stakes - gambling with gods.

Chapter 2 The Choices

The belief in life after death is a common theme found in various religions and mythologies, although the specific interpretations may differ.

In Christianity, it is generally believed that after death, the soul goes to either heaven or hell, depending on the individual's actions and choices during their earthly life. Heaven is regarded as a place of eternal bliss and communion with God, while hell represents a state of punishment or separation from God.

Hinduism, on the other hand, follows the concept of reincarnation. According to Hindu beliefs, the soul is reborn into a new body after death, based on its accumulated karma (actions and deeds) in previous lives. The ultimate goal is to break free from this cycle of birth and death and attain liberation, known as moksha.

Buddhism also emphasizes breaking the cycle of reincarnation. Buddhists seek to achieve enlightenment and escape the cycle of suffering by following the teachings of the Buddha. Attaining enlightenment leads to the cessation of rebirth and the ultimate state of nirvana.

In Islam, it is believed that after death, the soul enters an intermediate state known as the Barzakh. During this phase, the soul is judged by God before proceeding to either paradise (Jannah) or hell (Jahannam) for eternal reward or punishment, respectively.

Ancient Egyptian mythology portrays the afterlife as a journey to the underworld. The deceased person's heart is weighed against the feather of Ma'at, representing truth and justice, to determine their fate. If their heart is lighter than the feather, they are granted eternal life; otherwise, they face annihilation.

In Norse mythology, warriors who die in battle are believed to go to either Valhalla, a grand hall where they feast and prepare for the final battle of Ragnarök, or Hel, a realm associated with those who did not die heroically.

Native American mythology and Chinese mythology encompass a wide range of beliefs and vary among different tribes and regions. Some Native American tribes hold beliefs in an afterlife, where the souls may journey to a spiritual realm or live among their ancestors. Chinese mythology includes notions of an afterlife involving judgment and reincarnation, as well as concepts of ancestral spirits and the importance of rituals for the deceased


The Waiting Room:-

As the boy opened his eyes, he blinked a few times, trying to make sense of his surroundings. He had no memory of who he was, where he came from, or why he was in this strange room. The only thing he knew was that he was alive and breathing.

The room was empty except for a lady who sat behind a plain table, watching him with a curious expression. "Hello," said the lady, smiling warmly at him.

The boy opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He frowned, realizing he didn't even know how to talk.

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"It's okay," the lady said, noticing the boy's confusion. "You don't need to worry. You're safe here."

The boy looked around the room again, trying to make sense of the sterile surroundings. There were no pictures or posters on the walls, no curtains on the windows, no plants or flowers in sight. It was like a blank canvas, devoid of any personality or warmth.

"Where am I?" the boy managed to ask, surprised at the sound of his own voice.

"You are in the afterlife.", The woman was petite in stature, with a commanding presence that belied her size. Her chair was positioned higher than usual, giving her a sense of authority over the room. She wore a sleek black blazer that hugged her frame, paired with a deep navy-blue silk blouse. The top buttons of her blouse were undone, revealing a hint of décolletage that added a touch of allure to her otherwise professional attire.

Her blonde hair was expertly styled in a low bun at the nape of her neck, with a few loose tendrils framing her face. She wore a delicate diamond pendant necklace and matching stud earrings that glinted in the light, adding a touch of sparkle to her ensemble. Overall, her appearance exuded an effortless sense of chic sophistication, making her the center of attention in the room.

The boy's eyes widened in shock and confusion at the woman's words. Afterlife? Death? What was she talking about? He looked down at his hands, flexing his fingers, trying to make sense of everything. But there was nothing there, no memories, no emotions, no sense of self.

"I don't understand," he finally managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper.

The woman leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table and interlocking her fingers. "You have died, my dear boy," she said, her tone sympathetic. "But you have been given a second chance, a choice to make. You can either choose to be reborn and live another life, or you can choose to be extinguished, to fade away into the nothingness that surrounds this world."

The boy's mind reeled with the implications of her words. He had died? How had that happened? And now he had to choose between life and nothingness? It was overwhelming, and he didn't know what to do.

The woman seemed to sense his confusion, and she reached across the table, taking his hand in hers. "It's okay, dear," she said, her voice gentle. "Take your time, but not too much. There are many waiting. Think about it. Come sit here."

The boy nodded, still unsure of what to do. He looked around the room again, taking in the stark emptiness of it all. If this was the afterlife, it wasn't what he had imagined it to be.

As he sat there, deep in contemplation, a subtle glimmer of something unfamiliar began to stir within him. It was an indescribable sensation that tugged at his heart, like a faint spark of light flickering and intensifying with each passing moment.

In that fleeting moment, the boy realized a profound desire to embrace life. Despite his fragmented memories and the mysteries that shrouded his past, he felt an overwhelming curiosity to uncover the truth. The flame of hope burned brightly within him, guiding his path forward.

