Stolen Life of the Poor Girl, Top Luxury Family's Group Favor

Chapter 86: 600,000

Chapter 86

Qin Sui was still feeling a bit unsettled.

But Li Xiaoya had already taken two steps forward, saying, "I need to get back to class now. The bell's going to ring in two minutes."

Qin Sui slowly came back to his senses, regaining his usual calm demeanor. "Wait, don't you want to open it first and see if you like what's inside?"

Li Xiaoya had no choice but to pause and unwrap it with him on the spot.

It was a bag.

"Try it on," Qin Sui said.

Li Xiaoya slung the bag over her shoulder. The not-so-large bag suddenly looked enormous on her small frame, as if she were carrying a bucket.

Qin Sui: "..."

He looked down at his own hands, puzzled.

It had seemed so mini when he was holding it earlier.

He placed one hand on Li Xiaoya's shoulder and held the other up next to her face.

Hmm... his hand was bigger than her entire face.

Qin Sui said resignedly, "Just take it home and keep it for now. You can use it when you're older. I'll buy you an even smaller one next time."

Li Xiaoya was in a hurry to get to class. She nodded perfunctorily twice and said, "Only half a minute left."

"You're keeping such precise track of time?"


"Go on then." Qin Sui let go of her, but couldn't help adding, "What's the big deal about being a few minutes late? There are plenty of rich kids at this school who skip class to fly abroad for fashion shows or go skiing. Being a few minutes late is really nothing."

Li Xiaoya paused mid-step and turned back to ask, confused, "Why would anyone skip class?"

"Then why are you in such a rush to get to class? Not wanting to be even a minute late?"

"Because it's precious!" Li Xiaoya blurted out in one breath before truly running off this time.

Qin Sui was at a loss.

It seemed he'd have to get her something else next time.

She had no clue about these things, didn't understand their value, and wasn't interested at all...

Qin Sui had rarely given gifts to others, and he'd managed to mess it up this time.


The curriculum at the elite school was completely different from that of Shitou School, with a huge gap between them.

Even the textbooks looked different here.

Li Xiaoya stumbled through an English lesson, and Wei Lin finally showed up with her ice skates.

Wei Lin asked with a smile, "Little Duck, are you adjusting well?"


"Be careful during the ice skating class this afternoon. Watch out for falls," Wei Lin said softly, as if out of concern.


Li Xiaoya carried her skates back to her seat. As soon as she got close, she heard someone pointing at the bag under her desk, saying, "That's the bubble green double-sided Kelly. My mom couldn't even get one when she tried. Why is she just leaving it on the floor?"

Li Xiaoya: ?

Of course, because it didn't fit in the desk!

"Did Qin Yue's brother give it to her? Why would Qin Yue's brother buy her something?"

"I heard my mom say this style is going for over 600,000 yuan each now."

The children weren't that old, but they were already well-versed in various luxury goods.

Li Xiaoya was stunned.

600,000 yuan for one bag!

600,000 yuan!

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You could build so many houses back in the village with that!

Or buy a hundred cows!

In short, you could be the richest person in town. During New Year's feasts, everyone would have to toast to you!

Now when Li Xiaoya looked at the bag again, she couldn't help but furrow her brow.

It was as if 600,000 yuan in cash was sitting at her feet.

What if someone took it?

It made her very uneasy.

Outside the classroom, Wei Lin noticed the commotion of their discussion and couldn't help but frown as well.

A gift from Qin Sui?

Were these rich kids really so careless with money?

Qin Sui was being... unexpectedly kind to her.

Just as Wei Lin was frowning, Li Xiaoya suddenly turned to her classmates who were discussing the bag and asked, "Your mom wanted this bag but couldn't get one?"

She didn't understand why bags needed to be "gotten."

But it sounded like this thing was very hard to obtain.

That classmate nodded dumbly, completely caught off guard by Li Xiaoya initiating conversation.

But what surprised her even more was...

Li Xiaoya immediately followed up with, "Then how about I sell it to your mom? How much is your mom willing to pay?"

Classmate: "...Huh?"

Seeing no response, Li Xiaoya turned and asked, "Does anyone else's mom want it?"

That classmate immediately jumped up. "My, my mom wants it! Just sell it to my mom!"

"The next class will be over at noon. Can your mom come with the money to pick up the bag then?"

"Uh, I think so. I'll give my mom a call."

"Mm, remember to bring cash."

"Wouldn't it be more convenient to just transfer the money to you?"

"Because I don't have a card."

"Oh, okay."

The classmate hurried off to make the call.

An Ying couldn't help but lean in. "How can you sell the bag Qin Sui gave you?"

"Why not?"

