Surviving as a Barbarian in a Fantasy World

Chapter 194: The Queen of High Elves (2)

[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

Chapter 194: The Queen of High Elves (2)

“I do not know the limits of my physical body.”

Ketal’s body had never been wounded in the outside world.

Only once, Rubitra left a mark on his body, but it was just a red mark that would fade over time.

Ketal didn’t know what level of a strong opponent could pierce his body.

“It’s not a good thing.”

He couldn’t rely solely on his physical body forever.

Misjudging an opponent’s strength could lead to significant harm.

“But if it’s you, you could figure out my limits. You are the High Elf Queen, a hero among the strong.”

Hero class.

One of the strongest beings in the world.

That’s who was standing before Ketal now.

If it was someone that strong, they could identify the limits of his physical body.

“Um… it makes sense.”

Arkamis, who had been listening, nodded as if it was reasonable.

It was indeed necessary.

“Is it possible?”

Ketal asked with eyes full of anticipation.

Although he mentioned it for those reasons, the truth was, he simply wanted to fight.

How strong was the strongest person in the world?

How would they compare to the monsters of the White Snowfield?

Karin was said to be a contractor with the Spirit King.

What level of power did the Spirit King possess?

He was extremely curious.

It was hard to hold back as it was an opportunity to satisfy his long-standing curiosity.


Karin, who had been silent for a moment, spoke softly but quickly.

“No, it seems difficult. This place is a sanctuary.”

“If you were to spar with someone of your level, we don’t know what effects it might have here.”

“Then outside the sanctuary…”

“That also seems difficult. There are malevolent beings outside.”

Currently, the Elf Sanctuary was surrounded by dark magicians.

It was easy to forget because the sanctuary was very peaceful, but it wasn’t a peaceful situation.

“I have to conserve my strength to protect the sanctuary. It seems difficult.”

“…I see.”

Ketal clicked his tongue in disappointment.

Karin’s words were very reasonable.

Any further insistence would be stubbornness on his part.

Arkamis tilted her head curiously.

“Huh? It doesn’t really matter, does it? It’s not like the dark magicians could break through the queen’s defense just because of a sparring match.”

“There is always a chance.”

“There’s no chance…”

“Shut up, Arkamis.”

Karin smiled brightly.

Arkamis quickly closed her mouth.

“Then, is it possible after everything is over?”

“Haha. Let’s talk about that then. It’s too urgent right now.”

“That’s true. I understand.”

Ketal clicked his tongue again and stepped back.

‘…I would win.’

If they fought, she would win.

But there was no need to fight unnecessarily.

Fighting to prove strength was a very barbaric act.

As a queen, she had to maintain her dignity.

‘I would win, but…’

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

She concluded that it was only because of the situation that they wouldn’t fight.

She decided in her heart.

But she couldn’t help the momentary unease she felt.

Trying to calm her emotions, Karin changed the subject.

“Then let’s get to the main point. You came to me to learn how to conceal your aura, didn’t you?”

“Ah, yes. Please.”

Ketal smiled.

Karin, having successfully diverted his attention, sighed with relief inside.

* * *

With the atmosphere calmed, Karin began to explain slowly.

“Currently, Mr. Ketal, you are fully revealing your aura. Therefore, your presence is overwhelming the surroundings. It’s not very desirable. You need to conceal that aura.”

Concealing one’s aura was absolutely necessary.

It was like the difference between holding a sword recklessly and holding it with the proper grip.

It was the same.

“I’ll show you a simple example.”

As soon as Karin finished speaking, her presence expanded.

In an instant, Karin’s presence covered the entire sanctuary.

Elves looked up at the World Tree in surprise.

“This is…”

Ketal showed a surprised expression.

Karin’s presence was gently but unmistakably spreading throughout the sanctuary.

It was similar to the presence Ketal felt from himself.

Karin was also a hero-level strong person.

She could affect her surroundings with just her presence.

She was merely concealing it.

“You can reveal and conceal yourself in this way.”

Karin calmly retracted her presence.

The presence that had been pressing down on the entire sanctuary disappeared cleanly.

“Oh. How do I do it? Is it impossible without mystic powers?”

“It has nothing to do with mystic powers. The important thing is you, yourself. That’s all.”

Karin explained calmly.

“Concentrate on yourself as an existence.”

“On myself as an existence?”

“Yes. And think of holding that within yourself. Imagine looking at yourself as another person and containing that within you.”


Ketal closed his eyes and focused his mind.

Arkamis watched him with a curious expression.

“…My Queen. When did I do that?”

“I think you were about ten years old.”


What Ketal was doing now was the basic step that anyone dealing with mysteries must first undertake.

It was akin to taking baby steps.

For someone as powerful as Ketal to not know how to walk was a very peculiar sight.

“I think I’ve got it roughly.”

“That was quick. Now, compress it.”

“What do you mean by compress?”

“Enclose all your accomplishments and achievements within yourself. Visualization is important. Think of writing it down in a book; that might make it easier.”

“A book, huh.”

Ketal followed Arkamis’s instructions.

He began to write down in his mental book all the things he had achieved in the white snowy plains.

“…This is taking longer than I thought.”

“It does take time….”

And indeed, the process was quite lengthy.

Ketal sat there with his eyes closed for over an hour.

