Starsign Lord

142 The Lord - The Dream - Chapter 142

Elliot showed an ugly face and asked.

"Vivi, what is this hell-creature saying?"

Vivi thought a little and then took a deep breath. She knows about these things, not that she has experienced them, but she reads about them in the books on ghost energy beings or creatures born unnaturally with some sort of energy intervence, be it emotion or something like that.

Vivi then starts to speak.

"Ghost Energy" creatures are created by the emotions of collected intelligent beings, humans or similar beings. They do not have their own minds in most cases. This being creates sound and voice not with intention but according to the emotions and last wishes of the human being who created it in the first place. "

At the same time, the creature shoots towards Vivi. Elliot rushes forward and, with a flash of light, swings his sword at the creature's body, which the creature easily dodges before counter-attacking with his right hand.

Vivi whispers. Elliot smiles and jumps back, evading the attack of the creature.

"Light Ray"

With her whisper, a beam of white-light manifests in her right hand and shoots towards the creature, "Cissss." The white light beam burns the shoulder of the Ghost Energy Being and the creature backs away.

The power and ability of Vivi is too effective against ghost energy beings. The power of emotions and resentment from the people it created determines the level of ghost energy.In some cases, collected emotions and resentment can create powerful ghost energy. The creature Elliot and Vivi fight is a Deep Fire Level Being creature.

It must be high enough, or more than 1000 people with strong emotions, for a creature to look like it was created at this level.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

At that time, the creature jumps and then five different creatures manifest, each at the level of Torch-Advanced, These creatures are ghost minions, strong ghost beings able to separate from some emotional and resentment power to create weaker ghost energy beings that are controlled by the main body.

The five summoned creatures started attacking the duo, but it was no use. "Eliot," he whispered, as he entered the middle of the creatures in less than one second.

"The Dance of the East Sword"

With Elliot's whisper, a sword identical to the one he was using appeared in the air and began slashing and cutting down all five creatures with ease.

Torch-Level Advanced creatures may be strong in the general public. But in the eyes of an experienced fighter, at the level of deep fire, who lived in the wild and battled all his life, there is nothing they can do.

The Power of Elliot is stronger than Nox by a large margin and most likely stronger than Cinder herself, who is the leader of the Light of Marven. Even Fraus would not like to fight against him. He would be able to take care of him eventually, but it would be hard.

Vivi murmured once more.

"Circle Of Light"

With her whisper, the main body of the Ghost Energy Being stood up, covered with a circular shaped light that manifested from the sky. The whole body of the creature started to burn. The circle spanned 50 x 50. For a deep fire level to be left, this kind of distance is not hard to pass at all. But the fact that the Circle of Light ability of Vivi burns like hell and damages the creature makes it hard to pass it.

The energy being was about to leave the damage zone, the circle of light, but Elliot swings his sword and stops him. It kept burning because it couldn't leave the circle. It tries to leave, but Elliot keeps stopping him.

At that time, Elliott's eyes turned red, and then he entered the circle of light, not taking any damage as the Circle of Light abilities do not harm him at all because of the nature of the ability.

"Hahahahaha" Elliot laughed as he started swinging down on the creature without stopping his attention on the defence too. In just ten seconds, he leaves the circle of light by backing away, and Vivi looks at the energy on the ground and speaks.

"It is dead for real. The real problem was not this energy being, but the one who had created it. "

Elliot nodded and took a deep breath as he asked.

"Do you have a guess ?" He turned his body to Vivi, asking and showing a face filled with expectation.

Her eyes looked down for two seconds, showing an uncertain face, then her face turned into a face of anxiety. It was some sort of a face that made her understand that there was something wrong.

I am not sure, but I believe Genesis may have some sort of connection with this event. Considering that we are close to the Blue Bird Empire and they do have a base there, from what we know, "

Elliot spat on the ground as he answered.

"Genesis, huh, those fucking egoistical, god-complex maniacs who try to create everything then use it for their own evil means."

Vivi nodded and spoke.

"Evil or not, that can be discussed. In their eyes, they are doing a favor to everybody, but they just can not understand the perspective of the general public. "

Elliot simply shook his head in response to Vivi's words.He does not like these kinds of conversations at all. He believes that if someone causes harm to others in the name of a greater good, they are simply delusional people who have no understanding of the events of others and the factors that cause them to work or not work at all.

In the end, Elliot is a simple man when it comes to these things, so in the end, there will be things that will create a strain. Even if Vivi has those things, she is just better when it comes to hiding those things from the others.

In a sense of understanding, a creational force of power, the people will find their way into what they seek, Elliot thought in his mind.

"If you gaze into darkness for too long, the darkness will gaze into you, and no individual can handle the power of void and darkness."


Fraus opens his eyes and then takes a deep breath. He feels the energy, he feels the power in his mind. Three days passed in a flash. Nothing spectacular or important happened in these three days. He just lived and spent a simple life. Fraus inhaled deeply and then whispered.

"Finally, the Negative Energy Snake is completed."

The fact that Negative Energy Snake is completed means that every gemini clone is able to summon a Negative Energy Snake from their shoulders, and these negative energy snakes can shoot down enemies from afar or even at close range. Every attack they perform in five seconds deals a high amount of damage to an enemy. The fact that they do not die unless the gemini clone itself is killed is another good thing.

Fraus could not help but look at his battle power.

"Battle Power-2045"

"If all things are used up to 2345"

"Users can kill Deep Fire Level Beings with easy-moderate difficulty."

The fact that things are not as easy as they should be makes things harder. Fraus knows that battle power is just giving him a simple benchmark, but every deep fire level being has their own powers, life-saving abilities, plans and tactics, especially if they are self-made and gained their power not from anybody but from their own nature and source.


Lilly, who was in her room trying to rest a little, started seeing some sort of illusions about herself.

You move forward through the pleasing portal revealed only during a full moon. You're immediately met with a pleasant world. A tranquil world welcomes you. Calm, warm and gentle. The lush ground is all the more enticing thanks to the stronger gravity pulling you down. Immediately, your mind begins to wonder what's behind that hill or what lives atop that twisty tree.

Largely due to these conditions, you feel exposed and in jeopardy. This world is peaceful beyond a doubt. With an optimistic sense of curiosity and a healthy dose of common sense, you'll be good to go.

Off to the side, you hear the songs and shrieks of the most bizarre looking creatures. While they show you little interest, you keep your distance and an eye on them. You manage to find traces of bulky creatures, crawling creatures, and what you think might be muscular creatures of some sort. These kinds of things are most important.

Lilly has no idea why she is seeing these things, but she is aware that they are significant and alter the course of time and events.

You create an easy to spot landmark so you can find your way back more easily as you begin your life as a wanderer, explorer, and adventurer in this new world. But, with a bit of luck, a good sense of direction, and a cautious nature, you'll be able to register this world for those in your own.

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