Step by Step Ascend to Immortality

Chapter 17 - 18 Pang Tianshan

Chapter 17: Chapter 18 Pang Tianshan

The slogans shouted by the disciples of the Tianyi Gang had changed numerous times over the years, reflecting the shifting tides of power. The earliest chant was "Fight for justice, protect the people," which was later replaced with "United brothers, strength unbreakable," and then changed again to "Galloping horses, dominion over the skies." However, after Ma Qianjun took absolute control of the gang, he simplified the slogan to "Riding a thousand troops, unmatched under the heavens!"

Now, the Tianyi Gang's disciples roared these slogans with fervor, gripping their swords tightly and glaring at passersby with murderous intent.

To the common folk of Linjiang County, the Tianyi Gang's headquarters was a place to avoid at all costs. The area was always patrolled by black-clad disciples brandishing blades, but lately, things had taken a turn for the worse. No one knew what had provoked the gang, but guards now stood at every corner, ready to draw their weapons at the slightest provocation. Those who lived nearby could only mutter under their breath, "The Tianyi Gang is truly terrifying."

Despite their outward show of force, the disciples of the Tianyi Gang were inwardly filled with dread. The only thought running through their minds was, "Our gang might be in serious trouble this time."

Rumors had been circulating about a young man from the remote Lin Family Village, who was, in fact, a martial arts demon who had lived for countless years. This man, Liu Suiyun, was said to possess the strength of a god, wielding sixteen different weapons as he slaughtered his enemies. Not only would he kill his victims, but he would also chop them into eighteen pieces and roast them over a slow fire.

Word had spread that not only had the gang's famous Flying Twin Spirits and Ji Liexiong been killed by him, but even the powerful Tianji Pang Family had suffered heavy losses, with at least three to four hundred of their men killed. Although the Tianyi Gang's losses were somewhat smaller, they had still lost seventy to eighty men.

These stories, told with such conviction, had struck fear into the hearts of the gang's ordinary disciples. They clutched their single-edged swords tightly at all times, terrified that this ancient demon might suddenly descend upon the county and turn their headquarters into a river of blood. Despite Ma Qianjun's repeated attempts to calm them, dozens of men had feigned illness and fled back to their homes.

Even Ma Qianjun himself was beginning to regret his actions, wondering how such a powerful martial artist could have appeared out of nowhere in his county. As he stood in the courtyard of the gang's headquarters, he addressed his brothers, trying to explain the situation: "The battle at Luoxing was only a minor setback for us and the Tianji Pang Family. We lost a few men, but nothing more."

With great sorrow, he continued, "I, Ma Qianjun, take full responsibility for this small defeat. You must understand, at that time, our elite forces had cornered Liu Suiyun and his hundred-strong band. We dealt them a heavy blow, killing many of the scoundrels. But just when victory was within our grasp, a unit of the Tianji Pang Family suddenly turned against us, and our elite troops were caught between them. We had to make a decisive retreat, though we managed to return safely, leaving behind only a few weapons."

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Pang Jiaolong, who was stationed at the Tianma Gang's headquarters, was furious when he heard Ma Qianjun's shameless lies. Both of their defeats had been due to the incompetence of Ma Qianjun's men, yet here he was, placing all the blame on the Pang Family.

But in Linjiang County, despite being a powerful force from outside, the Pang Family had no choice but to rely on the local strength of the Tianyi Gang to pursue Gu Yinghua. The thought of being so thoroughly scapegoated made Pang Jiaolong's blood boil. "Ma Qianjun, I'll remember this debt. Revenge is a dish best served cold."

Just as he was stewing in his thoughts, a thunderous voice rang out from outside, "Who dares to speak ill of the Pang Family? Show yourself!"

Pang Jiaolong jumped to his feet, shouting, "Patriarch! Patriarch!"

A shrewd and imposing middle-aged man immediately appeared in Ma Qianjun's line of sight. He was dressed in a golden robe, exuding confidence, followed by dozens of fully armed warriors and a group of Daoist cultivators. Yet, none of these followers could match the overwhelming pressure exerted by this man alone.

"Pang Tianshan?" Ma Qianjun involuntarily spoke the name, "You're Pang Tianshan!"