"Because it's a gift. You'll offend Qin Sui," An Ying said, clicking her tongue. Li Xiaoya was really so bold! She had just beaten up Mu Bai, and now she was selling Qin Sui's gift.

Was she raised on bear bile or something?

"I won't offend him," Li Xiaoya said confidently.

An Ying couldn't understand why not.

By this time, the classmate had finished her call and returned.

"My mom wants it."

"Okay, then I'll save it for your mom," Li Xiaoya nodded and continued with the fourth class of the day.

This class was math, which was relatively easier for Li Xiaoya... and before she knew it, school was over.

When Wei Lin came to the classroom to pick her up, he found that Li Xiaoya had already left.

This little girl, deliberately giving him the slip again?

Wei Lin snorted softly, not in a hurry, and strolled leisurely towards the school gate.

Meanwhile, Li Xiaoya had gotten into her classmate's family car.

The mother was sitting in the back seat, her face slightly swollen from recent cosmetic procedures. She squinted, shocked as she looked at Li Xiaoya. Such a little thing, and she wanted to do business with her?

She said to her daughter, exasperated, "Zhou Xiaoshu, is this her? She wants to sell me the bag? She didn't steal it from her mother, did she?"

The classmate named "Zhou Xiaoshu" nodded quickly and said, "It's not stolen. Qin Yue's brother, Qin Sui, gave it to her."

Qin Sui...?

Mrs. Zhou's expression changed immediately.

What did the Qin family do? They owned all the major luxury shopping malls!

Many luxury brands maintained good relationships with their family just to have counters in their malls. Something that came from Qin Sui's hands couldn't possibly be fake.

This bag had just been released, and because it was a limited edition with a unique design, it had become extremely sought after.

For top-tier wealthy families, it might not be a big deal, but for ordinary rich families like the Zhous, it was indeed hard to get.

Mrs. Zhou was different from women like Xu Qiulai.

Women like Xu Qiulai had their own thriving careers and were renowned both domestically and internationally.

But what could women like Mrs. Zhou do? They could only spend some pocket money, invest in small ventures, do a bit of charity work, and sit around with other rich wives, comparing who got the latest luxury item...

Their circle was very cliquish, with a strong culture of putting others down and elevating themselves.

Having money but being unable to break into higher social circles was the most painful thing for them.

So getting such a bag before others was like putting on a new face, allowing them to walk with their chins held higher.

"Here's the money," Mrs. Zhou said without hesitation, patting the large bag by her feet.

Li Xiaoya nodded, and they exchanged money for goods.

The car door opened, and Li Xiaoya picked up the bag, nearly stumbling.

It was a bit heavy.

Li Xiaoya rubbed her hands, about to use her strength when Mrs. Zhou, in high spirits, said, "Where do you need to take it? I can have my bodyguard help you."

"To find Qin Sui," Li Xiaoya said.

To split the money with Qin Sui.

That way, she wouldn't offend anyone, right?

How simple!

When Mrs. Zhou heard "Qin Sui," she immediately changed her tune: "Then let me carry it for you."

Maybe she could even get acquainted with the young master of the Qin family. Although he wasn't of age yet, he was the iron-clad heir to the Qin empire.

Li Xiaoya didn't refuse.

Mrs. Zhou immediately signaled the driver to head to the high school section.

When Wei Lin arrived at the school gate, he just missed them, only able to watch from afar as they left.

Wei Lin couldn't help but frown. Whose car had Li Xiaoya gotten into?

It didn't look like it belonged to the Sheng family, nor did it seem to be from the Qin family.

How on earth was Li Xiaoya meeting so many people every day?

And now there wasn't even a reality show to explain it!

Wei Lin decided to have his driver follow them at a distance.

Upon reaching the high school section, Mrs. Zhou took a deep breath, lifted her bag, and walked behind in her high heels, no longer concerned about maintaining her image.

They struggled to find their way to the third-year floor.

Li Xiaoya sweetly asked the first person she saw, "Big sister, do you know which class Qin Sui is in?"

Mrs. Zhou: ?

She doesn't even know which class Qin Sui is in?

Is this package really from Qin Sui? Is this child trying to fool me?

"He's in Class 1 of the third year."

"Thank you, big sister," Li Xiaoya said sweetly again.

When they reached Class 1 of the third year, most of the students had already left. Only two or three remained, lounging with their feet up, chatting about where to go for vacation during the New Year holiday.

"Hey, there's a little kid."

"What's up? Looking for someone?" They noticed Li Xiaoya.

Li Xiaoya nodded and said, "I'm here to find Qin Sui."

The others exchanged glances and couldn't help but laugh: "We've seen many people come looking for Qin, but they're always pretty sixteen or seventeen-year-old girls. How come today it's a six or seven-year-old?"

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