rocke and I continued to fight. He was getting more and more aggressive with each hit, and I was slowly getting weaker.

He flicked his wrist and launched another fireball at me, then suddenly he threw a second one at me. I quickly leaped out of the way, as more explosions sent more glass and metal flying.

Out of nowhere, Rocke then summoned a large sword comprising entirely of energy from what I saw. Shock coursed through my body, as I realized that this was getting serious.

He then ran towards me with the blade held high, and swung, releasing a wave of fire at me.

I quickly ducked as the blade whizzed over my head, and then I rolled to the side. But as I did, he quickly turned around and struck me with his swinging sword.

The fire spread through my body, igniting my clothes and searing my skin. I cried out in pain, as I writhed on the ground.

The fire ignited everything around us, as the buildings caught ablaze and the roads began to melt. The screams of people trying to escape could be heard in the distance, and the sirens of emergency vehicles quickly began to fill the air.

But I couldn’t focus on that now, because Rocke was still coming at me at full speed. I looked at him, fear and pain coursing through my body, and I knew that I had to end this now.

I got up, my body screaming in pain, and I lunged at him.

We both, determined, flew through the air, as we collided with each other in midair.

Then as if time stopped, the world suddenly shuttered around us. At that moment, I could feel everything that was happening.

I could feel the heat of the fire, the screams of the people, the cries of the citizens. Although it may look weird right now, this is for them. I was a protector of these people, the last line of defense against evil.

And I will continue to fight, no matter what the cost, until justice prevails.

No giving up, no matter what.

That’s my promise to them, and it’s a promise I intend to keep. I want to protect my mom, my dad, and everyone.

This is for them.

I will not lose and I will not give up.

That’s my promise.

Suddenly, a big outlier of light as we hit, and the sound of the world-shattering beneath my ears rang out, as the light engulfed us...


I couldn’t see anything, as the darkness surrounded me. I felt like I was floating in a complete void, with nothing but the sound of my breathing.

But then, I started to feel something else. A warmth emanated from my chest. It was weird but comforting, and then I felt myself blacking out.

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