Step by Step Ascend to Immortality

Chapter 7 - 7 Unstoppable

Chapter 7: Chapter 7 Unstoppable

Du Yunlong's face twisted with a fierce killing intent. His eyes sharpened, and his speed suddenly increased by at least thirty percent. He nearly bit through his teeth as his entire aura surged to its limit, resembling a true tiger on the prowl.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The Bone Refining Realm expert leading the Pang family's group didn't notice Du Yunlong's rage. With a wave of his hand, he commanded, "Take him down!"

Two experts from the Tianyi Gang sprang forward like agile foxes, ready to block Du Yunlong's path. Their twin swords, as swift as a viper's tongue, darted towards him. Watching this, a Bone Refining expert from the Pang family smirked, "Excellent! Once we finish off this brat, I'll personally teach you two a few tricks!"

These two were known as the "Soaring Spirits," a pair of brothers renowned for their teamwork. Although only at the Escape Realm, they were the perfect match for dealing with Du Yunlong. One brother specialized in offense, the other in defense; together, they were a formidable combination. Against an ordinary Tiger Taming Realm expert, they would have no trouble at all.

Despite Du Yunlong having advanced to the Tiger Taming Realm, he was a weakened tiger, barely able to hold out beyond ten moves. The Soaring Spirits were confident they could block his initial onslaught, leading to an inevitable victory. The members of the Tianyi Gang began to relax, anticipating an easy win.

As the brothers launched their coordinated attack, one brother defended flawlessly, while the other prepared a lethal strike. Pang Qingsong, observing Du Yunlong charging forward without hesitation, felt a surge of joy. "This sick tiger is doomed against their flawless combination!"

But just as the elder brother of the Soaring Spirits was about to strike, Du Yunlong's single blade cut through the air like a waterfall, bypassing their defenses entirely. The elder brother, confident in his swordplay, suddenly found his weapon inexplicably flying from his grasp. Before he could react, a flash of steel and a spray of blood marked his end—Du Yunlong had slain him with a single stroke.

Without pausing, Du Yunlong's blade turned on the younger brother. The younger brother, despite his seemingly impenetrable defense, was caught off guard by the sudden turn of events. Just as he tried to unleash his own killing blow, Du Yunlong's iron grip closed around his throat, leaving him paralyzed with fear. A swift motion later, and the younger brother's head was sent flying.

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In mere moments, Du Yunlong had killed both brothers with the precision of flowing water. Without so much as a break, he lifted his single blade and charged forward again, shocking Pang Qingsong into a cold sweat.

The Soaring Spirits were only in the Escape Realm, known for their agility, but they were far from formidable warriors. Pang Qingsong himself could have easily defeated them, but never with the same ruthless efficiency that Du Yunlong had displayed.

Just as Pang Qingsong prepared to speak, another figure emerged from the group surrounding Huo Qianshu. This man, gripping a long spear, roared furiously, "You dare provoke the Tianyi Gang? Die!"

This was Ji Liexiong, one of the Tianyi Gang's most formidable fighters, already in the Tiger Taming Realm. His spear was famous throughout Yunzhong County.

Spears were known as the king of weapons, unmatched in power. When wielded by a master, even walls of iron or bronze couldn't withstand its force. Though spears were rare due to strict government control, those who wielded them were true experts. Ji Liexiong's spear had earned him great fame, once slaughtering forty-seven enemies in a single battle, staining an entire riverside red with their blood.

Seeing Du Yunlong cut down the Soaring Spirits, the Tianyi Gang members felt a chill run down their spines, their confidence wavering. But Ji Liexiong's fierce charge quickly restored their morale. "Old Ji, kill that dog!" they shouted.

"Don't hold back, stab him to death!"

"Run him through, and then stab him again!"

Ji Liexiong was close friends with the Soaring Spirits, and upon seeing them slain, his anger exploded. Abandoning his battle with Huo Qianshu, he charged at Du Yunlong with unstoppable momentum, even a Bone Refining expert would have been hard-pressed to block his advance.

Watching Ji Liexiong's charge, Pang Qingsong felt a wave of relief. The Soaring Spirits had underestimated Du Yunlong, thinking they could toy with him. But Ji Liexiong was different—a true Tiger Taming expert, wielding his eight-foot spear with unmatched ferocity. Even an uninjured Du Yunlong would struggle against him, let alone in his current weakened state.

As the two clashed, Ji Liexiong, a master of the Tyrant Spear, unleashed a flurry of spear strikes, covering Du Yunlong in a web of spear shadows. But Du Yunlong met him head-on, his single blade flashing in the air as it clashed with Ji Liexiong's spear, sending sparks flying.

"Die!" Ji Liexiong shouted, thrilled by the exchange. His spear was unmatched in reach, and he confidently pulled it back, preparing for a devastating thrust. Even an uninjured opponent would have been crushed by this blow, let alone Du Yunlong, rumored to be heavily wounded.

But just as Ji Liexiong was about to strike, Pang Qingsong's shout echoed in his ears, "Watch out!"

Du Yunlong had taken advantage of the moment when Ji Liexiong retracted his spear, closing the distance between them. In close quarters, a spear's greatest strength became its greatest weakness. Unable to retreat in time, Ji Liexiong felt a sharp pain as Du Yunlong's iron boot connected with his most vulnerable spot, sending him flying.

Blinded by pain, Ji Liexiong could only flail his spear wildly. But Du Yunlong sidestepped his attacks, delivering a swift slash that severed Ji Liexiong's body in two.

With blood splattered across him, Du Yunlong stood tall, his blade dripping with crimson. "Who else dares to challenge me?" he roared.

The members of the Tianyi Gang were frozen in place, none daring to answer his call. Ji Liexiong, unlike the Soaring Spirits, was a true Tiger Taming expert, praised even by Ma Qianjun. But in a single exchange, Du Yunlong had slain him effortlessly.

The gang members exchanged uneasy glances, none willing to step forward. The sight of Ji Liexiong's fate was enough to make them hesitate. Though the mission had been issued by the Pang family, it was clear that the cost of continuing might outweigh the rewards.

Pang Qingsong felt a growing unease, not only from Du Yunlong's frightening skill but also from the debt of lives owed to the Tianyi Gang. The deaths of the Soaring Spirits and Ji Liexiong would weigh heavily on the Pang family, and the debts might even require recommending several Ma family members to the immortal sects.

Standing atop Ji Liexiong's corpse, Du Yunlong shouted once more, "Who dares to fight me?"

The Tianyi Gang members remained motionless, fear gripping their hearts. Finally, someone stepped forward. "Du Yunlong, I, Pang Qingbai, will be your opponent!"

Seeing his cousin take the field, Pang Qingsong breathed a sigh of relief. Pang Qingbai was no ordinary Tiger Taming Realm fighter—he was on the verge of breaking into the Bone Refining Realm, a true powerhouse. Even Pang Qingsong himself would need a hundred moves to defeat him. And behind Pang Qingbai stood a cultivator in the Qi Refining stage, ready to assist.

"Curse you, Pang family dogs!" Du Yunlong spat, breathing heavily as he stood on the brink of collapse. "You're all going to die!"

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