Starsign Lord

139 The Underground Base Of Genesis - Chapter 139

Fraus felt a little bit of tingling in his mind and felt cold at the same time. "This does not look good," he thought in his mind and then took a deep breath. Fraus closed his eyes and kept drinking his wine. Nelson has already left the place for the time being.

Fraus ordered Zendrick to put Genesis members in the basement to sleep again. As he kept drinking his wine and having free time, he noticed a familiar face. It was Arden.

Arden looked at him and then came to his table as he spoke.

Frauus, I need to talk to you. Do you have time ? "

Fraus notices something is not right, and he gives a cold breath and then calms himself down before answering.

Of course, I do have time for you.

Arden sat as he ordered a beer for himself, and then, taking a deep breath and waiting in silence for three to five seconds, he spoke.

Do you have anything to do with Light of Marven's destruction ?

As Arden asked, the area starts to get hot and cold at the same time. The eyes of Arden clearly show anticipation and problems. This is not something Fraus wanted to see, and in his mind, he just wanted to kill Arden and be done with it. But he will not; he has made his plans.

Before that, let me ask you a question.

Arden looked at Fraus and waited.

Is there a way for you people to pinpoint and understand if someone from Genesis, a member of them perhaps,

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Arden directly answered.

"Yes, of course, as long as we take them alive, with one ability, it will be clear if they are members of Genesis."

Fraus nodded and then answered the first question Arden asked himself.

"No, I did not attack Light of Marven, but I do have something that you can use."

"I was going to wait for some time, but it seems like you are looking for an answer."

Arden first gives up a satisfied breath and then tilts his head to the right as he asks.

"What do you have ?"

Fraus gets up from his seat and turns his back as he walks. Arden is about to pay the bill when Fraus speaks.

You do not need to pay the bill in my place.

Arden smiles as he remembers the document given to him and shows what kind of places Fraus has, of which this Unity Place and food are included in that document.

With these thoughts in his mind, Arden follows Fraus.


In a dimly lit, huge open central area, three people stood up, wearing white long robes and holding small wands with some sort of white paper in their hands. They weren't just standing around waiting for something to happen. They were looking at the middle of the huge area when one of the men spoke. The man who spoke had short white hair and his right eye was blind. His height was 180 cm and his body build was thin enough to make him look like he was some sort of skeleton.

"Start to creation."

With his words, a huge wave of energy started radiating from the middle, and then, seconds later, with a huge flash of white light, two different creatures manifested in the middle. The first creature is called "Glass Orc," and it is a Torch-Level Beginner-Level Fighter-Type creature with an artificial "Aries" star.

Four glassy eyes view their surroundings from their tiny sockets. A short nose rests below, but it's the long mouth below that takes all the attention. A thin smile reveals rows of eerie looking teeth and a coarse tongue.

Tiny bony ears sit on each side of its large, wrinkled head, which itself is covered in long hair and has two broad horns protruding from the top.

Its short, skinny body stands straight. Two broad bony arms hang at its sides and end in bony hands with thick fingers, of which it has six in total.

Its legs are short and stand straight, each ending in long feet.

Its body is covered in smooth skin and its shoulders are about the same width as its pelvis, from which a large tail sways back and forth.

The second creature is named "Lizard Wizard", a Torch-Level Beginner Level Mage-Type creature with fire and dark magic that comes from "Leo" artificial starsign.

Two doe-eyed eyes look at their surroundings from their huge sockets. A round nose rests below, but it's the massive mouth below that takes all the attention. A sly smile reveals rows upon rows of small teeth and a slimy tongue.

Small jagged ears sit on each side of its short, squared head, which itself is covered in long hair.

Its short, bulky body stands straight. Two broad warping arms hang at its sides and end in narrow hands with long nails, of which it has 10 in total.

Its legs are skinny and stand straight, each ending in skinny feet.

Its body is covered in soft skin and its shoulders are broader than its pelvis, from which a small tail sways back and forth.

The thin blind man laughed and then started speaking.

Give them the Nightmare Inducing Potion and then wait for two days.

"We will start producing more of these and put them to work."

"Yes Lord" and "Yes Lord", the other two humans in the room just nodded as they started whispering.

Nightmare An Inducing Potion is a poison in reality, after one drinks it or has a taste of it mixed with some drink or food. They will be seeing nightmares every time they close their eyes, and by closing their eyes, it does not mean sleep. It means literally closing their eyes. As the poison numbs some parts of the brain, Tach's nightmare is as real as it can be, and even a deep fire level being can not harden his mind enough to not be affected by it.

To brew a nightmare inducement potion, gather the following ingredients and follow the steps below, but feel free to add your own twist. 1 tablespoon of Nigella Ash-4 tablespoons of brown chive -1 sprinkle of Star Turmeric; -1 sprinkle of Monk's Herb; -5 teaspoons of Forest Saffron Squash the Ash Nigella with your hands, or make your friend do it for you, and put it in a cup. Add a little bit of water to turn it into a smooth emulsion, then add the brown chive half at a time. Fill a pan with clean river water, add the mixture, and freeze it. Then let it melt and bring it to a gentle simmer. Let it brew overnight, or not if you're impatient, before adding the Star Turmeric and Monk's Herb, a quarter at a time, or a mixture of both. Bring everything back to a boil, turn off the heat, mix in the forest saffron and let everything cool down. If you touch the liquid and it burns you, it hasn't cooled down enough. Whisk everything with a knife until you realize you look like a fool. Your potion is ready to be used. Only a small amount is needed for the potion to work. If your target is small, a puny amount will do. If your target is puny, a potion isn't really needed.

Fraus opens the door of his basic Unity Inn and then smiles. Arden saw three people on their knees, wearing some sort of headgear to hide their eyes. Arden knew Fraus was not some sort of maniac and knew there had to be a reason for these people to be here.

"Who are these people?"

Frau Frau smiled and spoke.

They are, according to what I have learned, from Genesis. "

As Fraus said these words, Arden's eyes turned serious and, with a flick of his hand, the faces of three prisoners were shown to him.

Arden then whispers.

"Show Gen"

With his words, the three prisoners started glowing with red energy. Fraus is no fool. He is able to understand that this means that the ability or technique Arden used gave him a good answer and showed that three of these people are from Genesis by lighting up in red light.

Arden took a deep breath and could not help but look at Fraus. Now that he knows Fraus has caught these guys close to Light Of Marven and the fact that it is easy to see that this attack can only be done by the Genesis Organization, Fraus does not have enough reasons to attack Light Of Marven as there are better targets for him to attack. Everything sits in its place.

Arden closes his eyes a little and then speaks.

Fraus, I'm sorry for my suspicious feelings against you.

Frau Fraus nodded and spoke.

It is expected. But I am just getting bored with you and Belgrum trying to integrate. I just do not feel good about that. If we can fix that, there should be no problem. Because next time I do get suspected, I am not going to like that.

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