Sugar Dating with CEO

Chapter 159

159 A Suggestion That Makes Her Indecisive

“I’m pregnant.”


The two words that came out of Kalea’s mouth successfully made Zeline spit out her drink right in the brunette girl’s face.

“S-sorry ....”

Kalea did not protest or grumble, she casually took a tissue and wiped the face that was wet from the spray from Zeline’s mouth.

“Wait, can you tell me again what you meant earlier? I don’t think I heard you clearly,” Zeline pleaded as she smiled sweetly and leaned a little closer.

“I’m pregnant with Arthur’s child,” Kalea said again with a face as flat as a washboard. Her voice was not so loud because they were now in the cafeteria although the table they were at was as usual at the far end away from the crowd of other students.

Zeline was dumbfounded, unable to even control her expression as she was shocked to hear the news of Kalea’s pregnancy. “A-are you serious?”

“Of course.”


“We’ve only been talking about this for a few weeks! And you’re... pregnant?” Zeline asked still in disbelief, the word ‘pregnant’ made as quiet as possible so that no one would hear it. “How is that possible?”

“What kind of stupid question is that? Me and him do it all the time, what do you expect to get out of having sex? Of course a baby, not a plasma TV,” Kalea snorted as she drank some white milk.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Zeline watched Kalea who was sipping the milk, then asked, “What you are drinking is pregnant milk?”

Kalea instantly choked on the blonde girl’s remark.

“Not at all,” Kalea replied as she wiped her lips.

“So, how long has it been?” Zeline asked curiously.

“It’ll be six weeks soon.”

“Did Arthur find out?”

“Yes, and I’ve also confessed my true feelings to Arthur,” Kalea replied, seemingly casually but to Zeline’s surprise.

“Then how did he respond?”

Kalea recounted what had happened that night, even though it hurt her to have her feelings brought up again. However, it felt like she also wanted someone who could hear her complaints all this time. Zeline was trustworthy after all. And maybe that girl could give her a solution on what to do in the future.

“Didn’t you say before that you didn’t want to use the excuse of being pregnant so Arthur could marry you? You didn’t forget, did you?” Zeline asked as she folded her arms, looking straight at Kalea like she was interrogating her.

“I... I didn’t forget. But when I was actually in the position I’m in now, it hurt when he said he wanted to take responsibility without marrying me,” Kalea replied with her head down, her hazel eyes growing even sadder.

“Hey, a lot of people are like that. They live together without marriage.”

“But they love each other. My case is different. He doesn’t love me, he wants responsibility but will always play around with other women. Then what about when the baby grows up and asks about they father acting like a scumbag?” Kalea ranted at length as she held her stomach with a gentle touch.

“’re thinking too far ahead. Besides, Arthur can’t live that freely forever. Then what will you do?”

“I don’t know. If I stay with him, my feelings will continue to hurt. Would it be better for me to just leave?”

“Are you sure?”

Kalea looked up at Zeline, but before she could answer Zeline continued.

“Haven’t you always been with him? He’s always there for you, every time there’s a problem he’s the first person to help you, right?” Zeline asked trying to make Kalea even more indecisive, but Zeline’s words also had a point. “Without realizing it, you’ve depended on him a lot, Lea. Did you forget how desperate you were for a job until you asked me? Well, I don’t really know your life, but Arthur indirectly came to your aid.”

Kalea was silent, still listening to the ramblings of the blonde girl in front of her, suddenly Zeline became the wisest person on earth.

“I understand your feelings, you loved him but that love was unrequited. But please think again, what will happen to the baby in your belly if you choose to leave Arthur,” Zeline said seriously, her blue eyes flicking to Kalea’s belly. “Will they life be secured? Will you work as hard as you did before you met Arthur?”

“...don’t I have the right to be happy? Do I always have to put other people’s feelings before my own?” Kalea asked sounding desperate. Increasingly, for some reason, Kalea felt sensitive.

“It’s both of your children. At least Arthur still wants to take responsibility, but if you’re sure you can live alone without Arthur’s help, that’s up to you,” Zeline replied, still leaving the decision in Kalea’s hands. “Or at least be patient until the baby is born. Doesn’t a pregnant woman always want to be spoiled by the man she loves?”

Kalea sighed heavily, her indecision was getting worse. She just nodded in resignation so that Zeline would not go any further.

Zeline smiled, leaning in slightly to pat Kalea’s shoulder across the table. “Cheer up, you’ll get through it. If you need my help, just say so. I’ll help as much as I can even if I have to berate you first,” Zeline said, her smile widening to show her neat rows of teeth.


“You didn’t bring your car today?” Zeline asked when Kalea did not come to the parking lot.

Kalea shook her head slowly, then replied, “He drove me here this morning.”

“Then how do you get home now? Will he pick you up?”

“I don’t know, I can take the bus anyway. Bye, Zeline. Be careful on the road,” Kalea said goodbye as she waved. Before she could take a step away from Zeline, the blonde girl tugged on Kalea’s collar, making Kalea squeal in pain.

“Argh! What are you doing?!” Kalea protested after Zeline let go.

“Don’t ride the bus, you’ll get tired easily. Pregnant women don’t do much,” Zeline warned with a stepmotherly expression. “Aw!”

Kalea gave Zeline’s belly a small pinch in her excitement. “Can you lower your voice, what if someone hears it?”

“Sorry, sorry.”

“Never mind, I’ll think about it on the way, you just go home.”

“What-hey! I can take you!” Zeline shouted but Kalea had already walked away without heeding Zeline’s shout. The blonde girl just snorted in annoyance and walked towards the parking lot, at least she had to take the car first to force Kalea to go home with her.

On the other hand, Kalea who had just come out of the campus gate was surprised when many people were whispering about something, Kalea did not want to care and continued on her way.


Kalea’s eyes rounded, she turned back when she heard the voice of the person who called her there was a very familiar voice. Kalea was dumbfounded, it was Arthur. The man got out of the car, revealing his presence in front of many people. Arthur wore sunglasses and walked confidently toward Kalea.

“Let’s go home,” Arthur asked, smiling his handsome smile, even though Kalea could not see his face clearly because of the sunglasses.

“I don’t want to,” Kalea refused, covering her nose. She was busy grabbing a mask and putting it on and took a few steps back from Arthur.

Arthur was still trying to be patient, especially since many people were watching them. He smiled very sweetly, even though his heart was upset. Then he said, “Come home with me, or I’ll force you into the car no matter what people say.”

Kalea seemed unafraid, looking up at Arthur haughtily. “Try it if you dare.”

Kalea’s gaze rounded perfectly when Arthur lifted her up like he was carrying a sack of rice.

“Wh-what are you doing?! Let go of me!” Kalea struggled as she hit Arthur’s back but he ignored her and kept walking towards the car.

“Shut up, naughty girl.” Arthur opened the passenger car door and sat Kalea there. “Don’t resist, or I’ll be very angry,” he said, smiling a smile sweeter than a macaron but somehow making Kalea goosebumps and unable to say anything but obey her sugar daddy’s words. Arthur immediately closed the car door so that Kalea could not get out again.

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