Stone Mage: Revenge of the Villain System

Chapter 94 A Woman Always Gets in the Way

Marigold and Cermin had become even closer since that day.

Despite the disagreement of beliefs, Cermin had managed to stay in between of being bosom buddies with Zeriav and slowly courting Marigold.

He continues his rituals, but don’t have the same level of enthusiasm and somberness he had before.

In fact, he seemed to become bored of it and reluctant.

He only looked forward to finishing it quickly and talking again with his new girl.

This made Zeriav feel that the balance was slowly tipping off.

Ronin watched this gradual degradation of their friendship. He couldn’t help but chuckle.

He didn’t even have to be involved for it to happen. A woman just appears and gets in the way of friendship.

Ronin wore a different disguise, this time as a Warriors student named Tago. Through this, he became like an audience to this developing drama.

“Cermin, we have to talk.” He said with a frown..

“Oh, but I promised to watch the blooming of orchids with Marigold today. I’ll talk to you later after classes, sorry!”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

As Cermin waved goodbye with that ignorant and oblivious smile, Zeriav could only grit his teeth and clench his fist.

He looked like he could burst any second, his murky white skin turning pink from so much blood rushing to it. He stomped off to hide in Demetri’s temple, slamming the door.

Ronin watched from his mirror as Zeriav prayed to his patron god quietly. Ronin concentrated on focusing on his thoughts alone.

Which wasn’t really hard since not many people go to The Temple of Gods, especially during school days.

In fact, it was mostly the Monks, Cermin and this strange ‘Tago’ that are here during lunch break.

Ronin’s range for mind-reading was now 10 meters and 25 centimeters now that he was Level 35.

So even while sitting peacefully on the pews of the main area in the Temple, he can still read Zeriav’s mind behind that door.

(Great Demetri… Please guide me. I am at a loss.)

(I know that Cermin consorting with Sister Marigold would not result in any harm. Yet my heart kept on pumping in disarray, I am out of sorts whenever he leaves for her.)

(My purpose is to purify him. Yet I can feel my honest intentions being muddled by these agitated thoughts.)

(My mind is slowly turning to mud and shall slowly sink me. I don’t want that to happen, yet I don’t want Cermin’s growth that I worked so hard for to stagnate.)

(Should I listen to these thoughts and take him away from the kind Sister?)

Ronin became interested in what was going on. Zeriav was confused because he was having possessive thoughts over Cermin as the only person he could rely on, all he had left…

Yet also guilty of them because of his moral nature.

The reason why Zeriav was the last survivor in his game of chess was because of this nature. He doesn’t have bad intentions, at least in his mindset.

This goal of ‘purifying’ was noble for him, sacrificial even. He was only looking after his friend.

And so, Ronin was waiting until he can find a way to make this goal turn twisted. Good intent turning into malicious actions.

Sister Marigold may be the key to that.

He smirked a little, and went to the front door.

‘Gods rarely answer prayers. Let’s help poor Zeriav receive one.’

Demetri often appears in the form of rain or water puddles that appear out of nowhere.

Ronin/’Tago’ went to the two small fountains at the front door of Demetri’s temple, held by a statue of the god itself…..

And using his rune carver, he drew the symbol of ‘abundance’ and ‘overflow’.

It was four straight lines, resembling a waterfall. The water in the fountain used to be only enough to be contained in the statues’ hands.

But once the rune was activated, the water gushed out like an explosion, overflowing from the small canal system by the door and flooding the temple inside!

Zeriav was startled by this, and turned to look at the direction of the flood.

(My Lord? Is that you?)

Ronin drew a rune for ‘echo’ on himself. Then, he spoke in a different voice, booming and mysterious.

“Yes, it is I. I have heard your troubles, Zeriav Mondstein.”

He watched Zeriav from the mirror fall to his feet in front of the growing puddle by the door.

“My Lord! Please, tell me what to do! I can no longer sleep at night from this turmoil I am in…”

Ronin grinned. “The only solution is to let it overflow, my child. Do not keep it all in, the dam will burst eventually. Let it burst and wash away all these agitations.”

Zeriav was surprised by this response. “Do you mean that….?”

“Follow what your heart wants. A great storm will arrive whether you like it or not. The only question is…..”

“Which bridge towards Cermin will be destroyed by the storm? Her bridge…. or yours?”

This made the monk catch his breath, his eyes as wide as two moons from the realization.

He was clutching at his beaded necklace, hands shaking.

“Sister Rozenaur may not have any malicious intent for Cermin….. But she is stunting his growth. You are right, My Lord.”

“She has slowly became a parasite…. a pesty insect that feeds into this little sapling that I worked hard to cultivate. I must not let that happen.”

As he was about to go out the door, Ronin just hid back to being a normal Warriors student praying by the pews. Zeriav looked back and forth for any sign of Demetri.

But there was only the overflowing fountains, that somehow stopped flowing the moment he left the door. This made him further believe that it truly was a god that appeared before him.

He walked out of the Temple, looking at the sunny weather.

Just beyond the school walls would be the Temple of Gods’ garden. This is where the monks cultivates the flowers that they use as offering to their patrons.

Zeriav took one of the beads from his ankles…

“Blessed Demetri, grant me the Tempest Scythe!”

A the weapon appeared in his hand, a scythe dripping with water that made him look like a Grim Reaper…..

He tossed the bead into the air, and used his scythe to slice it!

Storm immediately came out of nowhere, a tempest reflecting the rage and fury of one misguided monk!

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