Supreme Harem Hunter

Chapter 153 Fiona Vs Mingxi - 1

Fiona didn't rebuke Mingxi; with a frown on her face, she pointed her palm at Mingxi, and from it shot out a white ball.

Mingxi didn't get surprised by this sudden attack, he covered his body with brown spiritual energy and punched at the white ball that was right before him.


A white dome spread, taking Mingxi as its center, but it wasn't able to fully expand; something shot out of it, heading toward Fiona.

Fiona flew up and distanced herself while shooting the white balls at Mingxi, who was looming at her.

Boom Boom…

Constant explosions resounded throughout the battlefield as Mingxi tanked and evaded Fiona's attacks. Mingxi was like someone in battle-hardened mode, as the only desire in his eyes was to defeat Fiona right here and now.

Fiona could see it clearly, and she could also see that her attacks were not effective against Mingxi as he had cultivation realm advantage and this type of attack was for a wide range.

So, Fiona stopped retreating back and flew straight at Mingxi. " [ Angelic Hymn - Heavenly Blade - Chaotic Child Form ] "

From Fiona's left palm, eight white swords conjured themselves and danced behind her chaotically, and from her right palm, a long, double-edged sword was made with her spiritual energy.

"Hahaha…you have nowhere to escape today!" Mingxi laughed, seeing Fiona crash down on him.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Mingxi bent his knees, and then, using it like a spring, he shot into the sky.


A small pit was created from the force Mingxi launched himself with.

Then, in a matter of seconds, Mingxi and Fiona met with each other.

Fiona's sword in hand clashed with Mingxi's fist, which she wasn't able to gain an advantage on. She got pushed back, but she wasn't worried as she had another thing left to attack.

The chaotic swords behind her surrounded Mingxi, who was in midair and started slashing his body from all directions.

Ting Ting Pich Pich Ting

The chaotic sword struggled first to injure Mingxi, as only the sound of metal clashing against each other could be heard when the sword's attack landed. But that was momentary; the swords were gradually able to inflict scars on Mingxi's body and damage his clothes.

Mingxi swung his fists to tackle these chaotic swords, but he wasn't able to land any hits because of their unpredictable movement pattern.

Mingxi, who was falling to the ground and fighting against these swords, saw through the corner of his eye a white streak heading toward him.

"Argghh!" Fiona came swinging down her sword at Mingxi with a scream, pouring out all of her strength.


Fiona's eyes widened when she saw Mingxi not shooting down at the ground but suspended in the air like he was locked by something. However, that only lasted for a second before Mingxi's body shot down, crashing into the ground.


The beasts, or cultivators, under Mingxi got crushed to death.

Fiona didn't stop and flew down, knowing that wasn't enough to kill Mingxi.

Her guess was right, Mingxi was still alive, breathing rhythmically. Mingxi got up from the ground and clenched his fists. A surge of brown spiritual energy burst out of him and quickly revolved only around his body. " [ Iron Giant ] "

Quickly, Mingxi's body became stout, and his skin started to shine under the sunlight, even reflecting light.

Mingxi raised his head and looked at Fiona with a smirk.

Fiona's eyes widened as she felt an impending danger. She instantly crossed her arms over her chest.

And her guess was right, as Mingxi had vanished the moment she crossed her arms, arriving before her, in the sky.

Mingxi's punch landed in the cross of Fiona's arms.


Fiona's body shot into the sky with a boom as her body rotated uncontrollably. 'What is that power!?'

Fiona was shocked by Mingxi's sudden change in strength, as the bones in her arms were broken and they were aching heavily. Fortunately, she was known as having the best healing capability; her spiritual energy quickly mended the bones in her arms, fixing them in a few minutes.

But that didn't make her relax as she saw Mingxi coming at her, using his spiritual energy to make a small platform in the air and use it to propel him toward her.

'I can't fight him at close range, and I can't do anything at long range.' Fiona decided to retreat while maintaining a certain distance where her chaotic swords could do damage.

However, Fiona's face became grim when she saw that the chaotic sword that was known for its sharpness wasn't able to even scratch Mingxi.

Getting her teeth in frustration, Fiona made a decision. 'If I can't do anything to his body, then I have to find a way to hit his weak spots!'


Halting in her trajectory, she flew toward Mingxi at full throttle. Mingxi grinned seeing her approach him. "Come, I am the only one that can help in Everryyyythinnggg!"

Clutching the sword with both hands, Fiona crashed toward Mingxi by pointing her sword, like a sharp arrow coming down from the stars, as a white trail could be seen.

Mingxi also launched himself at Fiona, punching at her with all of his strength.


Fiona's sword, after three seconds of clashing with Mingxi's fist, which made her sword break into pieces and his fist didn't stop as it continued on its path, headed toward Fiona's right shoulder.

Fiona, in a matter of a split second, turned her body, dodging the fist in a nick of time. Then she grabbed Mingxi's neck and crashed into the ground with all of her strength.


All of this happened in a few seconds, but for them, it seemed like an eternity.

On the ground, one could see Fiona on top of Mingxi after the dust settled.

Mingxi was laid on his belly on the ground. His eyes widened in shock as to how he came to be in this situation. Because when Fiona grabbed his neck, he had crushed that hand's wrist, and he was gloating at her for such a stupid and irrational mistake.

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