Stone Mage: Revenge of the Villain System

Chapter 84 Fortress of Platinum Destroyed

Ronin did not waste any time to ram that blade straight to the Council Head’s heart!

He felt that surge of bliss came to him again, that unexplainable kind of rush that could make anyone feel like their floating on clouds.

The screams were much more beautiful than any orchestral music. A fire of pure passion burned inside him, as he felt the life force leaving his victim’s body…

And moving to him. Invigorating him.

It was such a grotesque display that people covered their eyes, and even Pavone had a look of terror with how much the cloaked figure was enjoying this.

He killed with so much passion that it would make anyone’s blood run cold.

Then, when the life was lost…. His passion was lost too.

Ronin hated this sensation more than anything in this world. The only consolation for this empty feeling was:

[Congratulations. You have leveled up.

Level 22—-> Level 27 ]

Five levels. That was good, but Ronin had expected a bit more.

Perhaps it was because that it gets more difficult to gain levels the higher you go.

The EXP count must be higher for every level. And since he was now in the 20s, it will take a while and even more when he reached 30s and 40s and so on.

‘You now have 5 more minutes of Fool’s Eye, Kai.’ He said in his head. ‘You’re welcome’..

[Wow. Thanks. Really appreciate it that my disguise won’t disappear for 5 more minutes.]

After saying this, he yanked the knife away. Blood splattered all over his cloak, bathing it in crimson.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He did not avoid it, making even more people disgusted and revolted by him….

But also fascinated.

What kind of child kill mercilessly like this? All for the sake of science?

“Pull on the lever.” Pavone ordered, sweating at the image of his now dead father.

Ronin just smiled at him under the thick cloak, and pulled the lever as told.


Lord Blanc D’Argent convulsed, his heartbeat returning after completely stopping. The people held their breaths.

He’s alive again!

The blue sparks continued to give him life, compiling around the stab wound in his chest, and the one on his hand.

In a matter of seconds, it has completely healed…..

And the dead corpse was breathing once more.

“Hah….. Hah….. What’s this….” Lord Blanc D’Argent’s eyes were wide open. “No….. No!!!!!! Save me! Save me!”

He was even more afraid than when Professor Vyrill first woke up, sobbing and going in a fit like a child.

Pavone grabbed Ronin by the collar. “What did you do to my father!?”

Ronin just did not answer. His assistant placed a hand on Pavone’s shoulder.

“Brother… Father is looking unwell. As his only beloved son, shouldn’t you take care of him?”

“Not to mention… everyone is looking badly at us.”

The Student Council, the guest sponsors, and even the students now regarded the Blanc D’Argent family like they were fiends. Monsters that must be eradicated.

Councillor Verita said what they were all thinking.

“None of you Blanc D’Argents are worthy of ruling this Academy anymore. Now that we know the truth, your tyranny is over.”

They all joined in to call them all kinds of names that they never thought they would hear in their entire lives, but deserved to hear.



“Vile and corrupt!”

Pavone had no choice but to take his delirious father and retreat. He knows very well that after this…

They would either receive sticks and stones, or be forced to exile.

Gone was the rule of the Platinum.

Ronin and ‘Sordido’ just watched the two run hurriedly from the people throwing insults and even whatever objects in their hands were at the father and sun.

But then, a voice called out from the entrance of the building—

“That’s not me! That’s an imposter!”

Sordido once more appeared, holding his neck and running to this mess of a stage.

Councillor Verita’s eyes narrowed, and she turned to the ‘Sordido’ on the stage.

“Who are you? Who is the real Sordido?”

She used all her Mage Focus on this person to make him tell the truth.

But this person just smiled, and said a familiar name.

“Cermin Drychspiel.”

Then, he vanished in thin air!


Cermin Drychspiel was indeed found holding a paralyzing stone and hiding in the utility closet.

People found him because of the screams of a girl.

“How dare you!? I trusted you, Cermin!” She screamed and screamed.

Her clothes were a mess, and seemed to be forcefully taken off her.

The guards of the Academy immediately apprehended him. The boy could only shout in disbelief.

“It’s not me! I didn’t do anything to her! She’s my friend, believe me!”

Councillor Verita frowned even more as this boy was taken away.

This was getting out of hand. Her powers did not work on the imposter….

Or the imposter was not lying at all.

No….. Cermin wasn’t lying either whenever he denies all the allegations against him.

This was making her head hurt, and be full of dread for the future of this Academy because of this hidden force that’s going against them.

But at the same time….

“It’s really good that we know about all of Blanc D’Argent’s dastardly deeds! Ah, what an awful, awful man!” One of the guest sponsors said, rising to his feet after this whole fiasco.

They could no longer focus on any of the science experiments anymore, and only continued to gossip about the Blanc D’Argents.

“Who will replace him now? We need someone that could be trusted, not a fraud like him that will leech on the Academy and bled it dry!”

“A change is needed… And this strange incident, whatever this is….. Must be the key for that change.”

She furrowed her brows.

It was this malignant force that saved them from a greater, older evil that eh Academy was facing.

She was suspicious that there was corruption going on, but was cautious because of Lord Blanc D’Argent’s Mage Focus and political power.

But something as this has destroyed his fortress in one strike.

So….. Should they be thankful for this force that keeps on messing with Cermin Drychspiel, then?

What are their true objectives? Are they an ally to this Academy… Or a foe dressing as one?

Ronin just grinned as he passed by reading this Councillor’s thoughts.

‘No need to thank me. I’m not some valiant hero for this school, all of these are just footsteps towards my path of ruining Cermin Drychspiel completely….’

‘Until I gain his trust and betray him, ruining him all over again and again.’

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