Stolen Life of the Poor Girl, Top Luxury Family's Group Favor

Chapter 55: Go ask her Sweet-talk her

Chapter 55

"Wei Lin... Wei Lin!" The Second Young Master glared at him furiously.

"Tell me, does father know? Does father know about this?" he roared, frustration pouring into his words as he desperately gripped the bedsheet next to him, trying to force himself up.

"The Old Master is in poor health, no one is allowed to disturb him with mundane matters," Wei Lin replied respectfully.

"Mundane matters? That's my sister we're talking about! How could you refer to it like that? Who is now by my father's side? Is it that Archbishop again? That damned fraud!"

"Second Young Master, you mustn't speak like this. The Old Master would be angry if he heard," Wei Lin cautioned.

"Let him hear it then! Let him come!"

Wei Lin shook his head with a helpless look, "You're too agitated. It's not good for your recovery. I'll go see the Old Master now," he said, turning to leave.

"Recover? What kind of recovery are you talking about? If it could be cured, it would have been so long ago!" the Second Young Master yelled, exasperated.

Several housekeepers rushed in to help him back onto his bed, but he pushed them away, pounding his numb legs, "Useless! I'm so useless!"

"Young Master, please, don't..." The housekeeper spoke in the language of Huaguo, though his skin was a dusky hue.

At his words, the Second Young Master became more enraged, "Get out!" he barked.

Only when a bodyguard of Huaguo extraction rushed in did he simmer down a bit. "What happened? Why are you so angry?" the bodyguard asked, concern evident in his face.

"Wei Lin said he found my sister's orphan, and that she was leading a terrible life..."

"Do you still believe Wei Lin's words? Years ago, he kept saying he had found her. And what was the result? He's just trying to wear down your will repeatedly!"

"This time is different. He called Wei Zhen right in front of me. I don't trust them, you go find my brother, tell him to find a way to go there, he's the only one among us who's still a normal person," the Second Young Master said impassionedly, gripping the bodyguard's hand.

The bodyguard, being of absolute trust, nodded continuously upon the Second Young Master's directive, "Alright, I’ll go right away."

Once the bodyguard had left, the Second Young Master finally allowed himself to collapse back onto his bed.

Meanwhile, Wei Lin traversed the long corridor, finally pushing open a majestic door. The harmonic hum of a hymn sung by the nuns filled the air. The sunlight streaming in from outside lent a golden halo to the figure of the Old Master who sat on a wheelchair.

The Old Master, clad in Tang attire with a luxurious cashmere blanket covering his legs, had his white hair meticulously combed.

"Why hasn't my daughter come back yet, despite all these verses we have chanted?" he asked. His tone was composed, as if he had asked this question one too many times.

"This is not chanting, sir, it's a hymn," the Archbishop replied.

"Is there a difference? Maybe I should invite over sixty lamas to sing with you guys."

"Sir, you are burdened with sins heavy as the sea, yet your heart is insincere still. When will those burdens be lifted?"

"Insincere? Insincere..." the Old Master closed his eyes and joined the chorus of the nuns.

Wei Lin was unperturbed by the scene before him, and walked straight up to the old man, kneeling and saying, "Second Young Master is as always."

The old man stopped his prayers, nodded, and asked, "I hear you sent Wei Zhen out, why?"

"Weren't you saying you wanted to do something good? I sent Wei Zhen to see where in our country help is still needed."

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"Hmm," replied the old man, losing interest and returning to his prayers.

From start to finish, Wei Lin never mentioned Li Xiaoya to the old man.

After all... That was the trump card he was keeping in his hand. Wei Lin lowered his head, grinning.


Li Xiaoya made the hot search list again.

The day Wei Zhen found her, a heated debate ignited immediately, with people questioning if this was just a scripted drama or reality.

Netizens are known for their insights, and they had written an extensive article called "Dissecting the Life of Li Xiaoya's Late Mother".

Based on what was known, Li Xiaoya's Mandarin was taught by her mother, who had also imparted philosophical gems. Her mother was speculated to be a great beauty.

