Step by Step Ascend to Immortality

Chapter 82 - 72: Slightly Spicy

Chapter 82: Chapter 72: Slightly Spicy

"Pang Tianming?" A look of embarrassment appeared on Liu Suiyun's face. "Why are you asking about this?"

"Because Zhaori has always been reluctant to talk about it. This is the most glorious moment in his life!"

No matter what achievements Xu Zhaori will have in the future, killing Pang Tianming is indeed the most glorious moment in his life. A cultivator at the Qi Refining stage, and even a small cultivator at the eleventh layer of Qi Refining, can incredibly kill a quasi-Golden Core cultivator who can form a Golden Core at any time.

What's even more exaggerated is that when Pang Tianming was killed, he was not alone. There were dozens of extremely powerful cultivators and warriors by his side. But the outcome of this fierce battle was that none of these people from the Pang family could escape to report the news. They were all killed cleanly. This can be described as a miracle.

Therefore, Guo Huijun has always been extremely interested in this period of history. However, Xu Zhaori has always been ambiguous and refused to clarify exactly what happened. As for the old man Tianji he brought along, he only knows the general situation but did not participate in that battle. He knows less than Guo Huijun.

So now she has to ask Liu Suiyun about the ins and outs of this matter. Obviously, Liu Suiyun knows the specific details. "Speaking of it, it seems magnificent, but in fact, it is extremely ordinary. I'm afraid you will be disappointed!"

"Quickly tell me, quickly tell me..."

Guo Huijun has already urged. "What exactly is going on?"

"Speaking of this matter, actually Lao Xia is the clearest." Liu Suiyun casually replied. "Haven't you asked Lao Xia?"

"Xia Jingjue?" Guo Huijun sneered. "That's your most loyal old subordinate. Without you saying a word, he was ready to knock me off my horse with a single spear!"

"That's because you don't know what background Lao Xia has. He is a disciple of the Pang family in Tianji. Do you know where we first met him? It was in the death prison of the Pang family!"

Guo Huijun has already somewhat understood. "He is from the Pang family? What deep hatred does he have with the Pang family? Does this have anything to do with the death of Pang Tianming?"

Liu Suiyun is not very clear either. "It is said that it is because of a woman. Woman... If it weren't for his relationship, how could we with such little strength hold out against the Pang family for a year and a half? He can be said to know the Pang family like the back of his hand. Saving him unintentionally from the death prison can be said to be one of our most wise decisions in more than a year."

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"As for what it has to do with the death of Pang Tianming, it's very simple. He was once a trusted person of Pang Tianming, a very trusted one. So he can infiltrate around Pang Tianming. We know Pang Tianming's movements like the back of our hands and even know when he will come out of seclusion..."

"Then did you launch a sneak attack when Pang Tianming came out of seclusion?" Guo Huijun still didn't understand. "But he is a half-step Golden Core cultivator. If he wants to deal with you small cultivators and warriors, it is the easiest thing!"

"Very simple. Pang Tianming has a habit. After coming out of seclusion every time, he has to enjoy himself, a very special enjoyment."

"Woman? So boring!"

"No! Do you know Wushi Powder?" Liu Suiyun shook his head. "Pang Tianming has a preference. That is, he likes to take Wushi Powder after 闭关 and enjoy the extremely blissful realm of traveling thousands of miles in a trance."

For such a poisonous substance as Wushi Powder, Guo Huijun has long heard of it. "So you launched a sneak attack at that time?"

"No! How can mere Wushi Powder deal with a Golden Core cultivator? We decided to add something. Compared to Wushi Powder, there is a Xianji Powder that can make people feel as if they are floating in the air and their souls are traveling thousands of miles. The potency is several times stronger than that of Wushi Powder. The bliss that can be enjoyed is also deeper. Of course, the duration is also longer. Cultivators are often intoxicated by it. They often only respond when a sword or knife is on their body. Old thief Pang has been longing for it for a long time but has never tasted the real taste..."

Guo Huijun sneered. "I don't know what you cultivators are always doing with such things. They are all disasters!"

Liu Suiyun smiled. "Miss Guo, this spiritual armor you are wearing was also made by our cultivators after going through all kinds of hardships. In fact, everything in the world has its advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes this Xianji Powder is useless in terms of efficacy and is extremely hard to find. Our wife also went through all kinds of hardships to find a few coins and then sent them to old thief Pang!"

Guo Huijun still didn't understand. "Although the old thief took Xianji Powder, he has many powerful people around him. As long as the drug effect passes a little, he can probably recover six or seven percent of his strength."

"We were also trying our best to make thorough preparations at that time. But he had many powerful people around him. We had to fight a desperate battle. In the end, who wins and who loses is really unknown. So at that time, Zhaori volunteered to go and investigate beside the old thief. As a result..."

Guo Huijun was extremely curious. "What was the result?"

Liu Suiyun told her: "Zhaori directly killed all the dozens of powerful people inside and outside cleanly without getting a single drop of blood on his body."

This is too unbelievable, right?

Guo Huijun asked: "What exactly happened? What method did Zhaori use?"

"Just good luck." When Liu Suiyun said this, he suddenly thought of Guo Huijun who was leaning against him. "Just like he has a very good fiancée. At that time, no one inside or outside had the ability to resist?"

Guo Huijun finally understood. "Wushi Powder?"

