Step by Step Ascend to Immortality

Chapter 28 - 29 Siege

Chapter 28: Chapter 29 Siege

Several sharp arrows whizzed through the air like shooting stars, the sound of them slicing through the wind followed by the chilling cries of the Xuan Shui Serpent.

But Du Yunlong was unflinching. With a flick of his sword and a thrust of his dagger, he deftly deflected two of the arrows, sending them clattering to the ground. In the next moment, he executed a swift maneuver, disappearing into the underbrush like a phantom.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!"

A pack of hunting dogs barked incessantly, their noses catching the faint scent of their quarry. The scouts who had been chasing Du Yunlong into the desolate wilderness were unperturbed by his sudden disappearance. One of them shouted, "Keep going! Get the heavy artillery ready and call the others!"

For Du Yunlong, the greatest threat wasn't these relentless pursuers from the Pang family. It was the Xuan Shui Serpent, which had been tailing him for what seemed like miles. He had sprinted across countless hills and through dense forests, with the scenery blurring past him. Gu Yinghua, clinging to his back, could barely keep track of how fast they were moving.

His hurried steps startled small creatures in the mountain underbrush, sending them scurrying back to their nests. The serpent's hiss, a sound that could pierce through bone, filled the air, making Du Yunlong frown. Just then, Gu Yinghua, her voice laced with worry, whispered, "Master, I sensed danger coming from those Pang family soldiers."

Danger? Though he didn't fully understand Gu Yinghua's past, Du Yunlong knew enough to trust her instincts. After all, she had taught him powerful techniques like the Void Sound of Destruction without hesitation. If she sensed danger, it was real. Quickly, a realization struck him. "Damn it, it's the Mie Xian Arrows! It has to be!"

The Mie Xian Arrows were no joke. While useless against high-level cultivators, they were deadly to someone like Du Yunlong, a lower-level cultivator and martial artist. One shot could easily kill him, or at the very least, leave him severely wounded. He'd seen their power firsthand and knew that even in the best-case scenario, surviving a hit would mean grave injuries. His frown deepened.

His only chance was to lose the Xuan Shui Serpent. If that venomous, fire-breathing beast caught up to him, it would be the end. He scrambled up the nearest hill and glanced back at the serpent.

Despite the thick undergrowth partially obscuring it, Du Yunlong could still see the monstrous snake, its body coiled as it sped through the forest, moving even faster than he was.

Du Yunlong, a man who had faced countless battles and storms, felt a rare twinge of fear. His steps faltered ever so slightly. But then, with Gu Yinghua on his back, he reached the hilltop. Gu Yinghua's voice, steady and calm, broke through his thoughts. "Master, watch out!"

Du Yunlong looked up just in time to see a group of Pang family elites in the distance, their bows drawn and ready. Among them, he spotted a cultivator holding a talisman between his fingers, preparing to cast a spell.

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Du Yunlong had no intention of engaging these hunters in a head-on battle. He knew that even if he could take out this entire group of scouts, it wouldn't improve his dire situation. Without hesitation, he pivoted and dashed southward.

Sweat nearly beaded on his forehead, knowing full well the danger that lay behind him—a Xuan Shui Serpent that he couldn't defeat even at full strength. And who knew how many more Pang family and Tianyi Gang members were on his tail? Even the formidable Pang Tianshan might be closing in, with his Mie Xian Arrows in tow. This was the most perilous battle Du Yunlong had ever faced.


The serpent's hiss grew louder, its presence closer. Du Yunlong had only taken a hundred steps south when a black hunting hawk appeared in the sky, circling above. As soon as it spotted him, it screeched and took off, signaling the hunters below. Du Yunlong cursed under his breath, "Those Pang dogs move fast!"

Even Gu Yinghua couldn't help but admire the efficiency of the Pang family and Tianyi Gang. After narrowly escaping their pursuers, she and Du Yunlong had moved tirelessly, barely resting as they traversed treacherous terrain, battled fierce beasts, and thought they'd finally shaken off their pursuers. Yet, here they were, with the hunters already closing in.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!"