Furthermore, it was known that when the scar-faced man in a suit found Li Xiaoya, he mentioned that her maternal grandfather was the head of the Rockefeller Financial Group and that her mother disappeared ten years ago. So, was it a case of kidnapping? Or had she run away with a boyfriend?

The theory of running away didn't seem plausible, considering Li Xiaoya's account of her father, such a man wouldn't normally come into contact with the likes of her mother.

So, was it a case of abduction?

"Transform the Record" had evolved from a search for one's roots to a legal program!

Netizens were always embedded in the process of unraveling mysteries like Sherlock Holmes, and now they were trying to dig up more details.

Some even tried to find Li Xiaoya's absent father.

People from her province usually sought work along the coast once they left, so if a photo could be obtained, the search should be easy.

Some argued it was better not to seek him out, as he might claim custody of Li Xiaoya and even try to extort money from the wealthy young heir.

However, if the case was related to kidnapping, he could be sentenced.

While these debates continued, netizens were also curious about the origins of Li Xiaoya's mother.

They looked up the "Rockefeller Financial Group".

Information was scarce, and the group seemed mysterious.

However, some found a news item from about ten days ago about a wealthy overseas Chinese returning to invest in local enterprises. The news included photos of him being greeted at the airport. The man in the photos bore a resemblance to the scar-faced man.

So, was Li Xiaoya's grandfather this wealthy overseas Chinese?

If true, this would be tragic for Li Xiaoya and her mother...

Shouldn't this call for a thorough investigation?

Soon, almost the entire internet was buzzing about the issue.

Viewership for the live broadcast had dramatically increased.

Yet, for Wei Zhen, not much had changed. Li Xiaoya still refused to leave with him.

He was forced to call Wei Lin again.

"You still haven't resolved it?" Wei Lin asked in surprise.

"With Sheng Yuxiao and others there, the little lady has quite the patience."

"Why didn't you approach her without them?"

"No chance," Wei Zhen was quite irritated, "They are virtually together 24/7."

Wei Lin: "..." "This makes me suspect whether the Sheng Family has an interest in Mr. Wei's inheritance as well."

He sneered immediately: “Since they care so much about Qiao, there must be some conditions, right? Otherwise, why would a little girl who is about to meet her family not willing to?”

“There are conditions.” Wei Zhen said.

“Let’s hear it.”

“They want us to beg her to come back.”

Wei Lin now understood: “Sheng’s brat is showing off his influence. You go beg her, coax her!”

Wei Zhen didn’t say a word.

“What, begging a little handful-year-old girl hurts your pride? Even if he steps on your head, I want you to bring her back.” Wei Lin spoke coldly.

The next day after school, Li Xiaoya had just reached the entrance of Shitou School, and she saw that black suit again.

This time, the black suit was on one knee, with a beautifully packaged gift in one hand, and the other hand extended toward Li Xiaoya and said, “Please.”

“Please?” Li Xiaoya stared at him blankly.

“I will carry you on my back home.” Wei Zhen said.

Li Xiaoya fixated on him for two seconds, then she stepped on his arm without hesitation, and climbed onto his back.

Can’t fear him.

He becomes more defiant, must suppress him.

Otherwise, they will underestimate her, and her mom too!

As Wei Zhen carried her on the road, he asked: “Is this enough now?”

Li Xiaoya’s voice was childlike: “Until you listen to me, enough then.”

Wei Zhen held back and said, “Alright, I will listen to you, is there anything you want me to do?”

Li Xiaoya nodded: “The first thing, stop asking is this enough.”

Wei Zhen: “…” “Did Sheng Yuxiao teach you this?”

Li Xiaoya interrupted him: “You cannot ask this question either.”

Wei Zhen held back again, and fell silent.

By the time Wei Zhen carried Li Xiaoya back home, Xu Ruying rushed up from a distance.

Xu Ruying giggled: "I saw the live broadcast, this ghost house is very good, the death soldier can also serve as a human palanquin. How are you feeling? I haven’t been carried like this before.”

Li Xiaoya compared seriously and said, "It’s more comfortable to ride a bull.”

Wei Zhen: "…"

Li Xiaoya added: "The bull is more obedient than him, and doesn't talk as much. Hmm, better than the pig, I guess.”

Wei Zhen: "…"

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