Stepmother: I Am Asked To Give A Kidney To My Half-Brother

Chapter 117 - Someone Wanted to Jump off the Building?

Chapter 117: Someone Wanted to Jump off the Building?

Translator: Atlas Studios | Editor: Atlas Studios

I heard that Boss bought this piece of land for 100 million yuan. I don’t know if

it’s real or fake news. If it’s real, then his luck is very good, right? But Im a

little curious who the previous owner of this land was. He actually sold it to the

boss at such a low price. Is he from a family who owns mines?

“I don’t think he owns any mines. The cousin of a friend of my fourth aunt’s

sister said that this land belonged to the Lu Corporation. He worked there.

There was a time when the company was particularly short of money. Lu

Yaohua thought that this land was worthless, so he sold it for 100 million yuan.

He even heard from the Feng Shui master that this land was not good.”

“Oh my, isn’t this a huge loss? Looks like Lu Yaohua doesn’t have good

judgment! He sold such a good place at a cheap price. Now the price of this land

has increased 100 times. I think there are countless construction workers who

want to work here. After all, there’s a lot of money in this project. When the

time comes, we can beef up our resumes. If I didn’t queue through the night, I

probably wouldn’t even get hired here”

“That’s true. My other working friend also applied for a job here, but it so

happened that all the vacancies were filled right after I got hired. Im really

lucky, right? My wife and I were fighting over money a while ago. Ever since I

came here, she’d come over every day to deliver food to me. She’s very


As this piece of land was part of the Shanghai 2035 new city project,

construction was already underway. The facilities were all industrial parks

related to technological development. One could learn about new and emerging

technologies just by coming to meet with industry experts here.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

People were looking forward to its completion.

The foreman looked at the construction site in front of him proudly. In the

near future, he would have contributed to the construction of this place! At

that time, many people would be envious of him!

He was delighted that there might be bigger projects to lead.

He was selected from a large pool of competitors. Wasn’t that an

acknowledgement of my ability? he thought.

He suppressed the smile on his face and shouted to the workers who were

talking, What are you doing! Be serious at work! If anything happens, you’ll

have to bear the responsibility! Give me your full attention. This is not a small


Startled, they lowered their heads and stopped talking

Not far away, Lu Ming, who was wearing a white helmet, swiped his finger

across the map from time to time. Although he had the audit system to rely on,

the expansion of assets could not depend on the system. Otherwise, problems

would arise sooner or later.

In order to ensure that there were no problems with the construction process,

he would come over every day to watch over the construction site and

occasionally make some suggestions.

The foreman jogged over and said carefully, “Boss, Ive already done as you

instructed. Be it cement or steel bars, I use the most expensive type.”

He had thought that no matter how rich this young man was, he could not

afford to pay so much.

In the end, in just a few days, he was slapped in the face. He even began to

suspect that his boss’s family owned a mine. No matter what it was-the food,

clothes, or tools-the workers were given the best. Moreover, in his boss’s

opinion, this was nothing.

“I don’t know much about construction sites, but I’ve found some information.

It seems to be a little stronger now, but sometimes it’s not good to have too

many steel bars. Although I let you buy a lot of materials, I don’t mean to let

you use them unrestrainedly.”

Lu Ming pointed to a spot in the east and said, “Don’t you think that’s too

much? You have to know how to balance things out. Otherwise, problems can

easily develop with the apartments.”

The foreman was enlightened. “I see. Shall I get them to redo it now?

“Let’s do it over again in that area. The rest is fine. Fill up the cement a little

more. When the construction is complete, Ill give you guys a bonus. As long as

you put your heart and soul into the work, understand?

Lu Ming was not in a hurry. He wanted to do the project well, not quickly.

“Understood, understood. T’ll go tell them now.”

Just as Lu Ming was about to look around, a panicked voice came from the

walkie-talkie. “Boss! Something happened! Something happened!”

“What is it?

He frowned and asked.

There’s someone on the roof of the building in the west! That person seems to

be contemplating suicide! Go take a look quickly!”


It was really strange. Isn’t the area already cleared? Why is there still someone

running in?

There was no time to think. Lu Ming hurried to the building!

The person they were talking about was He Xiaopeng. He had wanted to find a

bridge to jump off, but he had accidentally wandered into the construction site.

He decided that that would be his burial place.

Although those bosses thought very highly of his project, he could not forget

the humiliation he just suffered. Perhaps he had been unlucky to meet such a

person. If he had not gone to the Lu Corporation, he might have been able to

endure for a while.

But now he could no longer endure. Every minute and every second of his life

left him breathless. His life was synonymous with failure. He thought he might

as well pray that things would go smoothly in his next life.

At least, he would not be driven to this last resort.

He casually took out a pen from his pocket and began writing his will:

(When I was working as a browser developer in the past, I chanced upon

something about new energy vehicles, so I made up my mind at that time to do

something big in this area. I gave everything I had to develop this project.

Unfortunately, I could not find anyone who was interested in funding my


I think perhaps this world was never meant for someone like me. As Manager

Lu said, I’m an extremely mediocre person. But T’ve always wanted to do my

part for this country, so Ive attached everything about the project with this

will. If anyone is lucky enough to see it and help me realize it

In that case, he would hand over the intellectual property rights to this person.

He wrote down the blueprint for the future of Little Peng’s Smart Car and

everything in his mind. Since he could not complete the project, he would hand

it over to the next person to do that!

Unfortunately, he would not have a chance to see that happen.

He smiled bitterly. He finally understood why everyone was begging talent


Helplessness, anger, grievance..

Lu Yaohua’s words kept echoing in his mind. His project was trash, and so was

his hard work.

Is this really the case?

He did not want to think anymore. After putting down the pen, he picked up

the suicide note and slowly walked to the edge of the tall building. He only

hoped that someone was willing to help him complete this project. He felt


Tt was time to end the huge debts and the last straw that broke the camel’s


He would obtain a temporary peace from this fabricated reality, but that was



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