Step by Step Ascend to Immortality

Chapter 59 - 49 Gemini

Chapter 59: Chapter 49 Gemini

Under the oppressive weight of the tribulation clouds, Du Yunlong's voice carried an unmistakable mix of sincerity, passion, and calm resolve, yet there was an extraordinary courage beneath it all. His words hit Wang Zihan's heart with such force that she could no longer contain her emotions. "Hold me tighter," she whispered.

Du Yunlong tightened his embrace around her, pulling her closer as the dark skies above grew even more foreboding. The clouds thickened, layer upon layer, blotting out the stars entirely. Occasionally, streaks of eerie blue light flickered between the clouds, casting an ominous glow over the mountainside. Yet despite the terror of the impending heavenly tribulation looming over the entire region, the two of them found solace in each other's arms.

Their skin warmed against one another, and with each heartbeat, their connection deepened. Wang Zihan nestled into Du Yunlong's chest, feeling a peace she hadn't known in months. For the first time in what felt like forever, she allowed herself to relax. This man holding her now—his chest felt wide enough to shelter her from the entire world, reliable and steadfast.

As the warmth of their bodies intertwined, the intensity of their emotions nearly made them forget the impending disaster. But reality came crashing back in the form of a thunderous roar from the heavens, shaking the earth beneath them.

The tribulation had begun.

Wang Zihan quickly composed herself, attempting to adjust her crimson robe. Bloodstained and tattered from the earlier battles, there was little she could do to make herself presentable. The effort only highlighted her vulnerability, making her appear softer, more delicate.

She was no longer the aloof and commanding young lady of the Wang family. In Du Yunlong's arms, she was simply a woman, caught in the storm of emotions and the looming catastrophe. Her mind was not on the celestial punishment about to descend upon them but on the man who held her so tightly, his arms wrapped around her like they'd never let go.

The heat from Du Yunlong's hands on her neck made her skin tingle. His warmth was intoxicating, sending shivers through her body as she found herself yearning for more, wishing his embrace would tighten. Her untouched, porcelain-like skin seemed to hum with desire, silently begging for even the smallest of his movements. Even though he remained still, gazing up at the sky with her, the mere presence of his body next to hers felt overwhelming.

Her robes—layer upon layer of fabric—might as well have been made of gossamer for all the protection they offered. Every slight touch between them sent sparks racing through her, her clothes feeling thinner by the second. Even the most delicate of his gestures ignited a fire deep within her.

What was happening to her? Why didn't she want to pull away? Like a moth to a flame, she found herself wishing Du Yunlong would abandon his gentlemanly restraint and pull her even closer.

The intensity of the moment was unbearable. Wang Zihan's voice broke through the tension as she sought an answer, her words heavy with longing and fear. "Do you regret it? Standing here with me, facing the heavens? This is a real tribulation—one we can't possibly survive. We won't even make it through the first wave."

Even if they were at their peak strength, there was no way they could withstand the power of a tribulation meant for cultivators on the brink of the Nascent Soul stage. The sheer force of it would crush them.

"No regrets," Du Yunlong responded, his voice steady. He hadn't expected Wang Zihan to become so vulnerable, her guard completely down. But he spoke his truth. "If I'm with you, that's enough. I'm willing to die for you."

He held her gaze, his eyes burning with a quiet intensity. "Remember me as Du Yunlong—the man who loved you more than anything. Not a great cultivator or a skilled warrior, but someone whose heart was yours."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The eerie blue light from the heavens highlighted Du Yunlong's handsome features, intensifying his masculine charm. His words stirred something deep within Wang Zihan. He knew she had her secrets, her past, things she'd never share with him. And yet, he accepted her completely.

With a small shake of his head, Du Yunlong's voice softened. "I've changed my mind. We're meant to be together, so let's savor this moment—no matter how short it may be. Even if it's hidden away, even if it's fleeting... what do you want to know?"

Wang Zihan's breath hitched as she leaned into him, her body craving more than just his words. "Don't," she whispered, her voice trembling. "I don't want to hear about other women. I just... regret that happiness has to be so brief."

She buried her face in his chest, her voice barely audible. "Kiss me..."

Du Yunlong glanced up at the sky. The blue lightning crackled between the clouds, and a long silver arc of electricity began to take shape, ready to strike at any moment. But as he looked down at the woman in his arms, her eyes closed, lips slightly parted, her skin glowing under the light of the impending storm—he knew what he had to do.