It meant that documenting the achievements of the person named Ketal took several hours.

Karin looked exasperated.

‘…Just how much has he accomplished?’

As time flowed by and turned into several hours, a change occurred.

Arkamis was surprised.


The sense of presence emanating from Ketal was slowly diminishing.

Ketal opened his eyes.

“Is this the feeling?”


Karin nodded.

“Think of it as engraving it more deeply by repeating the process. The goal is to encapsulate everything perfectly without leaving anything out.”

“I see.”

“This process is also essential for you, Ketal, to acquire and handle the mysteries.”

Gathering energy was crucial for handling mysteries.

Without this process, the consumption of mysteries was high, and the concentration of power was not properly achieved.

Ketal continued to gather his energy under guidance.

After a week, Karin cautiously asked,

“…Do you not need rest?”

For a whole week, Ketal had neither slept nor eaten.

[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

He invested all 24 hours of each day into gathering energy.

No matter how strong one’s stamina was, the mind would still get exhausted.

Gathering energy required considerable mental effort.

Even for someone as strong as Ketal, it was an impressive feat.

“It’s just fun, though?”

Ketal said nonchalantly.

Managing and gathering one’s own energy and presence.

It was like something out of a comic book.

He was doing such things in reality, so there was no reason to get tired.

It was so enjoyable that he lost track of time.

Karin looked at Ketal with mixed feelings.

“…If that’s the case, I will go out on a reconnaissance for a bit. If you have any questions, please ask when I return.”

“Oh. Don’t worry. Take your time.”

Karin descended from the World Tree.

Left alone, Ketal continued to gather energy with joy.

Due to investing all his time, the presence emanating from him had noticeably diminished.

At this rate, he would soon be able to gather it completely.

Then he would be able to converse with the elves he met for the first time without any misunderstandings.

It was very satisfying.

As Ketal was gathering his energy, a thought crossed his mind.

‘…If I can reduce my presence, I can also increase it, right?’

A strong presence naturally exuded from him, suppressing his surroundings.

It was an extremely natural presence, not something he consciously displayed.

He was now suppressing and gathering it.

Conversely, it meant he could expand that presence and further suppress his surroundings.

Didn’t Karin also spread her presence across the entire sanctuary?

Then he could do it too.


After a moment of contemplation, Ketal made a decision.

He expanded himself.

He released the words of achievements written within him.

A powerful presence rapidly spread in all directions.

At that moment, Karin was descending the World Tree and looking beyond the sanctuary.

“…There’s movement from the dark magicians.”

“Yes. It seems they will move soon.”

Captain of the Guardians, Ash, nodded.

“Relay the battle preparations to the Guardian units.”

“Understood. But….”

Ash asked cautiously,

“How is the barbarian doing?”

A barbarian in the elven sanctuary.

Ketal was currently very famous within the sanctuary.

He didn’t know because he hadn’t come down, but most of the elves’ conversations were about him.

Not only had a barbarian entered the sanctuary, but he was also staying in the Queen’s residence.

Additionally, Arkamis seemed to show favor towards the barbarian.

It was bound to be a topic of conversation.

“He’s fine. He’s doing well.”

“Is that so….”

Ash looked worried.

He was an elf, and it was only natural to be concerned since the barbarian was staying in the most important place of the World Tree.

Karin, reading his mind, spoke confidently.

“There is no problem. And even if something were to happen, it wouldn’t matter. I’m here.”

“Indeed. With the Queen here, my worries are unnecessary.”

Ash nodded with a smile.

Just as Karin was about to tell him not to worry needlessly.


A massive pressure overwhelmed them.

“Ah, ah.”

Ash’s face turned pale in an instant.

He unknowingly dropped to his knees and clung to the wall, his entire body trembling like a leaf.

It wasn’t just Ash.

The nearby elves were in the same state.

As they were weaker than Ash, their condition was worse.

They were breathing heavily, struggling under the pressure.

The only one unaffected was Karin.

“Hold on!”

Karin was taken aback.

A massive presence, an overwhelming pressure, was suppressing the entire sanctuary.

“What is this!”

‘Could it be that a god has descended nearby!’

Had the Spirit God come down directly?

The presence was enough to make one think so.

Karin hurriedly located the source of the presence.


Her eyes widened.

The presence was emanating from near the leaves of the World Tree.

“No way!”

Karin swiftly moved.

She quickly ascended the World Tree and reached where Ketal was.

Karin involuntarily gasped.

The pressure felt there was terrifying.

The space itself seemed distorted.

And at the center of it was Ketal.

Ketal was standing still with his eyes closed.

“K-Ketal! Stop it!”

Karin advanced, forcibly suppressing the distorted space.

“Hmm? Karin? What’s going on?”

“Please gather your energy!”

“…Ah. My apologies.”

Ketal slowly gathered his energy.

The overwhelming presence that had been pressing down on the entire sanctuary dissipated.

She could hear the elves below the World Tree exhaling deeply.

Karin looked at Ketal in astonishment.

“What were you doing?”

“Well, didn’t you expand your presence? I was curious if I could do it too. Sorry for doing it without warning.”

“…Is that all?”

“Yes. Was there a problem?”

The recent event was just from him releasing his presence?

‘…Could he really be the ruler of the White Snow Plains?’

Karin seriously began to doubt.

[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

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