Sugar Dating with CEO

Chapter 166

166 There Is No Reason To Stay Here

Kalea’s heart ached, and she chose to leave rather than continue listening to Arthur’s confession which would hurt her even more. Kalea held her stomach, suddenly her stomach became painful. Kalea walked back past many people, her body kept colliding with others but she did not care and kept walking until she left the club.

Once in the car, Kalea took off her glasses and mask. Without waiting for anything else, she immediately stepped on the gas to leave the place that had caused her heartache. Kalea drove the car with sobs that she could no longer hold back. Her brain could not think straight, seeing and hearing firsthand what a jerk Arthur was.

“You’re an idiot, Kalea. What do you expect from a man like Arthur?” Kalea muttered as she rubbed her tear-soaked cheeks.

Her vision was getting blurry, she was not even focused on driving. She drove the car faster and faster until it exceeded her usual average speed. Kalea suddenly slammed the steering wheel to the left to avoid a collision when she realized she was about to hit the vehicle in front of her. This was because she was lost in her thoughts of Arthur. Kalea’s hazel eyes rounded because what was now in front of her was a large tree, and she immediately hit the brakes with all her might. Her head hit the steering wheel of the car and a drop of blood came out of Kalea’s forehead.

Kalea’s breathing was irregular, but she managed to stop the car right in front of the big tree. Kalea felt her forehead, staring at her palm that was covered in blood from the impact. Kalea closed her eyes, trying to calm herself down even though it was very difficult. She almost had a major accident if she was not quick enough to handle it. Her gaze went blank again, tears falling again.

Kalea covered her face with both hands, sobbing even louder as if she wanted to vent all her accumulated emotions. Her emotions were unstable due to the pregnancy hormones. Kalea’s mind even thought of regretting avoiding the collision earlier. It would have been better for her to die.

In the end, Arthur would leave her too. He was not a man worthy of love and belonging. Arthur was not that kind of man, and it was Kalea’s own fault. Arthur just wanted to follow the rules and he was very consistent. Everything she had suspected lately turned out to be true. Arthur was just doing everything out of necessity and responsibility that the man had told him.

“Haha, this is all my fault. I got my hopes up, my expectations were too high,” Kalea joked, continuing to blame herself, as she laughed softly.

She was there for about an hour, with many large, lush trees and no one but her. Other cars rarely passed by, not to mention the lack of street lighting. Finally, Kalea’s crying stopped. As Kalea wiped her wet cheeks, the girl’s gaze suddenly turned serious. Kalea could not stay there, she tried to start the car and luckily it was still running properly and she quickly left the place.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


As if nothing had happened before, Kalea now drove the car more calmly, not caring about the forehead that was still injured. She would treat it herself once she reached the penthouse.

At the penthouse, Kalea washed her body. She did everything as usual, and took the medicine box to treat her forehead. Until it was two o’clock in the morning, Arthur had not yet arrived. Kalea smiled sadly, and climbed into bed. Covering her body until only her head and neck remained. Trying to sleep, forgetting everything she had experienced tonight.

At four in the morning, Arthur came to the penthouse. His appearance was as usual without the smell of cigarettes, alcohol, or female perfume. This was because Arthur had always showered outside first, removing any strong odors that would make Kalea suspicious. After he changed his clothes, Arthur slept next to Kalea. Without checking Kalea’s condition with her back to him, he immediately closed his eyes and sank into dreamland.

In the morning, Arthur got ready for work as usual. He frowned when he saw Kalea busy in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

“What are you doing?” Arthur asked, as he approached his sugar baby.

“Eat first, I’m just preparing a simple breakfast,” Kalea replied as she set down a plate with sunny side up eggs and bacon.

Arthur stared at the food Kalea had made, his gaze growing more annoyed as he said, “Didn’t I tell you not to cook while pregnant?”

Kalea sighed, refraining from rolling her eyes lazily. “I’m not in the mood to argue. Whether you want to eat it or not is up to you,” Kalea replied as she sat in front of Arthur and took a sip of the special milk for pregnant women.

The man watched Kalea’s face, and focused more and more on her sugar baby’s bandaged forehead. His hand tried to touch it, but Kalea quickly brushed it away. Both of them looked surprised.

“... what’s wrong with your forehead? Did you fall?”

“It’s nothing,” Kalea replied indifferently and continued eating her breakfast.

“I’m asking seriously, Lea.”

“I just bumped the edge of the table when I was picking things up,” Kalea lied without looking at Arthur.

“Don’t you need to go to the hospital?”

“Don’t exaggerate, it’s just a minor injury. I can treat it myself,” Kalea snorted as she devoured her grilled sausage. She did her best to act as usual, even though what Arthur had done and what he had said about her would not be easily forgotten.

Arthur nodded, not wanting to discuss it further if Kalea did not want to. “Well, let me know if anything happens,” he never tired of reminding her.

However, Kalea had had enough of that nonsense.

Arthur had no choice but to eat the breakfast Kalea had made. He finished it quickly as if he did not want to spend too long with the girl.

“I have to go to work now, are you going to campus today?” Arthur asked as he got up from his chair.

“Yes, as usual,” Kalea replied casually.

“Alright, be careful on the road.” Arthur kissed Kalea gently on the forehead before exiting the penthouse leaving Kalea alone.

After Arthur left, Kalea rubbed her forehead roughly as if to remove the man’s mark there.

Today, she decided to get away from Arthur.

Not being with Arthur hurt, but if Kalea insisted on being with Arthur, it hurt just as much.

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