Starsign Lord

146 Felix - Runes - Fraus - Chapter 146

The rain heavily pounded the ground as it was just like it wanted to beat the ground with its drops.

Felix looked outside from the half-empty caravan and took a deep breath.

As my father said, I always need to look out and open my eyes for any kind of opportunity. "

I need to build some funds for myself.

Luckily for Felix, when he lived in the village, There was an old woman called Ederne who lived in a big city before retiring to the small village. She knew how to read and write, and because she thought that Felix was a smart kid, she taught him how to read and write.

After learning to read, Felix used most of his money to read books in the small library in the village.

He knew that to make his plans complete. He needed coins, and for coins he needed to make something and find something to do.


Felix takes the books and goes to a relatively cheap inn named "Hanging Man." He enters the inn and the thick smell of beer and food reaches him. He smiles and then rents a room for himself for ten days. The inkeeper was a middle-aged woman with a great face and figure. She spoke kindly and clearly. The payment for the room for ten days is 1 silver.

​ The name of the inkeeper was "Aley."

Felix paid the coins without thinking too much.

I am not feeling hungry at the moment. So. I will eat later.

Felix thought in his mind that he just went to his room. Using the keys given to him by the Inkeeper He opens the locked door and looks at his room.

The room is simple. a wooden bed, two chairs, a table, and several buckets of water for cleaning.

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"I was not expecting much anyway."

Felix thought in his mind and put his backpack on the bed and then sat on the chair. He first opens the book named "Rune Introduction."

Felix took a deep breath and started reading the book. At the same time, he had already made sure that his paper and pen were ready. as he may need to take some notes.

"Runes are writings in the form of different symbols that contain magical energy. The source of runes is unknown to many others and not clear. Most people think it comes from ancient religions and gods. "

"Writing a rune is performed by two things."

"Rune Symbol"

"Rune Way"

First of all, One has to know the rune symbols to form a new rune or create an existing rune. The Rune Symbols are characters of a language that can be used to form words like "runes" or sentences like "rune formations and complex runes."

"Rune Way" refers to the Rune Symbols that are used to show and tell what "Runes" must do.without a rune routeThe rune writing will only exist and will stay in a simple shape. Runes can be created without Rune Way, but almost %98 of all runes need "Rune Way" to work. "

Felix read until midnight. I almost finished the book.


Felix was a poor man. Because of the Four-Winged Demon, he had lost everything. Every night and day he looks at the sky and watches the Castle of the Four-Winged Demon. These feelings of Felix caused him to feel deep hatred towards the Blue Bird Empire, as he knew, in the end, that if they wanted to kill this Four-Winged Demon with no problem.

Aley nodded and went back to prepare the food. Felix is sitting on his chair, taking deep breaths and looking around himself. Observing people The three people in the inn all come from different backgrounds. Two of them were males, and one of them was a female.

One of the males with a great body and strong looking muscles, as well as firm eyes. and a massive axe behind his back, he appears to be a warrior, as evidenced by his tense expression.Felix deduced that the man had come from a battle.

The other man was wearing a simple black robe and reading a book without giving his attention to anywhere else. He was a mysterious man. Other than drinking his beer from time to time, He only reads the book.

The woman is a young female around the same age as him. She is playing with her small dagger and, from what he sees, She is thinking about an event that she could not leave or find a problem to solve.

As Felix observed all the people in the inn, Aley comes with her meal and beer.

"Here. A salad with cheese and chicken parts It is light and filling. "

Aley put the beer on the table after giving the food and left Felix alone to enjoy his food.

At that time, a man enters the inn. The man enters the inn and without looking at anything, just sits on a stool. without doing anything other than ordering a beer for himself.

"This man is not ordinary."

Felix thought.

At that time, Fraus smiles as he takes a sip from his beer. "Other than that young man, nobody noticed me entering and having a different aura than others."

"That young man is not an ordinary young man at all."

Fraus understood from one look that the young man he saw was not some sort of ordinary man. He is exceptionally good when it comes to observing people. With one look, he notices that he is not an ordinary man.

At the same time, a black-haired man wearing black clothes with a cold face looks at the inn from the outside.

From the outside, it looks unenjoyable, broken and ugly. Large stones and huge stone pillars make up most of the building's outer structure.

It's difficult to see through the stained glass windows, but the bitterness from within can be felt from outside.

As he enters the tavern through the worn, wooden door, you're welcomed by a few groans and the rinkle of the doorbell.

The bartender is staring at nothing and makes no effort to acknowledge your presence.

It's as somber inside as it is on the outside. Stone beams support the upper floor and the large, molten candles attached to them. The walls are decorated with mounted animal heads and small animals, though most have become worn and broken, giving the place an even creapier feel.

The tavern itself is almost completely abandoned. The few people inside probably work for less honorable operations, but whoever they are, it's about the clearest sign you can get that they don't belong.

You did hear rumors about this tavern. Supposedly it's infamous for something, but for the life of you you can't remember what for. Judging by the dirt and unhygienic circumstances, it's probably food poisoning.

At the same time, Fraus looks at the black-haired man, and Felix looks at Fraus.

Felix takes a deep breath and throws some coins on the table and leaves without looking back. Everything he saw gave him the reasons and signs that a battle was about to start, and the battle was going to be one of the most destructive ones.

The black-haired man who had entered the inn and encountered Fraus is the human form of the Four-Winged Demon. If one has good observational capabilities, or above the level of Candle at the level of Torch-Level

They can see through the fake human form and notice the real four-winged demon.

The Four-Winged Demon is a deep fire level being. He notices that Felix is no danger to himself but not the same for Fraus.

From the moment he entered the inn, Fraus looked at him and the man. They understood each other's intentions with just one eye contact and without any kind of problem or something like that.

One look and they noticed that they were not on good terms and were about to attack each other.

Fraus took a deep breath and spoke.

"I am here to fight with you, Four-Winged Demon, but I prefer not to start anything here. It will be too loud and too messy."

The four-winged demon let out a breath and then nodded. At least he knows his shit." A demon usually does not care about destruction and any other things, but the four-winged demon cares about these things.

If he starts to cause big events and problems, Blue Bird Empire, who for the time being does not bother him, begins to look for and create problems.

The Four-Winged Demon starts to speak.

"Come with me then, close to my castle. There is a big open field."

Fraus nodded and followed behind the Four-Winged Demon. He took a deep breath and could not help but think about the fact that he wanted to say it would be better if they did not fight close to the castle, as he wanted the castle for himself.

He remembers, with full details, how the castle looked.

At the same time, Felix stayed in the corner close to the inn, looking at the Four-Winged Demon and Fraus leaving the room.

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