Stone Mage: Revenge of the Villain System

Chapter 89 Beautification

Time had passed, and allowed for the new scandal involving Cermin Drychspiel again to cool down.

Nothing happened again ever since. At least, not on the surface.

“Where are we going, Edel?” Klio asked nervously. “Isn’t this the boy’s dorm room?”

“I have left some of my materials here.” Edelweiss answered plainly.

“H-How did you leave it in the first place….. Ah, Edel, I though you would be more careful around boys after what happened…..”

“Ronin borrowed it. I trust Ronin, he’s not like everyone else.”

Klio fidgeted with her vest. “I guess…. Yeah, out of everyone so far, Ronin is the most decent next to Queen Lovushka and his troupe.”

Edelweiss wore a thin smile.

“You had always been a fan of Lovushka, haven’t you? When did it start?”

“Oh, since I came here!” She replied happily from the memory. “I got bullied around a lot. I’m not like you.”

“We’re both girls, but I’m not powerful enough to defend myself. Even from the weakest guys.” She looked downcast.

Then, she lifted her chin up again as she said:

“But Queen Lovuska came at my side like a goddess….. offering his hand wearing white gloves and said that gentlemen shouldn’t mess with ladies.”

“They must know that women are also strong, and not only are we strong, we are also beautiful. Our daintiness is part of our strength.”.

“He envied that, and admired women’s beauty. That’s why he sought to have it himself.”

Edelweiss nodded. “And you don’t find that way of thinking… twisted? Strange? Distrubing?”

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“Not at all! To admire something that many people could not….. That makes Queen Lovushka special among all others!”

She clapped her hand. “He still sees himself as a man, but enjoys women’s clothes without caring for other people’s judgment….. Isn’t that so brave?”

“It reminds me that here I am, someome who can wear those pretty clothes freely…. and yet I’m too scared to present myself the way I want.”

“Always wondering which clothes would be appealing….. yet at the same time not too strong, seductive, whorish or anything like that.”

“Men are expected to dress manly, some not caring for fashion for the fear of standing out. But Lovushka doesn’t care.”

Edelweiss nodded. “I see now. It’s all about his boldness, that’s why you admire him so much.”

“Yes! And also because he does look pretty no matter what he wears.”

“I want to be like that too, though I potentially could with my Mage Focus…”

Edelweiss nodded. “Ah, right. Your Mage Focus is Beautification, making things appear better than they are, right?”

“You’re a Morpho Mage….. and your skill actually fits Artisans better than Scholars. What made you choose to be a Scholar in the first place?”

“Well…. It may seem useless, but it does make up for being a good public figure. Politicians and lawyers need to appear better to be believable.”

“It’s not just people that I can beautify, I can beautify certain animals and plants that serve as specimen for experiments.”

“But you’re right…..” Klio nodded. “I do for Artisans more. But I’m too shy to perform because of it, and my family looks down on Artisans a lot.”

“My mother believes women either be strong or smart to be ‘powerful’. Beauty is not part of that.”

“Beauty is the skill of the seducers and the cheap harlots on the streets that rely on looks to survive.”

Edelweiss was quiet for a while. Klio thought she was going to say something deep and inspiring to cheer her up…

But she only said. “We’re here.”

They entered the room, and Klio blinked in amazement with the many gadgets and machinery inside.

“Ah, this was the invention from the Exhibit, right?” Klio went over to the resurrecting chair connected to bright blue nodes.

“I thought it was taken away by the scientific society?”

“It was. But Ronin had a blueprint, and so he had replicated the machine again.” Edelweiss explained. “Want to try and see how it feels yo sit down?”

“Yes! It doesn’t look too comfortable though, it does look a little intimidating.”

“Oh?” Edelweiss raised an eyebrow. “Why don’t you beautify it?”

Klio sat on the chair. “But wouldn’t Ronin get mad with me meddling with his things?”

“No. I think he would be thankful for helping him improve the appearance of this chair.”

Klio thought about it, then nodded.

“Alright then. Hold on, this might take a while.”

She just sat there, closing her eyes. But the chair started to move and creak as she did.

The metal structure curled, and out of nowhere, soft velvet cushions appeared.

Until it looked more like a throne rather than a machine. Something appealing to look at and sit on.

Edelweiss told her:

“Your skill really does suit Artisan a lot. Even when you don’t have much power, and a weaker Flame…people would love to have you there.”


“Yes, not to mention there are more girls there and kind people like Lovushka.”

“With the Scholars, you’ll have too many expectations, especially from dumb men that don’t know how to appreciate different kinds of usefulness from the norm.”

“So….. Why don’t you move Spires? “

Klio thought about this offer, not noticing that she was being strapped into the machine, and Edelweiss was reaching behind her cloak.

“But….. my parents…..”

Edelweiss chuckled. “You wanted to be bolder, right? And the boldest you can be is to defy your own parents.”

“Be like your idol. Don’t listen to what other people say, do what it is that you want.”

“Maybe….. Maybe if I can prove that I am not able to survive in the Scholars at all….. They’ll allow me to.” Klio thought.

Edelweiss pulled out a knife.

“I can help with that.”

“Edel, what are you—– AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!”



When Klio woke up, she can’t remember a thing. She was lying on a bed, and there’s nothing out of the ordinary for her.

Her clothes even look shinier than usual. Did she beautify herself accidentally?

“I found it.” Edelweiss told her, holding a bunch of papers. “Shall we go? You suddenly fainted, you don’t look so well.”

“Yes….. I feel strange…..” She rubbed her forehead. “Anyway….. we should go. I don’t like staying in a boy’s room for too long.”

Edelweiss nodded, and just help her go outside.

“About what you said earlier….. I’ll think about it.”

Edelweiss nodded. “You really should. Hmm, the remaining 20 minutes of lunch break is almost up.”

“I suggest you go talk to a Councillor first about your decision to change Spires. Maybe you’ll be able to change tomorrow.”

“Alright… Thanks, Edel. I’ll try to keep in touch even when I change Spires!”

She waved goodbye to her. “No need. I’m just happy that you’re deciding thingsnfor yourself.”

As Edelweiss walked back to the classroom, she shifted into someone else.

“Scot-free.” Ronin grinned.

“And one level gained….. Hmm, who should I do next?”

“Thanks to Klio, I could fool more people into sitting in the resurrecting machine without realizing it.”

“Maybe I could set it up as just a normal fancy sofa that people can rest their legs on. Ah, beauty does have its perks.”

And so, the Legend of the Haunted Couch or the Daemon’s Chair in the Exhibition room slowly came… As people mysteriously felt weak and lose some of their Flames upon sitting on it…..

But not remembering much else.

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