Stone Mage: Revenge of the Villain System

Chapter 79 Blanc D'Argent's Secrets

Sordido was thinking about moving to the Simian’s party. They have a weaker chance of winning, but he had many tricks up his sleeves.

For starters, he knew about what happened to that supposed 100,000 gold coins for the beautification project last year.

Or how Pavone manages to always win by a landslide during elections, having about 75% of the coins tossed to the Avian’s bag.

He will rue the day that he let him go—

“Thinking of switching sides, Sordi?”

His heart went cold when a cane stopped him from walking towards the Simian’s booth.

He gritted his teeth. “You replaced me with that Goldie of yours, what other choice do I have?”

“Oh, not yet. I simply made sure that if his benefactor was watching, we would not be jeopardized. I actually saved your life, no need to thank me.”

“Benefactor?” He raised an eyebrow.

Pavone lowered his hat, looking around.

He whispered to his former Lyr. “Let’s talk somewhere safer and more familiar, hm?”

They then went inside the Council’s building. The lower floor for that was actually for the Student Council.

They were considered to be the ‘mini Council’ after all..

By being students themselves, they were more aware of what their fellow students were up to, or what projects were needed to secure satisfaction.

Pavone took him all the way to the Student Council Head’s office. His own office, and closed the door.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

“I remember when I first brought you here as a jittery, innocent little 1st year.” He said, chuckling. “How times have changed. Now you’re undressing women in public.”

Sordido looked away. “No need to bring up the past. I won’t be affected by that. I’m a different man now.”

“Really? Because all I see is a boy, not a man. A boy who does not think of the consequences of his actions.”

He groaned. “I don’t need your scolding, Pavone. I’m here for negotiations. You wanted to make sure I keep my mouth shut, right?”

“Mouth shut about what?” He just tilted his head to the side.

“From revealing the truth.” He grinned wide.

“I see….. A truth you invented?” Pavone grinned. “What makes you think that anyone would believe a known ‘sleaze’ like you…..”

“And not the news from the Truth Serum?” He brought out a paper. “I have made several statements about events last year. It took all vacation for me to finish them, you know?”

“Aren’t I the most diligent Head this Academy ever had? I always make sure to get to know anyone….. privately.”

He threw the papers to the stunned Sordido’s face. There were hundreds of them!

And they were not just about him.

They were all rumors for every Avian member prepared to be sent to Lovushka’s Truth Serum.

Sweat fell on the 3rd year’s forehead. He never wanted it to reach to this point.

Pavone used to need him. Always telling him how important he was to not only the Student Council, but to him as well. The only friend he could trust.

Until that Drychspiel got in the way, becoming his new favorite kid. His protegee.

“You… What does Cermin have that I don’t have? Why are you throwing me away just like filth after everything I have done for you?”

Pavone chuckled, squeezing his cheek like a father would to his baby boy. “Aw, I am not throwing you away. Far from it. I am putting you in another, better position.”

His eyes brightened at this. “What position? Will I be your Actuary again?”

“No. You will be my spy.” He said, grinning.

“Cermin has a benefactor. The one behind what happened to Volken and Rabuka. This person… Or perhaps persons, are too dangerous to trifle with.”

Sordido frowned. “But that is just your theory. You never met this benefactor yourself.”

“Yes. So let us test this theory. Right now, the benefactor’s smartest move….. Was to get you at their side.”

Sordido nodded. “After what happened earlier, they would believe that I would sell you out.”

“Which you did plan to do, had I not stop you.” Pavone wore a wide fake smile. “Do you see now why you’re still a boy to me, Sordi?”

He had no choice but to admit, flustered by the mistake he had almost done. He almost played into another person’s hands.

And now he’s playing into Pavone’s hands. But he was very much aware of that.

The thing was…. as long as it’s Pavone, he would not mind being played.

“So how do I spy for you? What do I get in return after I succeed?”

“If you succeed, I’ll give you back the position of Lyr. We ruin Cermin Drychspiel and his benefactor permanently… and everything will return to normal.”

“Just like it has before. The Academy will be ours to fully control again, with no interferences like this.”

He patted Sordido’s head just like he did with Cermin. “What do you say, Sordi? Just you and me again, like the old days.”

“I need you more than ever.”

Sordido had no other choice but to agree. He got the carrot and stick approach.

Because he disobeyed, Pavone punished him. He got hit by the stick like a mule.

But since he was showing signs of being useful, he was being enticed by this reward. This carrot to keep him following his commands.

He was well aware of this, and Pavone played him very well.

Which was exactly why he believed he was the best Head this Academy can have in the first place.

He thought he was making his first dumb mistake when he took Cermin’s side earlier, but now that he explained everything, and his plans to include him…

His admiration for his big brother had increased.

“Big brother….. I want to take the Blanc D’Argent surname after this too. Can you promise me that?” He begged in a cute tone.

Pavone frowned. “You know I can’t promise something like that yet. You need to prove your worth to Father first.”

“But wouldn’t finding this benefactor be enough?” Sordido grumbled.

He continued to act like a spoiled child now that he’s not mad at Pavone anymore.

“I’m already doing all the best I could! Not to mention my Mage Focus is powerful despite my mother being a Commoner. Don’t I deserve recognition by now?”

“I know. But all in due time, my sweet little brother.” He continued to brush his hair with his fingers and cupped his cheeks.

“Who knows, maybe Father will need you and see that you are actually a good egg. Just be patient.”

“Okay….” He pouted.

“And another advice…..”

“Yes, Big Brother?”

Pavone’s grip on his head got tighter, his smile even faker. “Control your appetite for women sometimes, hmm?”

“What you do in private is none of my business but when it’s in public… you’ll make me very mad.”

“You don’t want Big Brother to get mad, don’t you?”

Sordido nodded happily. “Of course, Big Brother! I’ll be more discreet next time!”

The elder brother’s grip released, and he patted his head. “Good boy.”

Ronin scoffed as he watched all this from Sordido’s head during lunch time.

Ronin can not only read thoughts, but he can also watch them if they were as vivid as daydreams.

And right now, Sordido was completely lost in his daydreams of what happened earlier, smiling giddily to himself.

It now made sense why he’s pretty good at manipulation from what he did with Cermin and the witnesses earlier. It runs in the blood.

But he’s not as good as his half-brother, not to mention he was too subservient towards him. To the point of daydreaming about being ‘needed’ by him with a stupid smile.

Ah, this helpless younger Blanc D’Argent has no idea that his happy daydreaming would be the very reason for his family’s destruction.

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