However, there was an enigmatic quality to this newfound yearning. It was as if the longing to live originated not solely from within himself, but from somewhere beyond. He grappled with a sense of both self-discovery and a mysterious external force that propelled him toward the unknown.

"I want to live," he said, his voice stronger this time.

The woman smiled a bright and genuine smile that lit up her face. "Excellent choice, my dear," she said, standing up from the table. "We'll get you all set up then. Welcome to the world of the afterlife."

And with that, the boy began his journey anew, his heart filled with hope and anticipation for the life that lay ahead.

"Very well," she said. "But before we proceed, I need you to pick a new name. Please select two chits from this bowl."

His heart raced as he reached for the chits. Trembling, he reached into the bowl and selected two chits.

The woman continued, "Now, before we begin, I need to give you a brief lecture. Please listen carefully and do not speak until I permit you."

"Let's begin with filling out your profile, Zack Ronan," she said, taking a document from the stack on her right and starting to write.

Name–Zack Ronan.





Galaxy–milky way.


Dimension–1M25K039 (3rd).

"All right, now let's move on to the main point of this session," she said, placing the document aside.

"As I have already told you, this place is what we call the afterlife. All sorts of people come here after they die on the outside plane. But, for most of the time, these people perish and are converted into sources of energy to be sent back to their respective universes to maintain the energy balance.

"However, there are always exceptions. Some individuals, such as you and myself, do not perish in that process, arriving here. To such lucky individuals, we, your predecessors, give a chance to either live life once more or to pass on forever.

"But we humans can't be the only ones living in the outside plane or just our universe. Heck, we don't even exist in more than 40% of universes. Once you go out in this world, you might see other intelligent species, like dragons, elves, vampires, angels, demons, and many more."

At the mention of the intelligent species, Zack couldn't help but shiver and speak up, stammering, "a.... ar.... Are the. they dange.... Dangerous?"

"Not really per se, but they sure as hell are much stronger than us humans. And please don't disturb me while speaking and listen carefully."

"Yes, yes.", he spoke while giving a huge nod.

"Great, as I said, these species are stronger than us, meanwhile there are some species that are much weaker compared to us but, that's the topic for another day. You just need to remember that there are other races than humans. Now, before I send you away, there are two ways you can start your new journey."

Saying such, she summoned two things and slammed them on the table. As he moved forward to get a better look, he saw one thing that looked like a small device and another a booklet?

"You see, with the task of guiding you through choices of death and life, we also do many more things for you new people to be get accommodated in this world. We wouldn't want our little juniors to get killed just after giving them a new life, would we?

"So, we started an academy that teaches you basic history, geography, public skills, as well as some combat skills. But we can't force our ideals on you, so we give you another two choices. First is that you can join our academy and pay us later with mandatory service in the army of 200 years for free and another 100 years at half pay. Or you can directly join the society, in which case we will be providing you with some funds and some basic information about the town you will be sent to. What will be your choice?"

Zack sat in the chair, considering his options. He had been presented with a choice: Either he can go to the academy to learn more information, which he was lacking most, or he can choose the freedom to do whatever he wants without hanging the sword of serving in the army.

The lady across the table watched him closely, drumming her fingers impatiently. Zack took a deep breath and tried to clear his mind. 'To follow the rules, but the idea of exploring new worlds and cultures was tempting.'

As he weighed his options, he couldn't help but wonder about the other races he knew nothing about. He had heard about other races from her, but he had no memory of experiencing them first-hand or he had one in the first place. The idea of adventure and exploration was thrilling, but it came with a great deal of uncertainty.

On the other hand, the academy offered certainty and knowledge. He would be trained in various fields and would have access to resources that were otherwise unavailable to him. But at what cost? Three centuries of his life.

Sensing his hesitation, the lady spoke up. "Zack, time is of the essence. You must make a decision."

His mind raced as he weighed my options. Freedom was tempting, but the uncertainty it held made me wary. In the end, he knew that sometimes certainty was the safer choice. Without hesitation, he spoke up. "I like the academy idea." His voice was firm, but he couldn't help the twinge of regret that crept into his heart. It was like he himself didn't like the idea; it was a strange feeling.

The lady's expression softened slightly as she nodded, seemingly understanding my choice. "Very well," she said, handing me a small device. "This will be your key to your new life."

He took the device, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. The small device was a watch. As he took it into his hand, the watch attached itself to his wrist.

"This device will be the second most important thing in your life, the first being your life, of course, as it will guide you through many things. This device will teleport you directly to your dorm. Press the button on the side for now. As you reach your dormitory, you will be given instructions on how to use it. Remember, Zack, you must be mindful of those around you. And welcome to the 'New World'."

As he pressed the switch, he heard fading words from the lady. "Hello! My dear." She really didn't lie. There were people waiting behind him.


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