The barking grew more frantic, and the Xuan Shui Serpent loomed closer, its massive form now fully visible. Du Yunlong tightened his grip on his sword, ready for battle. Though they were still barely within a safe distance, he knew his Daoist techniques wouldn't work from so far away. Still, he prepared himself for a desperate fight.

At this critical moment, Gu Yinghua, nestled against Du Yunlong's back, spoke words of rare praise. "Don't lose your composure. Remember, you are Du Yunlong—the most devoted lover, second-best gardener, third-best Daoist, and fourth-best martial artist. And the servant I admire most."

The word "servant" wasn't an insult in Gu Yinghua's vocabulary. It was a term of endearment, spoken with the utmost care. Her voice, filled with warmth and fragrance, brushed against Du Yunlong's ear, giving him a renewed sense of clarity.

"You're right!" Du Yunlong smiled, responding to Gu Yinghua. "Why am I pushing myself so hard? My true talent is in gardening, not martial arts or Daoist techniques!"

His breath, once erratic from the frantic chase, steadied. His eyes sparkled with intelligence as he quickly formulated a plan.

"Woof! Woof! Woof!"


"Caw! Caw! Caw!"

The pursuers were closing in. The scouts from the Pang family, armed with the deadly Mie Xian Arrows, were a formidable threat. Based on Du Yunlong's knowledge of the Pang family, this squad likely carried potent elixirs to boost their strength, as well as a couple of troublesome cultivators. Though some cultivators might seem frail, those assigned to a scout team like this were likely dual cultivators with both power and speed—making them difficult opponents. The Pang family, after all, was a clan that had once produced a near-Golden Core cultivator. Naturally, these scouts would carry powerful talismans or other deadly tools.

And then there was the Xuan Shui Serpent, even more dangerous than the rest. As Du Yunlong himself had said, not even at his peak could he take on the serpent in a direct fight. The Xuan Shui Serpent could likely hold its own against someone like Pang Tianshan, a Foundation Establishment stage cultivator, for hundreds of rounds.

Yet, despite the looming danger, Du Yunlong's mind grew sharper. He turned to Gu Yinghua and said, "Thank you, Miss Gu. I swear I'll get you out of here safely. I never leave a debt unpaid."

Even in this life-threatening situation, he had no intention of abandoning Gu Yinghua, despite her being a burden in this chase. If it weren't for her, he could have lost the Xuan Shui Serpent long ago. But he had pledged his life to her, and that meant something.

"But I'm still charging you a thousand coins a day, no raise!" he added with a grin.

"Maybe when we reach Yuanzhou, I'll be tempted by the Supreme Dao!" Du Yunlong replied, jokingly. "Think you can give me a raise then?"

"We'll see," Gu Yinghua responded, unable to hide her growing admiration for this "servant." "Once you're on the right path, there will be endless rewards for you!"

As they spoke, the Xuan Shui Serpent closed in, slithering ever faster. Du Yunlong, however, remained calm, leading Gu Yinghua into a patch of tall grass. The serpent, with its incredible senses, immediately followed.

But soon, the serpent's speed began to slow. Du Yunlong and Gu Yinghua had disappeared from its sight, and even their scent had faded. The serpent, known for its extraordinary sense of smell, found itself confused. There were no footsteps, no rustling of grass to guide it.

What was going on?

The Xuan Shui Serpent's eyes, as large as lanterns, widened in disbelief. It coiled its body and slithered forward, only to find nothing but the faint sounds of barking dogs in the distance and a lone hawk circling above. These small creatures were insignificant, nothing to fear.

In its mind, the serpent planned how it would exact its revenge once it caught its prey. Merely biting Du Yunlong in half wouldn't be enough to quench its hatred. It imagined injecting its venom into its foe, then slowly constricting him to death.

Yes, it would torture him for a full day and night, using every cruel method it could think of, savoring the look of utter despair on his face. The thought made the serpent's body tremble with anticipation, its fangs bared, ready to strike.

Gu Yinghua watched as the serpent drew closer, its hissing growing louder. Du Yunlong remained hidden in the grass, waiting in silence.

Though she didn't know what would happen next, as long as she was with Du Yunlong, Gu Yinghua felt no fear. She even found herself reminiscing about the past few days—a time

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