Stone Mage: Revenge of the Villain System

Chapter 125 Drama Queens

Calla Lily had already graduated from the Academy. She was 2 years older than Cermin, who was now on his 5th year.

And so, she would now be considered as an alumnus if she ever returns for other purposes.

Becoming a judge for the Artisan’s Performance exams seems to be her first return as a graduate.

Ronin also gleaned on Edelweiss’ thoughts once that she plans to apply too as a professor to teach Theater class, but only temporarily for 2 years.

It was obvious that she was planning to do so in order to stay longer in the Academy and have a chance to charm the Prince of Scirocco and get his big money.

Why she wanted to be so rich and what she would spend that money for, Ronin was still yet to know. But he had guesses.

Calla Lily was the type of harem member that only wanted to take advantage of the protagonist at the start, but eventually ‘falls in love with him for real’.

But since her impression of Cermin have lowered ever since that ‘assault’ incident with her dearest friend Edelweiss…..

The chances of that happening was slim.

However, it was not impossible. More things can happen during her extra years if stay in the Academy.

Ronin must be on guard. He managed to derail Don’s route to becoming a harem member permanently now, maybe he can do the same with Calla Lily..

He eavesdropped more as Klio delivered the gossip to her fellow Artisans:

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“The other one who applied to be in the panel was a member of Lovushka’s troupe, the one in charge of creating their sets and costumes. It was obvious that he would be chosen as the Fine Arts judge.”

“And so….. The Performance Arts judge position will be fought over by the two girls.”

Ronin remembered that Lovushka had also graduated, as he was in the same year and same class as Calla Lily.

Ronin had always been wary of Lovushka since the start.

He was being referred to a lot that he could not have been an unimportant character, not to mention his popularity and the Truth Serum he releases had major influence over the course of what happened so far.

During Ronin’s destruction of Cermin’s friendship.

And yet….. He does not show any clear ‘role’ so far. He was not introduced as a ‘Main Antagonist’, but simply as a ‘Recurring Side Character’, like Vyrill and Jasny Krustal.

So he may not be deliberately evil….. But he doesn’t seem to be that good either.

He was still a mystery, along with his capabilities. His wide control over the masses, having the voice and opinions of the Academy in the palm of his hands….

What will he use it for?

Ronin just took a mental note of this in the future. For now….

Rabuka’s return was the more important and urgent matter.

Right after Volken, so she comes. Could not be a coincidence either.

‘It must have been Pavone’s doing. Because his friend was unsuccesful in finding the ‘rat’, he sends his girlfriend next.’

And it also follows the same vein of a former friend of Cermin antagonizing one of the harem members.

ɴ[0)ᴠᴇʟ So this year was dedicated to a Calla versus Rabuka showdown.

One of the Artisan’s, a man with earthy hands from sculpting and pottery, rubbed his chin. “I have heard of their rivalry and witnessed it. Like that time they fought over the prince of Scirocco….”

Klio noddded. “Rabuka is very envious of Calla. Calla is also my friend, she used to eat lunch with Edel and I back when she was still a student.”

“She said that Rabuka could not stand that she was more skilled than her, even when it comes to Mage Focus alone. Rabuka wanted the fame and power that she have, especially her hold over men.”

She then sighed. “Of course, some of that may very well be an exaggeration, but I believe there’s truth to it as well.”

One of the senior girls sighed, ink marks in her hand for writing poetries with her quill for a long time.

“Ah, this is why I could not stand actors. They are always so full of drama. Meanwhile, we fine artists just get along fine and collaborate on projects like normal people.”

Klio shrugged. “As Calla put it, ‘There can only be enough space for one person under the spotlight.’ The life of a performer…..”

“It can be brutal underneath all the layer of grandeur and flamboyance that they cover themselves in.”

Ronin could not help but agree

But then again, that was the truth for all humans on Earth as well.

Everyday, there were menial drama like this. A game of deception, as people try to compete with each other on certain roles.

Even when you think you are at a time of ‘peace’ because there were no warfare or violence…..

Humans will always find a way to be violent with each other, even without weapons like swords or guns.

All you need was your mind. With the human mind, we can wage wars while wearing fake smiles and not breaking a sweat.


Calla was wearing a sweet smile while holding a tray full of spilled food and drinks.

“My apologies, I wasn’t being careful when I passed by. I tripped.”

The truth was that earlier….

Rabuka extended her foot from her table, trying to trip up this rival of hers and make her embarass herself.

They were on the 6th year floor along with the other applicant for the panel of judges, the one from Lovushka’s troupe called Milieu.

Milieu watched as Calla did trip, but seemed to do so on purpose and spill her tray on Rabuka instead of herself.

“How dare you!?” Rabuka exclaimed, her ruined voice cracking. “Is that any way for a future judge to act!? The Council shall hear of this—“

“It was an accident. Shouting and causing a scene over an accident…..” Calla grinned.

“Is that any way for a future judge to act, dearie?~”

She gave a look to Milieu, and winked. The man immediately cleared his throat and said:

“Yes, it was an accident….. Rabuka’s foot was on the way.”

After hearing this, the students eating turned back to focus on themselves and sided with Calla. It really must be an accident.

Rabuka was enraged that her pretty face turned ugly and menacing, veins threatening to pop on her neck. Not to mention the mess of spilled creamy chicken and chocolate drink on her clothes.

She glared at Calla and swore under he breath, unheard by everyone else:

“You… I’ll make you pay. Just you wait, you street whore. Conniving bitch.”

Calla Lily just flashed a wide smile at her.

“Better wash up first before you do, Rabuka. You look like a clown that got pelted with food because the crowd found you so unsightly and unamusing.”

Rabuka fought the urge to scream this bitch’s ears off, and stormed off to wash herself and get changed.

Calla Lily just went to get another tray of food and eat calmly with poise.

There may be petty drama queens trying to dethrone her…..

But she would always be the Queen of Drama itself.

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