Indeed, this was a Foundation Establishment cultivator. Compared to ordinary martial artists like Ma Qianjun, who had only slightly longer lifespans, Pang Tianshan had a life expectancy of two hundred and forty years and commanded formidable Daoist arts. And behind him stood the might of the powerful Tianji Pang Family.

Without hesitation, Pang Tianshan replied, "That's right, I am Pang Tianshan!"

Pang Jiaolong, on the verge of tears, cried out, "Patriarch, I'm ashamed to face you. Tianming and Qingbai have both fallen."

"I know!" Pang Tianshan said, his voice dripping with murderous intent. "I know everything! Ma Qianjun, hand over those cowards who abandoned our Pang Family in our time of need!"

This was a direct challenge to Ma Qianjun's authority, but there was nothing Ma Qianjun could do. This Pang Tianshan was an experienced Foundation Establishment cultivator and the patriarch of the Tianji Pang Family, a true force to be reckoned with.

If this had been twenty years ago, when he was still in his prime, Ma Qianjun might have dared to challenge Pang Tianshan. But now, his edge had dulled, and he had no choice but to plead, "Patriarch Pang, this is an internal matter of the Tianyi Gang. I assure you, we will handle it appropriately and provide you with a satisfactory explanation."

"Very well," Pang Tianshan agreed, knowing he still needed Ma Qianjun's cooperation. "Master Ma, I'll give you that courtesy. But you must give me a proper explanation! And if you help the Pang Family, I, Pang Tianshan, will reward you handsomely."

With overwhelming authority, he added, "Don't underestimate me just because I'm at the Foundation Establishment level. I have strong ties with several Golden Core cultivators. Rest assured, your matter is on my mind."

Ma Qianjun felt somewhat relieved upon hearing this. All his efforts over the years had been aimed at strengthening the Tianyi Gang, hoping to elevate it to the status of the Yunzhong Ma Family. "Whatever minor misunderstandings we had before, we can put behind us. Now that you're here, Brother Tianshan, those small fry don't stand a chance! However, we might need your elite forces to deal with that rogue Liu Suiyun, who is exceptionally skilled."

Pang Tianshan nodded slightly and said to his men, "On my way to Yunzhong, I've heard this name Liu Suiyun dozens of times. Who would have thought that such a small place could produce a martial artist proficient in both martial and Daoist arts? Impressive!"

But with the elite forces Pang Tianshan had brought, a mere Liu Suiyun was hardly a threat. After all, the team under Pang Tianshan's command represented the pinnacle of the Tianji Pang Family's power. "But don't underestimate him. Before the great upheaval, the Gu Family's four wolves were also relatively unknown."

The Gu Family incident was one of the most painful Chapters in the history of the Tianji Pang Family. After centuries of effort, the Pang Family had finally established a foothold, only to be severely undermined by the upstart Gu Family. Outsiders might have called the Gu Family's four main fighters the "Four Dogs," but the Pang Family had always referred to them as the "Four Wolves."

Remembering those four wolves, Pang Tianshan warned again, "Never forget the lesson of those four wolves. Although we narrowly defeated the Gu Family, three of the wolves managed to escape: Xu Ruhua, who was personally slain by me, was the exception. But Zhuo Rizi remains hidden in Tianma Plains, Zheng Wanpeng has fled to the North Desert, and Yan Ruojian's whereabouts are unknown. However, anyone who crosses the Pang Family will be hunted down, no matter where they flee."

His voice carried a chilling resolve, "This time will be no different! Go and burn Lin Family Village to the ground—leave nothing standing!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Pang Jiaolong, with a pained expression, reported, "Patriarch, that rogue Liu Suiyun has already burned his own house to the ground, leaving nothing behind! Even the rebels from Lin Family Village have all fled."

"They think they can escape by running away after offending the Pang Family? They underestimate the Tianji Pang Family!" Pang Tianshan's voice turned icy. "Send a hundred and eighty stone of coarse salt to Lin Family Village and salt the earth. Poison the wells and springs. Not only will the village be reduced to ashes, but it will be rendered uninhabitable for generations!"

This was an utterly ruthless plan, ensuring that Lin Family Village would remain uninhabitable for a century. The disciples of the Tianyi Gang, who were present, felt a chill run down their spines, knowing they couldn't afford to cross such a merciless man. Pang Tians

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