Stone Mage: Revenge of the Villain System

Chapter 76 1st Year Ends

When Vyrill left, Espinella called him out.

“He told me to be careful around you…. You really have just raised more of my suspicion that you are an Abyssal incarnate, Ronin.” He chuckled.

Ronin just narrowed his eyes. “But shouldn’t this be good news to you? We have found a way to gain more Flame faster.”

“Yes. By killing people. Stabbing them in the heart.” Espinella’s mouth was a straight line.

“Do you have problems with killing, Professor? We can still resurrect them, after all.” Ronin said.

Who shall he kill next? He gained two levels from a bit of Vyrill’s flame, if he kills a more powerful mage, would he gain more levels?

This brought excitement even more. Not only does killing give him pleasure, it also makes him stronger!

“I have many problems with killing.” Espinella admitted.

‘Hmm, then he was not as immoral as I thought. So much for a Main Antagonist—‘

“First of all, it’s messy. Stabbing, that is. It gets in your clothes and hard to clean. Second, it’s difficult to get away with murder. And third, if you got caught, you would have people going after you for revenge. Very troublesome.”

“However, we luckily now have the excuse of using the resurrecting machine.” He grinned wide. “You’ll be presenting it at the Science Exhibit, right?”

“Choose your volunteer carefully. Perhaps the higher the Flame, the more you could steal.”.

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Ronin looked at this man talking about murder in such a jolly tone.

And found himself grinning as well. His assumptions were wrong after all.

“A Councillor would be better. They have years and experience to cultivate their Flames.” Ronin suggested.

“If we could get them to volunteer to die, that would be great.” Espinella said. “And it would not be so bad if those lazy, mediocre bastards like Blanc D’Argent would lose some of their powers.”

(Perhaps the Headmaster was right after all, though he must not have seen how this boy would be connected to the Abyss. He was the one prophesized to pull the weeds from these lands.)

(To finally cleanse the Academy of those that are slowly bringing it to ruins. The corrupted.)

Ronin heard this Headmaster again. He should try to look into this mysterious person more.

“You sure would like it if Lord Blanc D’argent dies, don’t you, Professor?” He also noticed.

“That man….. He needed to be replaced the moment he became the Head 20 years ago. He did nothing but to bring the Academy to stagnation. Focusing on money, not innovation.”

“It’s all about money with him. Before this Academy was a place for all kinds of wonders. For spectacular inventions!”

“My research and your research are proof of that. We could change the entire 4 realms. But Perdrix does not care about that.”

“He will just turn these projects into another money-making machine. And he will claim to use the funds for ‘further improvement’. Hah!”

“All his mindless underlings agree to him. But I know better. If those funds go anywhere good, why hasn’t anything changed for the past 20 years?”

Ronin rubbed his chin. “You suspect him of corruption, Professor?”

“I do not suspect. I know, Ronin.” He adjusted his glasses. “We….. I just do not have enough evidence and support to reveal his schemes.”

Ronin assumed that ‘we’ meant he and this ‘Headmaster’. It really was strange that if this person was the Headmaster…..

Why wasn’t he intervening?

Why wasn’t he the one in control of the school? The one ‘pulling the weeds out’? “

Espinella checked his pocket watch. “It is already past lunchtime. What I told Vyrill was right, you still have classes. We need to have you leave eventually, though I do not want to.”

Ronin nodded. He really hated being a student, things would have been easier without being one.

But he needed to still ‘fit in’ as he continued to lurk and scheme behind the shadows.

“When shall we meet and discuss more of your research, Professor?” Ronin asked.

“Hmm….I also have other matters like my Advanced Life Science classes and Councillor duties, so I am not sure. Ever since those attacks, there had been more paperwork and tasks to be done.”

Ronin winced a little from irony. He was the very reason for this professor was so busy.

Well, that’s just how karma works. You lose some, you gain some.

“Perhaps a little before the Exhibit. It would be next year, this year’s was already over.” Espinella said. “Hah, that also means you’re one step closer to becoming my student.”

“And not having to pretend to be your daughter again.” Ronin chuckled.

“Haha… Well, you are like my child to me now, Ronin.” He went to pat his head.

“Your growth… Especially your Flame’s growth…. Matters very much to me.”

Ronin understood now. The story intended for Professor Espinella to be his very own villain mentor figure.

He moved away from the hand.

He doesn’t need any mentors. But he’ll keep this allyship, this ‘student-teacher’ relationship going on, just for the sake of the benefits he will reap.

“How shall I keep in touch with you about my Flame?” Ronin asked.

Espinella smiled, and took something from his drawers.

It was a seal, with a rose engraved on it. It could also be the rune for ‘secrecy’.

This makes sure that the letter would not be opened by anyone who it was not intended for.

“Just place this on any letter you have and leave it at the front gate of the Council building. That is how we’ll keep in touch until we meet again.”

Ronin took the seal. “Alright.”

He went to the door with the cloak hiding his face and figure, but Espinella then called out.

“Oh, Ronin?”

“Yes?” He turned back.

“You wouldn’t tell anyone about our little secret, right? This research must remain confidential until it was proven to be successful.”

Ronin nodded. “Of course.”

He added. “A-And also the fact that I curse people behind their backs. Thank you.”

Ronin just gave a small grin and a nod at this.

And so, his first year ended with a new allyship to this ‘Morpher’. He only leveled up once through the rest of the year.

Nothing much happened, and he only received a small four-pointed star on his vest indicating that he had finished his first year. The Moving Up Ceremony was just simple, a bit boring, in fact.

During vacation, he went back to the House of Zafeiri. Belladonna missed him terribly, and so did Duke Taevas, apparently, according to some of the servants and Mavretri.

Not that he missed any of them.

He only waited for the vacation to be over so he could return as a second year, and see what new things may unfold.

And more chess games to play.

After all, Pavone did invite Cermin Drychspiel to run in his third year as the Lower Year Representative.

The superstitious Zeriav also continuously pesters him to go to the Temple of Gods every morning and night time to avoid further ‘possessions’.

Cermin was noticeably not into these things. But everyone knows at this point that he cannot say no to a friend.

The next round of chess must be so fun, going after the Rook and Bishop.

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