Liu Suiyun smiled bitterly. "I don't know how Zhaori could have such good luck. Old thief Pang took Xianji Powder and was so intoxicated that he was as stupid as a wooden chicken and had no awareness of what was happening outside. But these powerful people under the old thief were actually having so much fun. They all took Wushi Powder. They all shook their heads and tails. Some even rolled on the ground. Unexpectedly, Zhaori got an extremely big bargain."

"Just like this?"

Guo Huijun had a feeling of a myth being shattered. In her heart, that battle was an extremely glorious holy war. It was Xu Zhaori who achieved a perfect reversal with his wisdom, courage, and perseverance. But Liu Suiyun told her that all these miracles were actually attributed to miraculous luck.

She even felt that the entire worldview established over the past several years had been overturned. She had a new understanding of this world.

"Until now, I still can't understand what kind of miracle this is. As long as one or two thieves from the Pang family were willing to behave properly, Zhaori would definitely not be so easy. But he killed his way in without getting a single drop of blood on his body and killed a half-step Golden Core cultivator. He also harvested more than half of Pang Tianming's treasures."

Liu Suiyun could only sigh. "So since that time, I have never dared to be disobedient again. But Zhaori is really lucky. Not only did he kill Pang Tianming so easily, but he also has such a beautiful fiancée like you?"

Guo Huijun smiled gently. "Star Junior Commander, are you hitting on me? Do you want me to stab you with a spear? Actually, you are also not bad. Star Junior Commander, unparalleled in appearance. Presumably many girls will fall in love with you at first sight."

"Charming the city with a single glance is what Gu Shanhe does! I don't dare to hit on Miss Guo. I am not only afraid of being stabbed by Miss Guo with a spear but also afraid of having my limbs cut off by Zhaori. It's because I am a married man."

When he said the words "married man," Liu Suiyun became gentle and affectionate. It was like the spring rain moistening people's hearts and making people naturally feel a sense of closeness. Guo Huijun was no exception. But what made her feel even more regretful was Liu Suiyun's next statement.

"In this life, I am the most infatuated. Second is growing vegetables. Third is cultivating Taoism. Fourth is martial arts..."

"I owe my wife lifetimes after lifetimes. Therefore, I came to Tianma Plain for my wife. I am definitely not here to steal Zhaori's girlfriend."

"Um." Guo Huijun, who had just rebuilt her understanding of the entire world, was still leaning against Liu Suiyun. "That's good. Do you want something to eat?"

Liu Suiyun smiled bitterly. "If Miss Guo has dry rations on her, that would be great! My dry rations and snacks have all been carried away by Lao Xia. Now I am so hungry that my stomach is growling. It would be best if there is something delicious."

He suddenly remembered what kind of power the spiritual armor on Guo Huijun's body had. He didn't completely understand it, but one thing was very clear, that was the technique of shrinking objects to an inch.

At first, Guo Huijun held a huge shield in one hand and a silver sword in the other. Liu Suiyun estimated that the huge shield weighed at least several hundred catties. At least that silver sword also weighed at least eighty or ninety catties. But they all became small gadgets less than half a foot long on Guo Huijun's back. And there were still many such small gadgets on Guo Huijun's back.

Since there is such a power of shrinking objects to an inch, then naturally many snacks and delicious foods can be brought. Although Liu Suiyun is not good at cooking, he is a real foodie and is full of expectations. "Give me one."

Guo Huijun has already started to prepare. "What flavor do you want?"

"Naturally, I am longing for the supreme Tao. Something sweet and honey-like is the best. Of course, delicious food with a little saltiness is also very good."

"Only spicy and slightly spicy." Guo Huijun's answer disappointed Liu Suiyun. "What are you thinking? Do you want spicy or slightly spicy?"

Liu Suiyun doesn't eat spicy food very much and immediately replied, "Give me slightly spicy!"

Although there is no food he likes the most, having slightly spicy snacks is also not bad. Liu Suiyun has never had any confidence in his cooking skills. Even the best ingredients and seasonings in his hands can only be barely palatable. Moreover, this is Yanzhi Mountain.

What Guo Huijun handed over was actually a section of duck neck. I don't know what Guo Huijun was thinking. This duck neck is almost all bones. There is not much meat that can go into the stomach. She actually brought it to the battlefield. Or perhaps the storage space provided by her spiritual armor is astonishingly large.

Liu Suiyun didn't think much and just picked up a piece of duck neck and stuffed it into his mouth and chewed. But after only chewing a couple of times, he gasped and blurted out, "This is slightly spicy?"

"That's right. Just a little bit spicy." Guo Huijun asked curiously, "I specially picked it for you. The slightest of slightly spicy."

"So spicy!"

Liu Suiyun felt that his throat was about to catch fire. The burning sensation rushed straight to the top of his head. Even the fierce battle at Luoxing Mountain didn't bring such an impact. It's so spicy!

This is also called slightly spicy?

This is also called slightly spicy?

This is also called slightly spicy?

Liu Suiyun immediately shouted, "Water! Give me water! Give me water!"

Liu Suiyun had never felt that the water poured into his mouth was so sweet and cold. It immediately suppressed most of the spiciness that rushed straight to the sky. He even unconsciously chewed a couple of times, triggering more intense spicy impacts. Then he couldn't control himself and poured two mouthfuls of water into his mouth.

Although it was very spicy, it was a taste that Liu Suiyun had never experienced before. This spicy duck neck was unexpectedly delicious. It was really flavorful!

While pouring water into his mouth and chewing on the duck neck non-stop, Liu Suiyun casually asked, "Miss Guo, does Zhaori also eat spicy food?"

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