He felt the weight of responsibility like never before. Drawing in a deep breath, he leaned in, gathering every promise, every feeling into that one kiss, and pressed his lips against hers.

The moment their lips met, the heavens exploded in a brilliant flash of silver light. The sky roared with the deafening crack of thunder, and hundreds of lightning strikes rained down, turning night into day. But Du Yunlong's world was consumed by Wang Zihan, by the softness of her lips, the warmth of her breath.

For just that moment, they were alone in the universe.

But a sudden, invisible force yanked them apart. Du Yunlong, thrown backward, still clutched Wang Zihan's hand, unwilling to let her go.

What just happened?

Both of them opened their eyes in confusion, and Du Yunlong saw something incredible—a soft, white glow surrounded Wang Zihan. It was different from the terrifying silver lightning crashing down from the sky. This light was gentle, warm, and protective, enveloping her entire body like a shield.

"What is this...?" he whispered, awe filling his voice.

What was this?

Du Yunlong couldn't comprehend what was unfolding before him. The faint silver light surrounding Wang Zihan made her look like an ethereal goddess, as though she had stepped out from the moon itself. Then, he heard it—a sound that echoed in his ears.

Celestial music. True celestial music.

The very first note hit him, and Du Yunlong immediately felt it deep within. He had never heard anything like it before, but there was one undeniable truth: "This melody must be from the heavens."

Words failed him. How could he describe the sheer beauty of this music? All he knew was that his soul resonated with it, every note pulling at his heartstrings, like a spiritual cleansing that washed over him.

It was the most beautiful sound he had ever experienced, and Du Yunlong quickly thought back to Wang Zihan's encounter with the great roc. Could this be the celestial song she had mentioned?

But soon, all thoughts faded as the music pulled him deeper into its spell. He held Wang Zihan's hand tightly, completely absorbed in the pure joy of the moment, so much so that he couldn't even hear the deafening roar of the heavenly tribulation thundering above.

Lightning crashed in the skies, but all Du Yunlong could hear was the dreamlike music that surrounded him—until a tremendous force suddenly ripped him away. Their clasped hands were torn apart, and he was jolted back to reality.

Du Yunlong immediately lunged toward Wang Zihan, desperate to be with her. Whether it was the deadly tribulation or the great roc itself, nothing should keep them apart. He was determined to keep his promise: "I would die for you!"

But he was destined to be disappointed. A soft, gentle force stopped him in his tracks. No matter how much power Du Yunlong summoned, he was pushed back to where he had started. Then, he noticed something changing about Wang Zihan.

A white feather appeared at her side, slowly emerging from the silver glow.

What was this? Du Yunlong glanced at Wang Zihan, who seemed just as surprised. She quickly nodded to him, urging him to stay calm.

This wasn't an ordinary feather. Just like the celestial music, Du Yunlong had never seen anything so pristine before. No, it wasn't quite right—it wasn't a simple white feather. Its front was pure as snow, while the back was dark as ink. Yet, despite its dual colors, it radiated a beauty and life all its own.

The black-and-white feather finally floated free from Wang Zihan's side, rising toward the sky. It grew larger and larger as it flew. But as Du Yunlong watched the heavenly lightning strikes—the countless bolts crashing through the sky, hidden among the tribulation's terrifying power—he grew anxious for the feather's fate.

Even if the great roc was a creature beyond the primordial spirit realm, capable of blocking out the sun with a flap of its wings, this was just a single feather. And this was no ordinary storm; it was a world-shaking tribulation meant for near-Nascent Soul cultivators. How could one feather withstand that?

Even if the feather grew to be hundreds of feet long, as Wang Zihan had mentioned, surely it wouldn't survive, right?

Just as these thoughts crossed his mind, the feather suddenly stopped growing. It hadn't reached the hundreds of feet Wang Zihan had spoken of. In fact, it was barely three feet long. Du Yunlong's concern deepened, and he rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

This can't be right. I must be seeing things!

But no matter how hard he blinked, his eyes confirmed what was true. Where the divine feather had once floated, there were now two little girls, identical in almost every way.


They couldn't have been older than six or seven, with cherubic faces and wide, curious eyes that sparkled in the silver light of the sky. Their tiny hands were clasped together tightly, and there wasn't a hint of danger coming from them. Instead, they radiated an aura of pure innocence—what one might simply call "adorable."

Such beautiful twin sisters!

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