Stone Mage: Revenge of the Villain System

Chapter 99 2nd Year Ends

It was very easy for Ronin Dreadborne and Cermin Drychspiel to get along that some would even say it was a perfect match.

Despite their large difference in background, and all the troubles Cermin had when it comes to friendship…..

He somehow immediately found a new one, sitting beside him at the Banquet Palace during lunch.

He never looked so at ease with anyone as he had with the Coal Commoner, who just stayed quiet for most of the time, only giving remarks here and there.

Yet the cheery Cermin Drychspiel never found his presence boring.

In fact, he felt more comfortable having someone just let him speak. And Ronin never misunderstood him, not even once.

It was like he knew what was exactly on his mind.

Ronin did not act needy towards him as well. He may be the one who approached Cermin, but he was so laidback with how interacted that it felt like it was Cermin who befriended him.

And perhaps, that is the case.

After all, this boy only offered to talk with him under an umbrella, not be bosom buddies with him..

But they really hit it off so fast that they just spent every free time together, even during the Week’s End.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Ronin seemed to be doing some sort of social experiment outside, with a Councillor supporting him, carrying around this small wagon tent.

Cermin never saw what was inside the tent, as he was not allowed to. He never really questioned it, since people just come and go from it.

Sure, they come out breathless and rattled, hands on their chests… But that’s all.

Nobody really complained or said something as wrong.

“They were just in a daze, is all. Part of the experiment.” Ronin would say.

They would talk about several topics under that sun while waiting for people to volunteer for this experiment or come over to the tent out of curiosity.

Everything was fine and dandy with Ronin. For months, there were no issues at all, and no more daemonic possessions.

Soon enough, the last day of the school year was here. And they were still stuck with each other like glue.

Cermin promised to stay in touch even during vacation. Ronin would just nod disinterestedly.

The golden prince thought this must be the reason why the daemon never tried to wreck the two.

(The daemon must think that Ronin is not my friend yet because of the way he acts around me. He never called me ‘Goldie’ or act chummy and needy.)

And so, he was quite thankful for his new friend’s cold and distant demeanor.

They were having their last lunch break together for this year, and Ronin was not really showing any sign of sentimentality for not seeing him.

And so, Cermin just acted as he normally would. Talking and talking about whatever he wanted to say, like how his day went, or what he thought of the food.

“And then Professor Krustal’s stomach bumped into his desk, and all the test papers tumbled down…..” He recounted an earlier event while chuckling.

“You should have seen his face! It would have been really funny if you saw it yourself!”

“Oh, but I can imagine it.” Ronin nodded. ‘I know what Professor Jasny Krustal looked like, he was my Triannum’s inspector.”

“How was your Triannum like? You have grown since I last saw you, we’re almost at the same height so you must have trained well!”

Ronin sipped on his peach juice. “I never noticed.”

“I heard that you impressed Professor Krustal so much that he allowed you to join the year even when it’s already half-way over!”


“He said you defeated 5 dummies. How did you do that? Er… I mean, most Commoners don’t really have much Flame but you are different—“

Ronin just brought the topic back to him again. “What happened after the papers fell down? Did Professor Jasny still managed to pick them up despite his large stomach?”

Cermin could only smile wryly. He was dumb, but not that dumb.

He knows how evasive Ronin was when it comes to talking about himself.

It was like he wanted to keep himself clouded in mystery, keeping secrets and boundaries despite letting Cermin be around him.

He remembered how Zeriav complained about Cermin never asking about him, so he feared this may end up like that.

He doesn’t want a one-sided friendship like everything before.

Ronin suddenly sighed. “Alright… Since you’re so curious, Your Highness. I’ll tell you a little bit about my Triannum.”

His forlorn look disappeared as he heard this.

Ronin really understand him so well that he can notice what he wanted, huh?

“….. And that was how I did it. Just some lightning, and all of them fell down.”

After Ronin told him the details, very briefly, however….. He can’t help but be more curiouser than ever to know him more.

It was like the same level of curiosity he had when he learns about a new species of flowers or plants.

During botany class, they also study about all kinds of fungus. His expertise had always been flower-bearing plants, so this was a whole new field for him to explore.

It was very much like that. Ronin was like an interesting fungus.

“Ronin… I want to see your lightning powers someday. You should give me an example out in the garden or something. Promise me!”

“Hmm. Alright. Maybe one day.” Ronin said, even though he knows he will never do that.

He was pretty good at finding a way for Cermin to forget all about the promises he made. There was a lot now.

Once the curiosity was satisfied, Cermin was careful enough not to overstep his boundaries.

(I will get through Ronin one step at a time. But I will keep distance like him to…. For his sake.)

(He’s not a protagonist like me, he could be endangered without a plot armor.)

His jaws clenched as he promised to himself with determination.

( This daemon must be my main villain. No matter what, I will keep him safe from this daemon. He’s all I have now.)

The daemon just calmly finished his peach juice, amused by this hero thinking he could protect anyone from anything.

He had grown far from the coward he used to be.

‘You’ve not only grown some brains but some guts now too, Min Cheng. Before, you were just a chicken that runs at the sense of danger you can’t face.’

‘I wonder…. What made you change?’

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