Chapter 99 Illusion Dust

Chapter 99 Illusion Dust

Boom! The top of a tree exploded. Chips of wood, branches, and leaves are blown away.

Flop! Edgar landed on a branch. Behind him are some damaged trees from the attacks of angry tortoises. He had been evading their attacks and moving away from them.

Edgar jumped forward. He is already away from the angry tortoise.


Their angry roars reached Edgar's ears.

"Damn Monkey!" Cursed by Edgar

He used life detection and avoided the territory of strong beasts. He swings on vines of tall trees, then chooses a safe area to rest.

Flop! Edgar landed near the top of a tree. He can see a tall fall in the distance and some magic beasts drinking in the clean river.

Edgar sat cross-legged on the branch, then looks at the new skill he had duplicated.

He activated the skill, and then a clone appeared in front of him. An exact copy of him. It swiftly moves and casts magic.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

"It has a sea of consciousness, but it cannot form magic core and rune skills. It cannot cast the unique and sss skills. I don't even understand many of their runes, so it cannot form their magic circles in the air and cast them, but magic skills with magic runes that I completely understand can be cast." thought Edgar.

The clone formed magic circles and cast magic. It puffs into blue smoke after it runs out of mana.

"It only has one fifth of my mana and aura. It cannot absorb mana and aura in the air. It cannot control the fire element well. It can only control the earth and lightning element well, which is the original aptitude of my body. It seems whatever aptitude I duplicated, it cannot be copied by the clone. When it's consciousness combined with mine, it's memory appeared in my mind."

Edgar smiled when he saw the memories of the clone.

"The clone is a very good assistant for learning. With this clone, it should be easier to duplicate the illusion dust."

Edgar went to another restricted area.

The area is a sea of flowers. There are giant yellow and pink flowers. The biggest flower in the center has close petals. They have giant stems and leaves. There are giant butterflies on the flowers. There is a faint red fog in the area. On the branches of giant leaves are hanging cocoons.

Edgar created a clone, then cloaked his real body to hide his energy. The clone moves toward the sea of flowers.

The giant butterflies are alerted. They flew up from the giant flowers. Their size is one meter, and their colors are pink and red.

Edgar is hiding and carefully following the clone. He hides on the giant stems of flowers.

The giant butterflies attack the clone with balls of thread. The clone swiftly avoids the ball of threads spit out by the butterflies. A big insect is hit by a ball of thread. It is trapped, as the thread is like strong glue. It cannot get out, no matter how much it struggles. It got weaker. It seems the threads have a paralyzing agent or poison.

At the center of the sea of flowers, a two-meter-tall butterfly suddenly flew up. It has a crown on its head. It flew toward the area where Edgar and the smaller butterflies are confronting each other.

It reached the area, but it did not attack. It releases red dust that spreads toward the clone.


The clone keeps fighting the butterflies, but it seems to be struggling as the fight goes on. There are a lot of threads on the ground. The clone's space of evasion is getting smaller. It stepped a thread on the ground. It was not able to evade an attack, and then more balls of thread hit him. It struggles to get out, to no avail. The butterfly queen covers the clone with a lot of red dust. The clone struggles to stay awake. It shakes its head, but its eyes are turning unconscious. The eyes are open, but they just stare blankly into the air. The clone seems to be captured in illusion.

The smaller butterflies move closer to the clone, then they spit out white thread that surrounds the clone. They covered the clone with a cocoon. The butterflies lift the cocoon and hang it near the center, where the red fog is thick. Their queen is releasing red dust regularly to keep the captured beings in illusion. The queen flew to a cocoon, then stabbed its sharp arm. The beasts trapped in the cocoon did not struggle. The big cocoon is getting smaller. The queen finished absorbing the beast, then cut the thread that attached the cocoon to the branch. The cocoon fell to the ground, and the beast inside looks like it is mummified. The butterflies lifted the fallen cocoon and threw it somewhere else. There are many skeletons where they threw the cocoon.

TNNNG! The rune is completed. Edgar is relieved. He moves away first. If he deactivates the clone, the queen will definitely notice it. After moving away, he deactivates the clone. He wants to know how the illusion works.

Puff! The clone puffs into blue smoke. The queen noticed it. It immediately flew to the clone and stabbed it. No one is there. It squeaks out of anger, and the smaller butterflies are trembling.

"Acck!" The memory of the clone entered Edgar's mind. The first memory is full of horror. His whole family is killed in front of him, but it was not too effective for the clone, so the queen resorts to blissful illusion. The second memory is of blissful life with Elena, his family on Earth, and his whole family in Aurora World.

Sweats appear on Edgar's forehead.

"The illusion dust is more dangerous than I thought. But is that effective against hyperbeing with a golden core? How about my swordheart? Can it protect my consciousness from illusion? Should I apply illusion to myself? I should experiment at home where it is safe." Edgar thought.

Edgar went home and went directly to his underground training hall.


A red dust appeared around Edgar. The red dust gets thicker, but nothing happens to him.

"It could be because of the golden core, swordheart, or my duplication of the aptitude of the butterfly queen, which made me immune to illusion dust." Edgar murmured.

He created a clone, then applied an illusion. The clone did not struggle.

Edgar created an illusion of white space.

The clone looks at his arms. He casts magic, and it works. It's just an experiment, but it really works. A virtual world for training.

Another figure of Edgar appears in the white space. He observes the surroundings and the clone, who is casting magic and performing martial skills.

"It's amazing. All magic and martial skills that I know can be used here. If I were to create trees and buildings, it would be difficult to maintain the illusion. This illusion space I created is like a program for magic and martial skills. There is not enough space on the program for additional details like trees or backgrounds other than the white space. With this magic, it will be easier to train Hidden Dragon Guards." thought Edgar.

Edgar touches his chin as he starts thinking. Something is brewing in his mind.

"I cannot touch the poison guild yet, but there are pests that I can start eradicating now with this skill."

Edgar crossed his hands as he thought of his plan.

"The original skill could only stimulate the horror or bliss of the target, which might sometimes not contain significant intelligence. I should create an illusion space of fire as I am very familiar with it to force intelligence out of enemies. I was planning to clean the pests when I establish the Hidden Dragon Guard as I lack intelligence and also as a form of their training, but I could start it now with this skill. It will also help me test the illusion dust and develop the illusion space."

He went out of the illusion space and looked at the time. According to his estimate, one day in the illusion space is one hour in the real world.

"Amazing, this skill will really be of great help to my plans. The only problem is my mana. I cannot even continuously cast it for one hour. I should find a way to store the illusion dust. I will think of that later. I still have something to do tonight."

He took out the materials, then smithed armor, a cape, and a mask. He left a clone in his room to guard his family, then he went out of his room. His family is already asleep. He went to the balcony on the second floor. He changed his outfit to a black coat as the cape that he smith does not have the ability to fly yet due to a lack of materials. He floats, then flies in the air.

After flying for a period of time, he reached his target city. He used life detection, then flew toward his target area.

In an inconspicuous restaurant, there are guards with tattoos and wearing suits.

Below the restaurant, in a hidden underground room, a middle-aged man is lying on the ground, severely injured. Beside him are his two crying daughters. Not far from them are two guards wearing suits and a fat man.

Edgar flies down to the restaurant as he crosses his arms and moves his knee closer to his body. A magic circle appears in the air. As he passes through the magic circle, his mask turned gray with a dragon mark on both sides. His hair turned into his original white hair, then a colored black and gray armor appears on his body.

Magic circles formed on his hands. They moved up and formed four lightning daggers in each hand, then he released his aura.

He steps on earth in the air.

Boom! He charges down toward the restaurant.

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